I, me, you and I, him and me... (B1)

Personal pronouns (333)

Osobní zájmena

Hlavní přehled

Osobní zájmena – procvičování:

Do you have a date with John today? – Yes. I'm going climbing with him!

Me I'm going climbing with he him.
Máš dnes rande s Johnem? – Ano. Jdu s ním lézt!
Do you have a date with John today? – Yes. I'm going climbing with him!

Osobní zájmena (personal pronouns) mají dva tvary:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they (= základní tvar)
me, you, him, her, it, us, them

Osobní zájmena – obecná pravidla:

Vyhráli jsme.
We won.
Porazili nás.
They beat us.
Povečeřeli s námi.
They had dinner with us.
Kdo zaplatí účet? – My.
Who will pay the bill? – Us.

Dvě osobní zájmena (...and...) – obecná pravidla:

Ona a oni jsou Američané.
She and they are Americans.
Znám ji i je.
I know her and them.
Ty a ona jste fit.
You and she are fit.
Ona a já jsme si blízké.
She and I are close.
I, he, they... = podmět
me, him, them... = předmět

Jako podmět použijeme I, HE, THEM...:

I'd like a coffee, please.
He's coming tonight, isn't he?
They saw Nick.

Jako předmět použijeme ME, HIM, THEM...:

Could you make me a coffee?
Tom will pick him up from the airport.
Nick saw them.

Where are my pyjamas? I can't find them.

I can't find them.
I can't find them.
Kde mám pyžamo? Nemůžu ho najít.
Where are my pyjamas? I can't find them.
About me, without you, for him...

Za předložkou použijeme ME, HIM, THEM...:

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
It's not going to be the same without him.
Should we wait for them or should we leave?

Neříkáme obvykle: about I, without he, for they

Tell us something else about her. Is there a spark between you and her?

Za předložkou:
about her
between you and him
Řekni nám o ní ještě něco. Jiskří to mezi vámi?
Tell us something else about her. Is there a spark between you and her?

Where's everybody? Are they still looking for me?

for I me
Kde jsou všichni? Stále mě hledají?
Where's everybody? Are they still looking for me?
...than me/I.
...than I am.

Po THAN používáme ME, HIM, THEY... nebo I, HE, THEY...:

Hovorovější Formálnější
Carol's older than me.
Carol is older than I.
You sing better than him.
You sing better than he.

Pokud je za THAN sloveso, používáme I, HE, THEY...:

Carol is older than I am.
You sing better than he does.

Nikoliv: than me am, than him does

Our sister has travelled a lot more than us.

...than us.
...than we.
...than we have.
...than us have.
Naše sestra toho procestovala mnohem víc než my.
Our sister has travelled a lot more than us.
Me? You? Him?

Samostatně a v krátkých větách bez slovesa používáme ME, HIM, THEM...:

Who did it? Him?
I think she's attractive. – Her?
Kieran is a huge fan of rugby. – Me too.
We can't stand this noise. – Me neither.
Someone will have to do it. – Definitely not us!
Chris made the mistake, not them.

Who won? Me? – No, it looks like he was faster.

I Me?
Kdo vyhrál? Já? – Ne, vypadá to, že on byl rychlejší.
Who won? Me? – No, it looks like he was faster.
It was me/I.

Po slovesu BE používáme ME, HIM, THEM... nebo I, YOU, THEM:

Hovorovější Formálnější
Did you do it? – No, I swear it wasn't me.
Did you do it? – No, I swear it was not I.
Am I talking to Chris? – Yes, this is him.
Am I talking to Mr. Bennet? – Yes, this is he.
It's them who has to say sorry.
It is they who must apologise.

It was him who fixed your phone.

It was him.
It was he.
Byl to on, kdo ti opravil mobil.
It was him who fixed your phone.

V dovětku a dalších podobných krátkých větách tvořených zájmenem a pomocným slovesem použijeme po BE základní tvar. To samé platí také pro ostatní pomocná slovesa (did, do, has, could...):

Matthew was late again, wasn't he?
I didn't leave the door open, did I?
I'm exhausted and so is he.
Ben isn't hungry and neither are they.
Ashley couldn't help you, neither could they.

Neříkáme: wasn't him, did me, so is him

Michelle overslept this morning, didn't she? Tommy didn't set the alarm, did he?

...didn't her she?
...did him he?
Michelle dnes ráno zaspala, viď? Tommy nenastavil budík, že ne?
Michelle overslept this morning, didn't she? Tommy didn't set the alarm, did he?
you and I/you and me = podmět
you and me = předmět

Pokud jsou v podmětu dvě osobní zájmena, můžeme použít oba tvary:

Hovorovější Formálnější
You and me should stay.
You and I should stay.
Her and him are Mexican.
She and he are Mexican.

It seems like he and she have a lot of fun in Australia.

he and she
him and her
Vypadá to, že si to v Austrálii hodně užívají.
It seems like he and she have a lot of fun in Australia.

Pokud jsou v předmětu nebo za předložkou dvě osobní zájmena, používá se obvykle ME, HIM, THEM...:

Did Adam see him and me together?
I have nothing against you or them.

Could you order a beef burger and fries for her and me?

for her and me
for she and I
Mohl bys objednat hovězí hamburger s hranolky pro ni i pro mě?
Could you order a beef burger and fries for her and me?
you and...
...and me/I

Pokud používáme dvě osobní zájmena, YOU bývá na prvním místě:

you and I
you and her

I/ME bývá na druhém místě:

he and I
them and me

You and me should go bodyboarding again. How about next Friday?

you and me
you and I
Měli bychom si jít zase zajezdit na bodyboardu. Co třeba příští pátek?
You and me should go bodyboarding again. How about next Friday?

Osobní zájmena – nejdůležitější body:

Podmět: I like John.
Předmět: John likes me.
Za předložkou: John will go out with me.
Samostatně: Who will go out? – Me!
Dvě zájmena: he and I
him and me
YOU – 1. místo: you and him
I/ME – 2. místo: him and me

Doporučujeme si procvičit osobní zájmena (personal pronouns) v našich cvičeních.