Would rather (A2)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na spojení WOULD RATHER, které vyjadřuje preferenci.

Would rather – procvičování:

Základům WOULD se věnujeme v lekci: Would – modální sloveso (A0)

Do you want tea or coffee? – I would rather have coffee. = Chceš čaj nebo kávu? – Raději bych si dal kávu. Preferenci jsme vyjádřili pomocí WOULD RATHER.

I would rather have coffee.
Chceš čaj nebo kávu? – Raději bych si dal kávu.
Do you want tea or coffee? – I would rather have coffee.
I would rather do, he would rather do...

WOULD RATHER má ve všech osobách stejný tvar:

I would rather have coffee.
He would rather have coffee.
They would rather have coffee.

Po WOULD RATHER používáme sloveso bez TO a bez -ING (eat, play, go...), stejně jako po WOULD:

I would eat pizza.
Jedl bych pizzu.
I would rather eat pizza.
Raději bych jedl pizzu.

Olivia would rather play basketball. = Olivia by raději hrála basketbal.

She would rather playing play...
Olivia by raději hrála basketbal.
Olivia would rather play basketball.

I would rather go to a Chinese restaurant. = Raději bych šla do čínské restaurace.

I would rather to go go...
Raději bych šla do čínské restaurace.
I would rather go to a Chinese restaurant.

Dexter would rather be outside. = Dexter by byl raději venku.

He would rather be outside.
He would rather play outside.
He would rather outside.
Dexter by byl raději venku.
Dexter would rather be outside.
I would rather, I'd rather

WOULD RATHER se běžně zkracuje na 'D RATHER:

I would rather have coffee.
I'd rather have coffee.
We would rather eat pizza.
We'd rather eat pizza.

We'd rather stay at home. = Raději bychom zůstali doma.

Plný tvar: We would rather stay...
Stažený tvar: We'd rather stay...
Raději bychom zůstali doma.
We'd rather stay at home.
Would you rather...? I would rather not...

V otázce je WOULD na začátku věty:

I would rather have coffee.
Raději bych si dal kávu.
Would you rather have coffee?
Dal by sis raději kávu?

Zápor tvoříme pomocí NOT:

I'd rather have coffee.
Raději bych si dal kávu.
I'd rather not have coffee.
Raději bych si nedal kávu.

Would you rather have watermelon or grapes? – Watermelon, please. = Dal by sis raději meloun nebo hrozny? – Watermelon, prosím.

Would rather you Would you rather have...?
Dal by sis raději meloun nebo hrozny? – Meloun, prosím.
Would you rather have watermelon or grapes? – Watermelon, please.

Would you rather sit on the beach? = Seděl bys raději na pláži?

I would rather...
Would you rather...?
Seděl bys raději na pláži?
Would you rather sit on the beach?

I would rather not pay by card. = Raději bych neplatila kartou.

I wouldn't rather would rather not pay by card.
Raději bych neplatila kartou.
I would rather not pay by card.

Are you going to jump too? – We'd rather not. = Skočíte také? – Raději ne.

We'd rather don't not.
Skočíte také? – Raději ne.
Are you going to jump too? – We'd rather not.
I'd rather do something than do something else

WOULD RATHER se často používá s THAN:

I'd rather watch TV than study.
Raději bych se díval na televizi, než abych se učil.
I'd rather watch this movie than the other one.
Raději se podívám na tento film než na ten druhý.

I'd rather travel with you than travel alone. = Raději budu cestovat s vámi než sám.

I'd rather travel with you than travel...
She'd rather fly than go...
Would you rather do this than do...?
Raději budu cestovat s vámi než sám.
I'd rather travel with you than travel alone.
I'd rather do, I'd prefer to do...

Místo WOULD RATHER můžeme použít WOULD PREFER TO. Základní význam je stejný:

We would rather walk.
Raději bychom šli pěšky.
We would prefer to walk.
I'd rather stay here.
Raději bych tu zůstal.
I'd prefer to stay here.

Chris would prefer to go by train. = Chris by jel raději vlakem.

He would prefer to go...
He would rather go...
Chris by jel raději vlakem.
Chris would prefer to go by train.
I'd rather do, I'd rather you did...

Pokud chceme, aby někdo jiný něco udělal, použijeme WOULD RATHER + minulý čas:

I'd rather you called me.
Byl bych raději, kdybys mi zavolal.
I'd rather you didn't call me.
Byl bych raději, kdybys mi nezavolal.


I'd rather drive.
Raději bych řídil.
I'd rather you drove.
Raději bych, kdybys řídil ty.
I'd rather not drive.
Raději bych neřídil.
I'd rather you didn't drive.
Raději bych, kdybys ty neřídil.

Dad would rather you drove. = Táta by byl raději, kdybys řídil ty.

He'd rather you drive you drove.
Táta by byl raději, kdybys řídil ty.
Dad would rather you drove.

Alison would rather you didn't talk about it. = Alison by byla raději, kdybys o tom nemluvil.

She'd rather you don't you didn't talk about it.
Alison by byla raději, kdybys o tom nemluvil.
Alison would rather you didn't talk about it.

Should I take a picture of the bears? – I'd rather you didn't. = Mám si ty medvědy vyfotit? – Raději ne.

I'd rather you not you didn't.
Mám si ty medvědy vyfotit? – Raději ne.
Should I take a picture of the bears? – I'd rather you didn't.

Would rather – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: