Should you do, were you to do... (B2)

Omitting IF in conditionals (445)

Vypouštění IF v kondicionálech

Hlavní přehled

Vypouštění IF v kondicionálech – procvičování:

Další lekce na kondicionály:

Should you come to Prague, I will show you around the city.

Should you come, I will show you around.
(= If you come...)
Pokud přijedete do Prahy, provedu vás po městě.
Should you come to Prague, I will show you around the city.

Ve formální angličtině můžeme spojku IF v kondicionálech (podmínkových větách) vynechat. Místo IF je na začátku věty SHOULD, WERE nebo HAD:

If you do... → Should you do...

V prvním kondicionálu použijeme na začátku věty SHOULD:

If I hurry, I will be on time.
Pokud si pospíším, přijdu včas.
Should I hurry, I will be on time.
If you have any problems, you can call us anytime.
Jestliže budete mít nějaké problémy, můžete nám kdykoliv zavolat.
Should you have any problems, you can call us anytime.

Should you wish to stay one more night, please let us know before 8 am.

If you wish to stay...
Should you wish to stay...
Pokud si budete přát zůstat ještě jednu noc, dejte nám prosím vědět do osmi hodin ráno.
Should you wish to stay one more night, please let us know before 8 am.

Should I see my parents on Friday, I will give them your regards.

If I see...
Should I see...
I should see...
Pokud v pátek uvidím rodiče, vyřídím jim vaše pozdravy.
Should I see my parents on Friday, I will give them your regards.
If you were... → Were you...
If you did... → Were you to do...

Ve druhém kondicionálu použijeme na začátku věty WERE:

If I were in your position, I would not know what to do.
Kdybych byl na vašem místě, nevěděl bych, co dělat.
Were I in your position, I would not know what to do.

Se slovesy HURRY, HAVE, PLAY... použijeme TO infinitiv:

If I hurried, I would be on time.
Kdybych si pospíšil, přišel bych včas.
Were I to hurry, I would be on time.
If you had the possibility of living anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Kdybyste měl možnost žít kdekoli na světě, kde by to bylo?
Were you to have the possibility of living anywhere in the world, where would it be?

WERE používáme ve všech osobách:

Were I to hurry...
Were he to hurry...
Were she to hurry...

Neříkáme obvykle: Was I to..., Was he to..., Was she to...

Were I wealthy, I would buy an island in the Caribbean.

If I were wealthy, I would buy it.
Were I wealthy, I would buy it.
Kdybych byl bohatý, koupil bych si ostrov v Karibiku.
Were I wealthy, I would buy an island in the Caribbean.

Were these avocados cheaper, we would buy them.

Were they to be cheaper, we would buy them.
Were they to cost less, we would buy them.
Were they to look better, we would buy them.
Kdyby byla ta avokáda levnější, tak bychom si je koupili.
Were these avocados cheaper, we would buy them.

Were I to encounter a bear, I would be absolutely terrified.

If I encountered a bear...
Were I to encounter a bear...
Kdybych se setkal s medvědem, byl bych naprosto vyděšený.
Were I to encounter a bear, I would be absolutely terrified.

Were Alex to propose tonight, what would you say?

Were he propose to propose...?
Kdyby tě Alex dnes večer požádal o ruku, co bys řekla?
Were Alex to propose tonight, what would you say?

Were your sister taller, she could be a model.

Was Were she taller...
Kdyby byla tvoje sestra vyšší, mohla by být modelkou.
Were your sister taller, she could be a model.
If you had done... → Had you done...

Ve třetím kondicionálu použijeme na začátku věty HAD:

If I had hurried, I would have been on time.
Kdybych si byl pospíšil, byl bych přišel včas.
Had I hurried, I would have been on time.
If they had warned us, we would not have gotten into trouble.
Kdyby nás byli varovali, nedostali bychom se do potíží.
Had they warned us, we would not have gotten into trouble.

Had you told me, I would have helped you with the furniture.

If you had told me...
Had you told me...
Kdybyste mi řekli, pomohl bych vám s nábytkem.
Had you told me, I would have helped you with the furniture.

Had Jordan studied harder, do you think she would have graduated?

If she had studied harder...
Had she studied harder...
Kdyby se Jordan více učila, myslíte si, že by dostudovala?
Had Jordan studied harder, do you think she would have graduated?

Had we printed the ticket beforehand, we would not have had to pay the fee.

If we had printed it...
Had we printed it...
Kdybychom si jízdenku vytiskli předem, nemuseli bychom platit ten poplatek.
Had we printed the ticket beforehand, we would not have had to pay the fee.
Should I not, were I not, had I not...

Zápor u kondicionálů tvoříme přidáním NOT za podmět:

Should I not hurry, I will miss my flight.
Were I not to hurry, I would miss my flight.
Had I not hurried, I would have missed my flight.

Kondicionály s SHOULD, WERE a HAD patří do formální angličtiny, proto je obvykle nepoužíváme se staženými tvary:

Shouldn't I hurry...
Weren't I to hurry...
Hadn't I hurried...

Should you not want to cook, I can take you to a restaurant.

If you don't want to cook...
Should you not want to cook...
Pokud nebudeš chtít vařit, mohu tě vzít do restaurace.
Should you not want to cook, I can take you to a restaurant.

Were we not too busy this summer, we would fly to Hawaii.

Were we not busy...
Weren't we...
Kdybychom v létě neměly moc práce, letěly bychom na Havaj.
Were we not too busy this summer, we would fly to Hawaii.
Were it not for, had it not been for...

Vypustit IF můžeme také z vazby IF IT WERE NOT/HAD NOT BEEN FOR:

If it were not for Alice, I would not have such a great job.
Bez Alice bych tak skvělou práci neměl.
Were it not for Alice, I would not have such a great job.
If it had not been for Alice, I would not have been promoted.
Bez Alice by mě byli nepovýšili.
Had it not been for Alice, I would not have been promoted.

Had it not been for my coach, I would have lost the match for sure.

Bez čeho by se to neobešlo:
If it had not been for him, I would have lost.
Had it not been for him, I would have lost.
Nebýt mého trenéra, ten zápas bych byl určitě prohrál.
Had it not been for my coach, I would have lost the match for sure.

Vypouštění IF v kondicionálech – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit vypouštění IF v kondicionálech (omitting IF in conditionals) v našem cvičení.