Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na vazby:
Have somebody do | nechat někoho něco udělat |
Have somebody to do | mít někoho k dispozici pro něco |
Get somebody to do | přesvědčit někoho k něčemu |
Have something done | nechat si něco udělat |
přihodit se |
Have someone do, have something done... – procvičování:
Další související lekce: Have something done (B1)
Will you have somebody water the garden while you're abroad? – Yes, we'll have it watered by a neighbour.
Nechat někoho něco udělat: |
We'll have somebody water it.
Nechat si něco udělat: |
We'll have it watered.
Pokud necháváme někoho něco udělat (= dáváme instrukce nebo o něco žádáme), použijeme HAVE + osobu + infinitiv:
The box is too heavy for you. Have Chris lift it. (= Ask Chris to lift it.)
Krabice je moc těžká. Ať ji zvedne Chris. |
I don't have time to fix your notebook myself. But I'll have John do it for you. (= I'll instruct John to do it.)
Nemám čas opravit tvůj notebook. Ale řeknu Johnovi, aby ti to udělal. |
Pomocí vazby HAVE SOMEBODY DO dáváme důraz na osobu (Chris, John...), která činnost udělá, spíše než na činnost jako takovou.
I'll have Danny go to the supermarket. Do you need something?
Nechat někoho udělat: |
I'll have Danny go there.
Thomas had the receptionist book a taxi for him.
Požádat někoho: |
He had her book a taxi.
We'll have the porter bring the luggage upstairs.
We'll have him brought bring it upstairs.
Pokud máme někoho k dispozici na něco, použijeme HAVE + osobu + TO infinitiv:
I have an uncle to do gardening for me.
O zahradu se mi stará strýc. |
Do you have somebody to clean the house as well?
Máš někoho, kdo by ti doma také uklidil? |
Namísto TO můžeme použít formálnější IN ORDER TO:
I have an uncle in order to do gardening for me.
Do you have somebody in order to clean the house?
I wish I had a dog to hike with me in the mountains.
Mít někoho/něco k dispozici: |
I wish I had a dog to hike with me.
To make the deadline, Claire had another accountant to help her.
She had somebody to help her.
She had somebody in order to help her.
Pokud někoho přesvědčíme/přinutíme k něčemu, použijeme GET + osobu + TO infinitiv:
He got her to leave early. (= He convinced her to leave.)
Přesvědčil ji, aby odešla brzy. |
How did they get him to surrender? (How did they make him surrender?)
Jak ho přiměli, aby se vzdal? |
The thug got me to open the vault for him.
Přinutit někoho: |
He got me to open it.
My daughter is rather fussy about her food. I've never been able to get her to eat vegetables.
Přesvědčit někoho: |
I can't get her to eat them.
I can't get her to clean.
I can't get her to study.
Pokud si necháváme něco udělat (= někdo to udělá za nás), použijeme HAVE + předmět + třetí tvar slovesa:
Will you paint the walls yourself? – No, I'll have them painted.
Budeš si stěny malovat sama? – Ne, nechám je vymalovat. |
We don't need to have the broken door replaced. My husband can do that himself.
Nemusíme si nechat vyměnit ty rozbité dveře. Manžel to zvládne udělat sám. |
V hovorovější angličtině můžeme použít GET:
I'll get the walls painted.
We don't need to get the door replaced.
Více o vazbě v lekci: Have something done
Could I please have my order delivered as soon as possible?
Nechat si něco udělat: |
Could I have it delivered?
Chloe went to a beauty salon to have her nails professionally done.
She had her nails done.
Nechala si upravit nehty. |
She had done her nails.
Upravila si nehty. |
Ideally, you should have your car serviced once a year.
Nechat si něco udělat: |
You should have serviced the car the car serviced.
I had my tooth pulled last week.
I had my tooth pulled.
Nechal jsem si vytrhnout zub. |
I had pulled my tooth.
Vytrhl jsem si zub. |
I had my notebook repaired by Tom. (= zdůrazňuje se, CO se udělá)
I had Tom repair the notebook for me. (= více než co se udělá, nás zajímá, KDO to udělá)
Your kitchen looks great now. When did you have it renovated anyways?
Nechat si něco udělat: |
When did you have it renovate renovated?
I'll have Susan make us all coffee.
Nechat někoho udělat: |
I'll have her made make coffee.
HAVE + předmět + třetí tvar slovesa používáme někdy s významem – přihodit se/stát se, obzvlášť když jde o něco negativního:
It was a terrible night! I had my bag stolen.
Greg had his nose broken in a fight.
Poor Chantell! She's had her flight cancelled for the second time.
Přihodit se něco negativního: |
She's had it cancelled.
Mr. Cowel had his Porsche scratched again.
Přihodit se: |
He had it scratched.
Nechat si udělat: |
He had it repaired.
Have someone do, have something done... – shrnutí vazeb:
I'll have a friend water the garden.
I'll have a friend to water the garden.
I will have a friend in order to water the garden.
I'll get a friend to water the garden.
I'll have the garden watered.
I'll get the garden watered.
I had the garden ruined by the hurricane.
Doporučujeme si procvičit HAVE SOMEONE DO, HAVE SOMETHING DONE... v našich cvičeních.
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