There is, there are (A1)

Hlavní přehled

There is, there are – procvičování:

Tato lekce se zabývá pokročilejším použitím. Na úplné základy se můžete podívat v lekci: There is, there are (A0)

Look, there is a rainbow over the city! = Podívej, nad městem je duha!

There is a rainbow!
There are clouds.
Podívej, nad městem je duha!
Look, there is a rainbow over the city!

Vazbu THERE IS/ARE používáme, pokud chceme vyjádřit, že se něco nachází někde nebo existuje. Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná novou informaci, vazba se obvykle nepoužívá s THE.


There is the a dog in the garden.
There are the dogs in the garden.
The dog is in the garden.
The dogs are in the garden.

There are flowers on the table. Are they yours? = Na stole jsou květiny. Jsou tvoje?

There are the flowers flowers...
Na stole jsou květiny. Jsou tvoje?
There are flowers on the table. Are they yours?

Are there any people in the waiting room? = Jsou v čekárně nějací lidé?

Are there the any people...?
Jsou v čekárně nějací lidé?
Are there any people in the waiting room?

There is money in the drawer. = V šuplíku jsou peníze.

There is the money...
The money is...
V šuplíku jsou peníze.
There is money in the drawer.
There isn't a... There is no...

Porovnejte tvorbu záporu:

There isn't a cake.
There is no cake.
There isn't any coffee.
There is no coffee.
There aren't any biscuits.
There are no biscuits.

There aren't any strawberries in the cake. = V dortu nejsou žádné jahody.

There aren't no aren't any strawberries...
V dortu nejsou žádné jahody.
There aren't any strawberries in the cake.

There were no tourists in that part of town. = V té části města nebyli žádní turisté.

There were no tourists...
There weren't any tourists...
V té části města nebyli žádní turisté.
There were no tourists in that part of town.

THERE IS/ARE často používáme pro vyjádření, kolik něčeho někde je:

There are six of us at the table.
U stolu je nás šest.
How many subway lines are there in New York?
Kolik je v New Yorku linek metra?

There are billions of stars in the sky. = Na obloze jsou miliardy hvězd.

There are billions of stars in the sky.
In the sky are billions of stars.
Na obloze jsou miliardy hvězd.
There are billions of stars in the sky.
THERE IS/ARE v praktických situacích:

There were taxis outside the airport. = Před letištěm byly taxíky.

There were the taxis outside the airport.
The taxis were outside the airport.
Před letištěm byly taxíky.
There were taxis outside the airport.

Is there a TV in the hotel room? = Je na hotelovém pokoji televize?

Is there the a TV...?
Is the TV...?
Je na hotelovém pokoji televize?
Is there a TV in the hotel room?

There are three rooms in our house. = V našem domě jsou tři pokoje.

There are three rooms in our house.
In our house are three rooms.
V našem domě jsou tři pokoje.
There are three rooms in our house.

There isn't any milk in the fridge. = V lednici není žádné mléko.

There isn't no any milk...
There is no milk...
V lednici není žádné mléko.
There isn't any milk in the fridge.

Excuse me. Is there a restaurant nearby? = Promiňte. Je tu někde poblíž restaurace?

Is there the a restaurant nearby?
Is the restaurant nearby?
Promiňte. Je tu někde poblíž restaurace?
Excuse me. Is there a restaurant nearby?

There is a bank on this street. = Na této ulici je banka.

There is the a bank on this street.
The bank is on this street.
Na této ulici je banka.
There is a bank on this street.

THERE IS, THERE ARE – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: