Slovesa s ING nebo TO – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme další lekce na stejné téma:
We've always enjoyed travelling, so we decided to travel the world next year.
We've enjoyed to travel travelling.
DECIDE + TO infinitiv: |
We decided travelling to travel.
Někdy používáme dvě slovesa za sebou. Podle prvního slovesa má druhé sloveso koncovku -ING (doing) nebo je v infinitivu (to do, do):
Lucy enjoys doing the English course.
She decided to do the English course.
She should do the English course.
Po některých slovesech můžeme použít -ING i infinitiv (doing/to do):
She started doing the course.
She started to do the course.
Slovesa s -ING :
enjoy, fancy |
consider, imagine, risk, miss, suggest |
mind, would mind, can't stand |
avoid, admit, deny |
delay, postpone, finish, keep |
Would you mind turning the volume down? – No, not at all!
Would you mind to turn turning it down?
Frázová slovesa s předložkou (up, off, on...) používáme s -ING:
give up, put off, carry on, go on, keep on... |
We were tired, but we kept on climbing to reach the top of the mountain.
We kept on to climb climbing.
Slovesa s TO infinitivem:
+ TO DO |
decide, want, offer, hope, deserve, afford, manage, promise, agree, plan |
forget, fail, refuse, threaten |
appear, seem |
claim, pretend, tend |
Další slovesa s TO infinitivem:
+ TO DO |
would like, would love |
would hate |
would prefer |
Would you like to help me?
Chtěl bys mi pomoci? |
Would you mind helping me?
Nevadilo by ti, kdybys mi pomohl? |
Nikoliv: Would you mind TO HELP me?
Did Toby and Jess agree to join us for dinner? – Yes, they would love to eat out with us.
Did they agree joining to join us?
They would love eating out to eat out with us.
Modální slovesa používáme s infinitivem bez TO:
+ DO |
can, could, will, would, may, might, should, must |
Po LET a MAKE používáme předmět + infinitiv bez TO:
let, make |
Should I let the dog run loose?
Should I let him running run?
Slovesa s -ING/TO infinitivem:
like, love, hate |
start, begin, continue |
intend, bother, can't bear |
Simon and I love watching rugby at the weekend.
We love watching it.
We love to watch it.
Po LIKING, BEGINNING, STARTING... používáme obvykle infinitiv s TO:
It's beginning to rain.
Look, it's starting to snow now!
It's starting snowing to snow!
Slovesa, po kterých používáme tázací slovíčko WHAT, WHO, WHEN... + TO infinitiv:
know, ask, decide, remember, forget, explain, learn, understand, wonder |
I'm wondering where to go first. Paris or Madrid?
I'm wondering where going to go.
Po TELL, ASK, SHOW, TEACH můžeme použít předmět + WHAT/HOW/WHERE + TO infinitiv:
tell, ask, show, teach |
If you ask your dad, he'll show you how to make pancakes.
He'll show you how making to make them.
Pokud vyjadřujeme zápor u druhého slovesa, NOT je obvykle před slovesem s -ING nebo před infinitivem:
I enjoy not getting up early.
Líbí se mi, že nemusím vstávat brzy. |
I decided not to get up early.
Rozhodl jsem se, že nebudu vstávat brzy. |
Slovesa s ING nebo TO – shrnutí:
enjoy, fancy |
consider, imagine, risk, miss, suggest |
mind, would mind, can't stand |
avoid, admit, deny |
delay, postpone, finish, keep |
give up, put off, carry on... |
+ TO DO |
decide, want, offer, hope, deserve, afford, manage, promise, agree, plan |
forget, fail, refuse, threaten |
appear, seem |
claim, pretend, tend |
would love, would like, would hate, would prefer |
+ DO |
can, could, will... |
let, make |
like, love, hate |
start, begin, continue |
intend, bother, can't bear |
know, ask, decide, remember, forget, explain, learn, understand, wonder |
tell, ask, show, teach |
Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa s ING nebo TO (verbs with ING or TO) v našich cvičeních.
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