Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na spojení, která vyjadřují, že něco nestojí za to, nemá smysl, hodnotu nebo naopak, že to za to stojí, má smysl apod.
It's no use, no good, not worth it... – procvičování:
It wasn't worth going surfing today. The waves were too choppy.
Nemělo to cenu: |
It wasn't worth going.
There was no point in going.
Přehled spojení:
It's no use calling him. He can't help us anyways.
Je k ničemu, aby... |
There's no point in asking him.
Nemá smysl, aby... |
It's not worth listening to his advice. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Nestojí za to, aby... |
The movie is worth watching.
Film stojí za to, aby... |
For what it's worth, I think you're wrong.
Nevím, jestli tě vůbec zajímá můj názor, ale myslím si, že nemáš pravdu. |
Pomocí BE NO USE (+ ING) a BE NO GOOD (+ ING) vyjadřujeme, že je něco k ničemu/na nic:
It's no good trying to persuade me. (= It's not very useful or effective to do that.)
There's no use complaining about it. (= It's pointless complaining.)
It's no use (= I'm not able to succeed), I just can't figure out what's wrong with it.
It's no good telling Marty he's wrong. He's so headstrong!
It's no good telling him... |
It's no use telling him... |
I shouldn't have listened to you. Your advice turned out to be of no use.
K ničemu: |
It turned out to be of no use.
It turned out to be no good.
Pomocí THERE'S NO POINT (IN + ING) vyjadřujeme, že něco nemá smysl nebo je zbytečné:
There's no point in hiding your secret. Almost everybody knows about it at this moment.
There was no point in asking Alana out because she's married.
There's no point in hiding it.
There's no sense in hiding it.
It's pointless hiding it.
It's pointless to hide it.
I'm exhausted, so there's no point in studying tonight. I'll leave it for the morning.
There's no point in studying.
There's no sense in studying.
Let's announce who we've selected at 6 pm. There's no sense in dragging it out.
There's no sense dragging in dragging it out.
The dogs will bring dirt inside, so it's pointless vacuuming now. Wash them first and then vacuum.
It's pointless vacuuming now.
It's pointless to vacuum now.
There's no point in vacuuming now.
V otázce používáme WHAT'S THE POINT (OF + ING):
What's the point of having a parrot if it doesn't talk?
What's the point of buying a Porsche that's an automatic?
Nikoliv: What's the point IN...?
What's the point of going on? There's no point in continuing if we have already practically lost the match.
What's the point in of going on?
There's no point of in continuing.
Pokud něco nestojí za to, použijeme IT'S NOT WORTH + ING:
It's not worth mentioning. (= It isn't useful enough for me to mention.)
It wasn't worth reading. (= It wasn't good enough for me to read.)
Kromě IT můžeme jako podmět věty použít i jiná slovíčka (book, issue, they...):
The book wasn't worth buying.
Is the issue worth paying attention to?
Don't talk to those people, they aren't worth talking to.
Pozor, neříkáme: ...buying IT.; ...paying attention to IT?; ...talking to THEM.
It wasn't worth going to the beach. It was incredibly crowded and not very nice.
It wasn't worth going to the beach.
The beach wasn't worth going to.
The proposal isn't worth considering. If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time with it.
The proposal isn't worth considering it.
It isn't worth considering the proposal.
Pokud něco stojí za to, použijeme BE WORTH + ING:
Was the podcast worth listening to? (= Was it useful enough to listen to?)
Is the film festival worth attending? (= Is it good enough to attend?)
Namísto BE WORTH DOING můžeme použít podobné BE WORTHWHILE DOING/TO DO:
Was it worth listening to?
Was it worthwhile listening to?
Was it worthwhile to listen to?
This bikini is lovely but rather expensive. Is it worth buying?
Is it worth buying?
(= Is it good enough to buy?) |
Now that there's a baby coming, a more spacious flat would be worthwhile considering.
It'd be worthwhile considering.
It'd be worthwhile to consider.
It'd be worth considering.
Po WORTH můžeme kromě slovesa s ING (doing, waiting...) použít také podstatné jméno (the wait) nebo zájmeno (it):
The best things in life are worth waiting for, even if they take a long time.
Na nejlepší věci v životě má cenu si počkat, i kdyby to trvalo dlouho. |
You're worth the wait.
Na tebe se vyplatí počkat. |
The concert was definitely worth it.
Koncert za to určitě stál. |
A business class ticket cost almost 3000 dollars. However, for such a long flight, it was well worth it.
It was worth it.
It was worth 3000 dollars.
It was worth spending 3000 dollars.
Our holiday was super expensive, unfortunately it wasn't worth it. Paying even half the price would be too much.
It wasn't worth it.
It wasn't worth so much money.
Pokud si nejsme jistí, že nějaké sdělení bude pro posluchače dostatečně zajímavé/užitečné, aby se mu vůbec věnovala pozornost, můžeme použít hovorové FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH:
For what it's worth, I think you're dead wrong.
Nevím, jestli na tom záleží, ale myslím si, že se šeredně pleteš. |
Look, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.
Podívej, asi tě to nezajímá, ale mrzí mě to. |
Here's my advice, for what it's worth.
Tady je moje rada, pokud pomůže. |
I'd like to give my opinion, for what it's worth.
Je možné, že můj názor nikoho nebude zajímat, ale i tak ho řeknu: |
I'd like to give my opinion, for what it's worth.
BE WORTH se někdy používá s významem – stát; mít hodnotu:
How much is this hoodie worth? – After the discount it only costs forty dollars.
That sports car must be worth a fortune!
Stát; mít finanční hodnotu: |
It must be worth a fortune.
Další užitečná spojení s WORTH:
something is worth somebody's while
vyplatit se někomu; stát někomu za to |
make something worth somebody's while
postarat se, aby se něco někomu vyplatilo nebo stálo za to |
Do you reckon it's worth my while to invest in that company?
Stát někomu za něco: |
Is it worth my while to invest in the company?
Is it worth my while investing in the company?
If we have to fly to New York on business, we might as well make the trip worth our while by going shopping.
Postarat se, aby to někomu stálo za to: |
We'll make it worth our while.
Doporučujeme si procvičit IT'S NO USE, NO GOOD, NOT WORTH IT... v našich cvičeních.
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