Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na předložky času IN, ON a AT:
In, on, at – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
Ben's birthday is on August 10th. How about we throw him a party in the park?
Jeden den: |
on August 10th
on 10th August
on Friday
Obecná pravidla pro časové předložky (prepositions of time):
Některá spojení můžeme odvodit podle délky časového období a jiná si musíme pamatovat:
IN + delší časové úseky |
in the past, in the future |
in the Ice Age, in the Middle Ages |
in the 21st century |
in 1930s, in the fifties, in 1965 |
in winter, in July |
in the morning/afternoon/evening |
ON + jednotlivé dny |
on Monday, on a weekday |
on 15th May/on May 15th |
on your birthday |
on Christmas Day, on Boxing Day, on New Year's Eve, on Valentine's Day, on St. Patrick's Day |
on Halloween, on Thanksgiving |
on Monday morning, on Monday night |
AT + přesný čas |
at 5 am, at three o'clock |
at noon/at midday = at 12 pm |
at midnight = at 12 am |
at present, at the moment |
at night |
at the weekend |
at Christmas, at Easter |
at lunchtime, at bedtime |
at sunrise, at sunset, at dawn |
at high tide, at low tide |
Lee works a lot, but tries to spend as much time as possible with his family at Christmas.
at Christmas
on Christmas Day
on Boxing Day
I drank too much coffee in the past. At present, I drink two cups a day at most.
in the past
in the future
at present
at the moment
WEEKEND – v britské angličtině se používá obvykle s AT, v americké angličtině s ON:
BrE | AmE |
at the weekend
on the weekend
We're going camping on the weekend. You should join us!
AmE: |
on the weekend
BrE: |
at the weekend
Před THIS, THAT, EVERY, LAST, YESTERDAY a TOMORROW časovou předložku obvykle nepoužíváme:
this week
that month
every year
yesterday night
tomorrow morning
Nikoliv: in this week, in that month
What did you do last Saturday? Did you end up going rafting?
on last last Saturday
on Saturday
Pokud chceme říct, že se něco odehrává pravidelně ve stejný den v týdnu (každé pondělí, o pondělcích...), máme dvě možnosti:
every Monday
on Mondays
every Friday
on Fridays
every Sunday
on Sundays
Melissa isn't an early bird. She hates getting up early on Mondays.
on Mondays
every Monday
Pokud jsou MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING a NIGHT blíže určeny nějakým slovíčkem (Monday, cold, summer...), použijeme obvykle ON:
He was born on a Monday morning.
It happened on a cold night.
They first kissed on a summer afternoon.
The ship left the harbour on the evening of the ninth of January.
Nikoliv: in Monday morning, at a cold night
Are you free on Friday night? How about we go to the movies?
at on Friday night
at night
Pomocí IN vyjadřujeme, za jak dlouho se něco stane nebo jak dlouho něco trvá:
The concert is in a few days. If I were you, I wouldn't put off buying a ticket.
Za jak dlouho: |
in a few days
It was only a minor problem. The mechanic fixed it in twenty minutes.
Za jak dlouho: |
in twenty minutes
Pokud chceme říct, za jak dlouho se něco stane, máme dvě možnosti:
in one month
za jeden měsíc |
in one month's time
in two months
za dva měsíce |
in two months' time
in three months
za tři měsíce |
in three months' time
In a week's time, I'll be lying on the beach. I can't wait!
in a week's time
in a week
in one week's time
in two weeks' time
in three weeks' time
Linda and Will are moving to Manhattan in four months' time.
in four months' time
in one month's time
Doporučujeme si procvičit časové předložky (prepositions of time) IN, ON, AT v našich cvičeních.
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