Been, gone – procvičování:
Kim isn't here. She's already gone to practice.
Cesta tam: |
She isn't here. She's gone to practice.
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
She is back. She's been to practice.
BEEN a GONE nemůžeme obvykle zaměňovat:
V určitých kontextech platí:
Dad has been to the supermarket. There's ice cream for us!
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
He's gone been to the supermarket.
Where are your friends? – They've gone to the beach.
Cesta pouze tam: |
They've been gone to the beach.
BEEN vyjadřuje pohyb na nějaké místo a zpátky, popřípadě pohyb na místo a pohyb odtamtud (→→):
Have you ever been to Portugal? (been = visit; go there and return home)
I've been to the gym twice this week. (go there and leave the place)
Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for ages! (= Where were you before you came here?)
Všimněte si kombinace BEEN + předložky TO. Neříkáme obvykle: been in Portugal, been in the gym
Let's ask Molly about Hawaii. She's been there several times now.
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
She's gone been there.
Your hair is so short! Have you been to the hairdresser recently?
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
Have you been there?
I've been to London many times. I love it there.
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
I've gone been to London... |
GONE vyjadřuje pohyb na nějaké místo (→):
Have you already gone to Portugal? (gone = go there and not return home yet)
I've gone to the gym. I'll be back in about an hour. (gone = go there and not leave the place)
Where have you gone? (= Where are you now?)
Harry has gone to the library to pick up some books. He'll be back in a minute.
Pouze cesta tam: |
He's gone to the library.
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
He's been to the library.
Kate told me she wasn't feeling well. Has she gone to school today?
Pouze cesta tam: |
Has she gone to school?
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
Has she been to school?
I can't believe you've gone to the USA!
Pouze cesta tam: |
You've gone to the USA.
V určitých kontextech použití BEEN naznačuje, že jde o něco ukončeného (cesta, dovolená, nákup...). Naproti tomu GONE se používá s něčím neukončeným. Porovnejte:
You don't have to drive to the store. Jared has already been shopping. (= He was shopping, now he's back at home.)
Jared has gone shopping. He won't be home for dinner. (= He went shopping and still is shopping.)
He's been to India three times. (= He went there and came back home, he isn't there anymore.)
He's gone to India. (= He is still there/hasn't returned yet.)
The children have gone to the park. They left five minutes ago.
Neukončenost: |
They've gone there.
Ukončenost: |
They've been there.
Robin's just been to the bakery. She brought some amazing cakes.
Ukončenost: |
She's been there.
Neukončenost: |
She's gone there.
Všimněte si, že ve spojení s EVER používáme obvykle BEEN:
Have you ever been to a wedding?
Has your girlfriend ever been to your home town?
Nikoliv: Have your ever gone...?
BEEN a GONE se kromě předpřítomného času používá také v předminulém čase. Porovnejte:
Monica has been to a restaurant, so she isn't hungry now.
Monica isn't at home, she has gone out to eat.
Monica had been to a restaurant, so she wasn't hungry when I invited her out to eat.
Monica wasn't at home when I arrived, she had gone out to eat.
Mr. Haynes wasn't in the office. He'd gone to the dentist.
Cesta tam: |
He'd gone to the dentist.
By the time I was twenty, I had been to most European countries.
Cesta tam a zpátky: |
I had been to most countries.
Been, gone – nejdůležitější body:
Cesta tam a zpátky |
He's been to the gym. (= He isn't there anymore.)
Cesta pouze tam |
He's gone to the gym. (= He is still there.)
Doporučujeme si procvičit BEEN a GONE v našich cvičeních.
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