Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na spojení WOULD RATHER, které vyjadřuje preferenci.
Would rather – procvičování:
Základům WOULD se věnujeme v lekci: Would – modální sloveso (A0)
Do you want tea or coffee? – I would rather have coffee. = Chceš čaj nebo kávu? – Raději bych si dal kávu. Preferenci jsme vyjádřili pomocí WOULD RATHER.
I would rather have coffee.
WOULD RATHER má ve všech osobách stejný tvar:
I would rather have coffee.
He would rather have coffee.
They would rather have coffee.
Po WOULD RATHER používáme sloveso bez TO a bez -ING (eat, play, go...), stejně jako po WOULD:
I would eat pizza.
Jedl bych pizzu. |
I would rather eat pizza.
Raději bych jedl pizzu. |
Olivia would rather play basketball. = Olivia by raději hrála basketbal.
She would rather playing play... |
I would rather go to a Chinese restaurant. = Raději bych šla do čínské restaurace.
I would rather to go go... |
Dexter would rather be outside. = Dexter by byl raději venku.
He would rather be outside.
He would rather play outside.
He would rather outside. |
WOULD RATHER se běžně zkracuje na 'D RATHER:
I would rather have coffee.
I'd rather have coffee.
We would rather eat pizza.
We'd rather eat pizza.
We'd rather stay at home. = Raději bychom zůstali doma.
Plný tvar: | We would rather stay... |
Stažený tvar: | We'd rather stay... |
V otázce je WOULD na začátku věty:
I would rather have coffee.
Raději bych si dal kávu. |
Would you rather have coffee?
Dal by sis raději kávu? |
Zápor tvoříme pomocí NOT:
I'd rather have coffee.
Raději bych si dal kávu. |
I'd rather not have coffee.
Raději bych si nedal kávu. |
Would you rather have watermelon or grapes? – Watermelon, please. = Dal by sis raději meloun nebo hrozny? – Watermelon, prosím.
Would rather you Would you rather have...? |
Would you rather sit on the beach? = Seděl bys raději na pláži?
I would rather... |
Would you rather...? |
I would rather not pay by card. = Raději bych neplatila kartou.
I wouldn't rather would rather not pay by card.
Are you going to jump too? – We'd rather not. = Skočíte také? – Raději ne.
We'd rather don't not.
WOULD RATHER se často používá s THAN:
I'd rather watch TV than study.
Raději bych se díval na televizi, než abych se učil. |
I'd rather watch this movie than the other one.
Raději se podívám na tento film než na ten druhý. |
I'd rather travel with you than travel alone. = Raději budu cestovat s vámi než sám.
I'd rather travel with you than travel... |
She'd rather fly than go... |
Would you rather do this than do...? |
Místo WOULD RATHER můžeme použít WOULD PREFER TO. Základní význam je stejný:
We would rather walk.
| Raději bychom šli pěšky. |
We would prefer to walk.
I'd rather stay here.
| Raději bych tu zůstal. |
I'd prefer to stay here.
Chris would prefer to go by train. = Chris by jel raději vlakem.
He would prefer to go... |
He would rather go... |
Pokud chceme, aby někdo jiný něco udělal, použijeme WOULD RATHER + minulý čas:
I'd rather you called me.
Byl bych raději, kdybys mi zavolal. |
I'd rather you didn't call me.
Byl bych raději, kdybys mi nezavolal. |
I'd rather drive.
Raději bych řídil. |
I'd rather you drove.
Raději bych, kdybys řídil ty. |
I'd rather not drive.
Raději bych neřídil. |
I'd rather you didn't drive.
Raději bych, kdybys ty neřídil. |
Dad would rather you drove. = Táta by byl raději, kdybys řídil ty.
He'd rather you drive you drove.
Alison would rather you didn't talk about it. = Alison by byla raději, kdybys o tom nemluvil.
She'd rather you don't you didn't talk about it.
Should I take a picture of the bears? – I'd rather you didn't. = Mám si ty medvědy vyfotit? – Raději ne.
I'd rather you not you didn't.
Would rather – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr:
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