Been or gone? (B1)

Hlavní přehled

Been, gone – procvičování:

Kim isn't here. She's already gone to practice.

Cesta tam:
She isn't here. She's gone to practice.
Cesta tam a zpátky:
She is back. She's been to practice.
Kim tady není. Už odešla na trénink.
Kim isn't here. She's already gone to practice.

BEEN a GONE nemůžeme obvykle zaměňovat:

V určitých kontextech platí:

Dad has been to the supermarket. There's ice cream for us!

Cesta tam a zpátky:
He's gone been to the supermarket.
Táta byl v supermarketu. Je tu pro nás zmrzlina!
Dad has been to the supermarket. There's ice cream for us!

Where are your friends? – They've gone to the beach.

Cesta pouze tam:
They've been gone to the beach.
Kde jsou tvoji kamarádi? – Šli na pláž.
Where are your friends? – They've gone to the beach.
BEEN = go there and leave

BEEN vyjadřuje pohyb na nějaké místo a zpátky, popřípadě pohyb na místo a pohyb odtamtud (→→):

Have you ever been to Portugal? (been = visit; go there and return home)
I've been to the gym twice this week. (go there and leave the place)
Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for ages! (= Where were you before you came here?)

Všimněte si kombinace BEEN + předložky TO. Neříkáme obvykle: been in Portugal, been in the gym

Let's ask Molly about Hawaii. She's been there several times now.

Cesta tam a zpátky:
She's gone been there.
Pojďme se zeptat Molly na Havaj. Byla tam už několikrát.
Let's ask Molly about Hawaii. She's been there several times now.

Your hair is so short! Have you been to the hairdresser recently?

Cesta tam a zpátky:
Have you been there?
Tvé vlasy jsou tak krátké! Byla jsi nedávno u kadeřníka?
Your hair is so short! Have you been to the hairdresser recently?

I've been to London many times. I love it there.

Cesta tam a zpátky:
I've gone been to London...
V Londýně jsem byl mnohokrát. Mám to tam strašně rád.
I've been to London many times. I love it there.
GONE = go there

GONE vyjadřuje pohyb na nějaké místo (→):

Have you already gone to Portugal? (gone = go there and not return home yet)
I've gone to the gym. I'll be back in about an hour. (gone = go there and not leave the place)
Where have you gone? (= Where are you now?)

Harry has gone to the library to pick up some books. He'll be back in a minute.

Pouze cesta tam:
He's gone to the library.
Cesta tam a zpátky:
He's been to the library.
Harry si šel do knihovny vyzvednout nějaké knihy. Za chvíli se vrátí.
Harry has gone to the library to pick up some books. He'll be back in a minute.

Kate told me she wasn't feeling well. Has she gone to school today?

Pouze cesta tam:
Has she gone to school?
Cesta tam a zpátky:
Has she been to school?
Kate mi řekla, že se necítí dobře. Šla dnes do školy?
Kate told me she wasn't feeling well. Has she gone to school today?

I can't believe you've gone to the USA!

Pouze cesta tam:
You've gone to the USA.
Nemůžu uvěřit, že jste odjeli do USA!
I can't believe you've gone to the USA!
BEEN = a completed visit
GONE = not a completed visit

V určitých kontextech použití BEEN naznačuje, že jde o něco ukončeného (cesta, dovolená, nákup...). Naproti tomu GONE se používá s něčím neukončeným. Porovnejte:

You don't have to drive to the store. Jared has already been shopping. (= He was shopping, now he's back at home.)
Jared has gone shopping. He won't be home for dinner. (= He went shopping and still is shopping.)
He's been to India three times. (= He went there and came back home, he isn't there anymore.)
He's gone to India. (= He is still there/hasn't returned yet.)

The children have gone to the park. They left five minutes ago.

They've gone there.
They've been there.
Děti šly do parku. Odešly před pěti minutami.
The children have gone to the park. They left five minutes ago.

Robin's just been to the bakery. She brought some amazing cakes.

She's been there.
She's gone there.
Robin zrovna byla v pekárně. Přinesla výtečné dorty.
Robin's just been to the bakery. She brought some amazing cakes.

Všimněte si, že ve spojení s EVER používáme obvykle BEEN:

Have you ever been to a wedding?
Has your girlfriend ever been to your home town?

Nikoliv: Have your ever gone...?

Byla někdy v Paříži?
Has she ever been to Paris?
Byl někdy v Tokiu?
Has he ever been to Tokyo?
Had been, had gone

BEEN a GONE se kromě předpřítomného času používá také v předminulém čase. Porovnejte:

Monica has been to a restaurant, so she isn't hungry now.
Monica isn't at home, she has gone out to eat.
Monica had been to a restaurant, so she wasn't hungry when I invited her out to eat.
Monica wasn't at home when I arrived, she had gone out to eat.

Mr. Haynes wasn't in the office. He'd gone to the dentist.

Cesta tam:
He'd gone to the dentist.
Pan Haynes nebyl v kanceláři. Šel k zubaři.
Mr. Haynes wasn't in the office. He'd gone to the dentist.

By the time I was twenty, I had been to most European countries.

Cesta tam a zpátky:
I had been to most countries.
Do dvaceti jsem navštívila většinu evropských zemí.
By the time I was twenty, I had been to most European countries.

Been, gone – nejdůležitější body:

Cesta tam a zpátky
He's been to the gym. (= He isn't there anymore.)
Cesta pouze tam
He's gone to the gym. (= He is still there.)

Doporučujeme si procvičit BEEN a GONE v našich cvičeních.