Suggest doing, suggest you do... (B1)

Sloveso SUGGEST (325)

Hlavní přehled

Sloveso SUGGEST – procvičování:

Ellen suggests visiting Times Square while we're in Manhattan.

She suggests visiting it.
She suggests we visit it.
She suggests to visit it.
Ellen navrhuje navštívit Times Square, když už jsme na Manhattanu.
Ellen suggests visiting Times Square while we're in Manhattan.

SUGGEST (navrhnout; doporučit) používáme v těchto konstrukcích:

Suggest doing something, suggest something

Po SUGGEST používáme sloveso s ING:

I suggest visiting Times Square.
The doctor suggested eating less salt and sleeping more.
Did you suggest staying here one more night?

Nikoliv: suggest to visit, suggest visit

Navrhuje jezdit na kole.
He suggests cycling.
Navrhují relaxovat.
They suggest relaxing.
Navrhla plavat.
She suggested swimming.
Navrhuješ pěší turistiku?
Do you suggest hiking?

Our teacher suggested taking an English exam in the summer.

suggest taking
suggest to take
suggest take
Náš učitel navrhl, abychom zkoušku z angličtiny dělali v létě.
Our teacher suggested taking an English exam in the summer.

Po SUGGEST můžeme použít podstatné jméno nebo zájmeno:

I suggest Times Square.
Did he suggest a solution to the problem?
Why did he suggest it to you?
Navrhujeme Londýn.
We suggest London.
Navrhla jsem kino.
I suggested cinema.
Navrhla golf.
She suggested golf.
Navrhli jste pizzu?
Did you suggest pizza?

Did you suggest buying another cake? – I suggested the caramel one!

suggest buying a cake
suggest a cake
Navrhla jsi koupit další dort? – Navrhla jsem ten karamelový!
Did you suggest buying another cake? – I suggested the caramel one!


Chris suggested it to me.
Would you suggest that hotel to them?

Nikoliv: suggest me it, suggest it me

Who was the one to suggest it to you? What a brilliant idea!

Who suggested you it it to you?
Kdo ti to vůbec navrhl? Je to skvělý nápad!
Who was the one to suggest it to you? What a brilliant idea!
Suggest (that) somebody should do

Pokud něco navrhujeme a zmiňujeme osobu (you, I, Eric...), můžeme použít SUGGEST (THAT) SOMEBODY SHOULD DO:

I suggest you should visit Times Square.
What do you suggest I should do?
I suggest that you should break up with Tom.
Who suggested that Eric should contact us?

Tato struktura je běžná v britské angličtině.

Navrhuje, abychom počkali.
He suggests we should wait.
Navrhují, abych hrála.
They suggest I should play.
Doporučuju, aby letěl.
I suggest he should fly.
Doporučujeme, abys šla pěšky.
We suggest you should walk.

Alison suggested that we should invite Peter as well, but I think it's a bad idea.

She suggested that we should invite him.
She suggested we should invite him.
She suggested inviting him.
Alison navrhla, abychom pozvali i Petera, ale podle mě je to špatný nápad.
Alison suggested that we should invite Peter as well, but I think it's a bad idea.

Adam suggests they should rent a camper van in New Zealand.

He suggests they should rent it.
He suggests them to rent it.
Adam navrhuje, aby si na Novém Zélandu pronajali obytný vůz.
Adam suggests they should rent a camper van in New Zealand.
Suggest (that) somebody do
Suggest (that) somebody does

Pokud něco navrhujeme a zmiňujeme osobu (I, you, Eric...), můžeme použít SUGGEST (THAT) SOMEBODY DO:

I suggest you visit Times Square.
What do you suggest I do?
I suggest that you break up with Tom.
Who suggested that Eric contact us?

Tato struktura je běžná v americké angličtině.

Doporučujeme vám, abyste si ho koupili.
We suggest you buy it.
Navrhuje, abychom se napili.
She suggests we drink.
Doporučil, abych sis odpočinul.
He suggested I rest.
Navrhuju, abychom ho snědli.
I suggest we eat it.

The hairdresser suggests Petra have her hair cut because it's damaged.

He suggests she have it cut.
He suggests her to have...
He suggests her having...
Kadeřník Petře navrhuje, aby si nechala ostříhat vlasy, protože jsou poškozené.
The hairdresser suggests Petra have her hair cut because it's damaged.

What do you suggest to your friends? – I suggest they fly to Dublin first.

AmE: I suggest they fly...
BrE: I suggest they should fly...
Co navrhuješ tvým kamarádům? – Navrhuji, aby nejdřív letěli do Dublinu.
What do you suggest to your friends? – I suggest they fly to Dublin first.

Sloveso, které je za SUGGEST, bývá bez koncovek -S/-ED, jejich použití by ale nebylo chybou:

We suggest Ben stay.
We suggest Ben stays.
We suggested Ben stay.
We suggested Ben stayed.
Navrhuju, aby zavolal.
I suggest he call.
Doporučujeme, aby cestovala.
We suggest she travel.
Navrhli, aby si ho nechala.
They suggested she keep it.
Doporučil jsi, aby boxoval.
You suggested he box.

The coach suggests that Simon does more weightlifting.

He suggests (that) he does...
He suggests (that) he do...
Trenér navrhuje, aby Simon více posiloval.
The coach suggests that Simon does more weightlifting.

Molly and Tim suggested we played football until sunset.

They suggested we played...
They suggested we play...
They suggested playing...
They suggested us to play...
Molly a Tim navrhli, abychom hráli fotbal až do západu slunce.
Molly and Tim suggested we played football until sunset.

Sloveso SUGGEST – nejdůležitější body:

I suggest doing it.
I suggest it to him.
I suggest he should do it.
I suggest he do it.
I suggest he does it.
I suggested he do it.
I suggested he did it.

Doporučujeme si procvičit sloveso SUGGEST v našich cvičeních.