He is said to do, it is said that he does... (B2)

Passive voice with reporting verbs (437)

Trpný rod se sdělovacími slovesy

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo si dnes ukážeme vazby v trpném rodě, pomocí kterých vyjadřujeme, co se říká, je obecně známo, ví se apod.

Trpné vazby – procvičování:

Alex is said to train extremely hard.

She is said to train hard.
(= People say that she trains hard.)
Říká se, že Alex trénuje velmi tvrdě.
Alex is said to train extremely hard.

Trpné vazby používáme kromě slovesa SAY s dalšími sdělovacími slovesy (reporting verbs) KNOW, BELIEVE, EXPECT... a se SUPPOSE:

Říká se, že má skvělého trenéra.
He is said to have a great trainer.
Je o něm známo, že miluje tenis.
He is known to love tennis.
Věří se, že je neporazitelný.
He is believed to be unbeatable.
Má se stát šampionem.
He is supposed to become a champion.
It is said/alleged/believed to... = Říká se/věří se/údajně…

Trpné vazby obvykle používáme, pokud nechceme nést zodpovědnost za to, co říkáme, co si myslíme, co předpokládáme apod.:

The movie is said to be boring. (= It's not necessarily my opinion – it's what people say.)

Trpné vazby se slovesy typu ALLEGE, REPORT, BELIEVE se často používají ve zprávách a reportážích:

Emily Johanson is alleged to be living in Spain at the moment. She is believed to have a boyfriend there.

This pub is said to be the best in the city.

This pub is said to be the best.
(= People say that this pub is the best.)
Říká se, že tato hospoda je nejlepší ve městě.
This pub is said to be the best in the city.

I've just heard on the news that the missing girl is believed to have on a yellow T-shirt and jean shorts.

She is believed to have on...
(= People believe that she has on...)
Právě jsem ve zprávách slyšela, že ztracená dívka má na sobě údajně žluté tričko a džínové šortky.
I've just heard on the news that the missing girl is believed to have on a yellow T-shirt and jean shorts.
He is said to do... = It is said that he does...

Namísto trpné vazby s TO infinitivem můžeme použít velmi podobné – IT IS SAID THAT + vedlejší věta:

Chris is said to have a lover.
It is said that Chris has a lover.
Amanda is said to be a terrible cook.
It is said that Amanda is a terrible cook.
They are said not to be alive.
It is said that they aren't alive.

Robert is said to be a great father.

He is said to be great.
It is said that he is great.
(= People says that he is great.)
Říká se o Robertovi, že je to skvělý otec.
Robert is said to be a great father.

It is said that those foreigners cheat and steal.

It is said that they cheat.
They are said to cheat.
Říká se, že ti cizinci podvádí a kradou.
It is said that those foreigners cheat and steal.
He is said to have done... = It is said that he did...

Pokud mluvíme o minulosti, použijeme – SOMEBODY/SOMETHING IS SAID TO + minulý infinitiv (have done, have played, have been...) nebo IT IS SAID THAT + vedlejší věta:

Amy is said to have played chess well.
O Amy se říká, že hrála dobře šachy.
It is said that Amy played chess well.
Her father is said to have been in prison.
Říká se, že byl její otec ve vězení.
It is said that her father was in prison.


She is said to play well.
Říká se o ní, že hraje dobře.
She is said to have played well.
Říká se o ní, že hrála dobře.
He is said to be in prison.
Říká se o něm, že je ve vězení.
He is said to have been in prison.
Říká se o něm, že byl ve vězení.

That American is said to have robbed a bank.

Mluvíme o minulosti:
He is said to have robbed a bank.
It is said that he robbed a bank.
Říká se, že ten Američan vykradl banku.
That American is said to have robbed a bank.

Their family is said to have been travelling a lot.

Mluvíme o minulosti:
They are said to have been travelling.
Mluvíme o přítomnosti:
They are said to be travelling.
Jejich rodina prý hodně cestovala.
Their family is said to have been travelling a lot.
It is thought/believed/expected...= Lidé si myslí/věří se/očekává se...

Trpné vazby s běžnými sdělovacími slovesy:

She is thought to be... Lidé si myslí, že je...
It is thought that she is...
She is believed to be... Věří se, že je...
It is believed that she is...
She is reported to be... Podle zpráv je...
It is reported that she is...
She is known to be... Je o ní známo, že je...
It is known that she is...
She is expected to be... Očekává se, že je...
It is expected that she is...
She is alleged to be... Údajně je...
It is alleged that she is...
She is understood to be... Má se za to, že je...
It is understood that she is...

Nobody thinks we'll lose tomorrow. We are expected not to lose.

We're expected not to lose.
It is expected that we won't lose.
Nikdo si nemyslí, že zítra prohrajeme. Očekává se, že neprohrajeme.
Nobody thinks we'll lose tomorrow. We are expected not to lose.

Mr. Williams is thought to have been murdered by his brother last year.

Mluvíme o minulosti:
He is thought to have been murdered.
It is thought that he was murdered.
Lidé si myslí, že byl pan Williams minulý rok zavražděn svým bratrem.
Mr. Williams is thought to have been murdered by his brother last year.

Is the young actress believed to be guilty?

Mluvíme o přítomnosti:
Is she believed to be guilty?
Mluvíme o minulosti:
Is she believed to have done it?
Věří se, že je ta mladá herečka vinna?
Is the young actress believed to be guilty?

A woman is reported to have been severely injured in the accident.

A woman is reported to have been injured.
It is reported that a woman has been injured.
Podle zpráv byla při nehodě těžce zraněna jedna žena.
A woman is reported to have been severely injured in the accident.

We all know that Steward can bake. He is known to have great baking skills.

Mluvíme o přítomnosti:
He is known to have great skills.
Mluvíme o minulosti:
He is known to have had great skills.
Každý ví, že Steward umí péct. Je o něm známo, že má skvělé pekařské dovednosti.
We all know that Steward can bake. He is known to have great baking skills.
Is supposed to = is said to

Někdy má SUPPOSED TO podobný význam jako SAID TO:

Dracula was supposed to be a great warrior. (= He was said to be...)
The pizza is supposed to be delicious here. (= It is said that it is..., People say it is...)

The Irish beer is supposed to be excellent. – Yes, that's what they say.

It is supposed to be excellent.
(= It is said to be excellent.)
Irské pivo je prý výtečné. – Ano, říká se to.
The Irish beer is supposed to be excellent. – Yes, that's what they say.
Was supposed to = mělo se stát, ale nestalo se

SUPPOSED TO někdy používáme, když bylo něco naplánováno/domluveno/mělo se stát, ale často se nestalo:

You were supposed to help me. Why didn't you?
I was supposed to go to the supermarket but it was closed. (...so I didn't go there.)

The meeting was supposed to start at ten o'clock, but it was put off until eleven.

It was supposed to start at ten.
(= It didn't start at ten.)
Schůzka měla začít v deset hodin, ale byla přesunuta na jedenáctou.
The meeting was supposed to start at ten o'clock, but it was put off until eleven.

You were supposed to pick me up an hour ago. Did you forget?

You were supposed to pick me up.
(= You haven't picked me up.)
Měl jsi mě vyzvednout před hodinou. Zapomněl jsi?
You were supposed to pick me up an hour ago. Did you forget?
Not supposed to = nemít dovoleno; nebýt vhodné


What are you doing? You are not supposed to play on the laptop until your homework is done! (= You aren't allowed to play...)
I'm not supposed to eat chocolate, but I just can't help it. (= It is not advisable for me to eat...)

Don't you know you aren't supposed to feed the animals here?

You aren't supposed to feed them.
(= You aren't allowed to feed them.)
Copak nevíte, že tady nemáte krmit zvířata?
Don't you know you aren't supposed to feed the animals here?

Porovnejte různé významy BE SUPPOSED TO:

The concert is supposed to be (= is said to be) amazing.
Předpokládá se, že ten koncert bude skvělý./Ten koncert má být skvělý.
Where is Jake? He was supposed to be (= should have been) here by now.
Kde je Jake? Měl už tu být.
You aren't supposed to be smoking (= aren't allowed to be smoking) at the bus stop.
Nesmíš kouřit na autobusové zastávce.

Doporučujeme si procvičit trpné vazby se sdělovací slovesy (passive with reporting verbs) v našich cvičeních.