Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na tzv. smíšené kondicionály, které kombinují kondicionály druhého a třetího typu.
Smíšené kondicionály – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
If we hadn't missed our flight, we would already be in the pool.
Podmínka v minulosti: | If we hadn't missed it,... |
Výsledek v přítomnosti: | ...we would be in the pool. |
Nejdříve si připomeňme klasické kondicionály druhého a třetího typu. Oba vyjadřují nereálnou podmínku (= hypotetickou situaci):
If I weren't lazy, I would put sunblock on now.
Kdybych nebyla líná, namazala bych se teď opalovacím krémem. |
If I had put sunblock on, I wouldn't have gotten burned yesterday.
Kdybych se namazala opalovacím krémem, včera bych se nespálila. |
Smíšené kondicionály (mixed conditionals):
If I had put sunblock on yesterday, I wouldn't be burned now.
Kdybych se včera namazala opalovacím krémem, nebyla bych teď spálená. |
If I weren't lazy, I would have put sunblock on yesterday.
Kdybych nebyla líná, namazala bych se včera opalovacím krémem. |
Podmínka v minulosti (třetí typ) + výsledek v přítomnosti (druhý typ):
If we had invested in that startup years ago, we would be incredibly rich now.
Kdybychom do tohoto startupu před lety investovali, byli bychom dnes neuvěřitelně bohatí. |
If Gina hadn't eaten all those sweets last night, her stomach wouldn't be upset now.
Kdyby Gina včera večer nesnědla všechny ty sladkosti, neměla by teď žaludeční potíže. |
You would be soaking wet now if James hadn't lent you an umbrella.
Byl bys teď promočený, kdyby ti James nepůjčil deštník. |
If the cleaner hadn't left the air conditioning on, the room wouldn't be freezing.
Podmínka v minulosti: | If she hadn't left it on,... |
Výsledek v přítomnosti: | ...the room wouldn't be freezing. |
If we had skipped breakfast, we would be starving now.
Podmínka v minulosti: | If we had skipped it,... |
Výsledek v přítomnosti: | ...we would be starving now. |
Would Dough be in the pub with us if he had finished work on time?
Výsledek v přítomnosti: | Would he be in the pub... |
Podmínka v minulosti: | ...if he had finished on time? |
If I'd gotten those fancy heels, I'd probably regret it now.
Podmínka v minulosti: | If I had gotten them,... |
Výsledek v přítomnosti: | ...I would regret it now. |
You should have looked at the map. We wouldn't be lost if you'd done it.
Výsledek v přítomnosti: | We wouldn't be lost... |
Podmínka v minulosti: | ...if you'd done it. |
Podmínka v přítomnosti (druhý typ) + výsledek v minulosti (třetí typ):
If we were rich, we would have bought the mansion we visited the other day.
Kdybychom byli bohatí, koupili bychom si sídlo, které jsme nedávno navštívili. |
If Gina liked sweets, she would have eaten some last night.
Kdyby měla Gina ráda sladkosti, včera večer by nějaké snědla. |
I would have gotten wet yesterday if James weren't such a nice person.
Včera bych zmokl, kdyby James nebyl tak milý člověk. |
If my flatmate were into rock music, she would have gone to the festival with us.
Podmínka v přítomnosti: | If she were into rock music,... |
Výsledek v minulosti: | ...she would have gone with us. |
If Pedro and José were Americans, they wouldn't need to apply for a visa.
Podmínka v přítomnosti: | If they were Americans,... |
Výsledek v minulosti: | ...they wouldn't need to apply. |
I'd have made grandpa a cake for his birthday if I could bake.
Výsledek v minulosti: | I'd have made him a cake... |
Podmínka v přítomnosti: | ...if I could bake. |
You shouldn't have moved back to Europe. If I were you, I'd have stayed in Bali.
Podmínka v přítomnosti: | If I were you,... |
Výsledek v minulosti: | ...I'd have stayed there. |
If you had blue eyes, would they have cast you for that role?
Podmínka v přítomnosti: | If you had blue eyes,... |
Výsledek v minulosti: | ...would they have cast you? |
Smíšené kondicionály – shrnutí:
If I had put sunblock on yesterday, I wouldn't be burned now.
If I weren't lazy, I would have put sunblock on yesterday.
Doporučujeme si procvičit smíšené kondicionály (mixed conditionals) v našich cvičeních.
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