Slovesa se dvěma předměty – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme další související lekce:
Let's send John the box. He's waiting for it.
send John the box
send the box to John
send it to John
Slovesa typu SEND, GIVE a LEND můžou mít dva předměty (John, the box). Předměty lze použít s různými slovosledy:
Bez předložky | S předložkou |
send John the box
send the box to John
Obecně platí, že slovosled bez předložky (send John the box) je běžnější.
V některých případech se obvykle používá pouze slovosled s předložkou:
send it to John
send John it |
suggest a book to John
suggest John a book |
Slovesa se dvěma předměty používáme s předložkou TO (send, give, offer...) nebo FOR (find, order, save...):
Kromě SEND, GIVE, LEND a OFFER používáme předložku TO s dalšími slovesy:
S předložkou | Bez předložky |
Matt told the bad news to everybody.
Matt told everybody the bad news.
You have to write an apology to this man.
You have to write this man an apology.
Have you shown the document to anyone?
Have you shown anyone the document?
She handed her credit card to the criminal.
She handed the criminal her credit card.
We'll sell our house to the highest bidder.
We'll sell the highest bidder our house.
Will you pass that note to Frank?
Will you pass Frank that note?
He promised a road trip to his grandchildren.
He promised his grandchildren a road trip.
I wish I didn't have to tell this to my parents, but I'm flunking out of college.
tell this to my parents
tell my parents this
Could you hand Lucas the phone? It's on his desk.
hand Lucas the phone
hand the phone to Lucas
Příklady sloves s předložkou FOR:
S předložkou | Bez předložky |
Did you make drinks for everybody?
Did you make everybody drinks?
Mom saved some leftovers for Rita.
Mom saved Rita some leftovers.
They'll find the information for you.
They'll find you the information.
Don't forget to buy eggs for Mike.
Don't forget to buy Mike eggs.
Please get two doughnuts for us.
Please get us two doughnuts.
Will you bring the towels for them?
Will you bring them the towels?
You should cook something sweet for the boys.
You should cook the boys something sweet.
They booked a table for the whole team.
They booked the whole team a table.
Remember to buy sunblock for Jane.
buy sunblock for Jane
buy Jane sunblock
Why haven't you booked me the ticket? Now I'll pay double the price!
book me the ticket
book the ticket for me
Některá slovesa lze použít v závislosti na významu s TO nebo FOR, jako např. READ nebo LEAVE:
Grandma, will you read a fairy tale to the children? (= read out loud)
Could you read this for us to see if there are any mistakes? (= read to check)
He left some money to Eric. (= leave in his will)
He left some money for Eric on the kitchen table.
It's really hot today. Make sure you leave some water out for the dogs.
leave some water for the dogs
leave the dogs some water
Pokud je CO se posílá/dává/půjčuje... osobní zájmeno (it, them, you...), používáme běžně slovosled s předložkou:
Where is the box? Did you send it to John?
The keys aren't here. I gave them to Molly.
Nikoliv: send John it, gave Molly them
Slovosled s předložkou používáme i v případě, kdy jsou oba předměty vyjádřeny osobním zájmenem:
Did you send it to him?
I gave them to her.
Nikoliv: send him it, gave her them
Can I have the sci-fi book back when you finish it? I promised it to Jordan.
promise it to Jordan
promise Jordan it |
These jeans are normally very expensive. They sold them to my husband for such a great price.
sell them to my husband
sell my husband them |
If you wanted, I could lend it to you for the party.
lend it to you
lend you it |
Pokud je KOMU se posílá/dává/půjčuje... osobní zájmeno (him, her, us...), používáme obvykle slovosled bez předložky:
Did you send him the box?
I gave her the keys.
How about you pour me another glass?
Více běžné: |
pour me another glass
Méně běžné: |
pour another glass for me
When we got home, Frankie made us a delicious lunch.
Více běžné: |
make us lunch
Méně běžné: |
make lunch for us
U sloves SUGGEST, EXPLAIN, ANSWER, DESCRIBE a PROPOSE používáme pouze slovosled s předložkou:
We tried to explain everything to him.
Would you answer all these questions for us?
Nikoliv: explain him everything, answer us all these questions
If you don't agree with this deal, why don't you propose some changes to Mr. Cruise?
propose some changes to Mr. Cruise
propose Mr. Cruise changes |
Alice was asked to describe the thief to the police.
describe the thief to the police
describe the police the thief |
I suggested a much cheaper flight to Daniel. He didn't like it because of two layovers.
suggest a flight to Daniel
suggest Daniel a flight |
Slovesa se dvěma předměty – nejdůležitější body:
send John a box | send a box to John |
send John it | send it to John |
send him it | send it to him |
Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa se dvěma předměty (verbs with two objects) v našich cvičeních.
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