For, since (A2)

Prepositions of time (229)

Časové předložky

Hlavní přehled

For, since – procvičování:


I've been waiting for two hours.
Čekám dvě hodiny.
I've been waiting since 2 o'clock.
Čekám od dvou hodin.

We've been travelling since Thursday. = Cestujeme už od čtvrtka.

Od (nějaké doby):
since Thursday
Po (nějakou dobu):
for five days
Cestujeme už od čtvrtka.
We've been travelling since Thursday.

FOR znamená – po (nějakou dobu), zatímco SINCEod (nějaké doby):

live for ten months
bydlet deset měsíců
live since 2020
bydlet od 2020
For an hour, for a week, for a month...

FOR (už...; po dobu...) použijeme pro trvání časového úseku:

for a minute
(už) minutu
for two hours
dvě hodiny
for five days
pět dní
for three weeks
tři týdny
for many months
mnoho měsíců
for a few years
několik let
for a long time
dlouhou dobu

Rachel has been packing for several hours. = Rachel balí už několik hodin.

since for several hours
Rachel balí už několik hodin.
Rachel has been packing for several hours.

FOR používáme s různými časy, např. s předpřítomným, minulým nebo budoucím:

I have lived here for three years.
Žiju tady už tři roky.
I lived here for three years.
Žil jsem tady tři roky.
I will live here for three years.
Budu tady žít tři roky.

I've been here for two months and I still don't understand French. = Už jsem tady dva měsíce a pořád nerozumím francouzsky.

since for two months
Už jsem tady dva měsíce a pořád nerozumím francouzsky.
I've been here for two months and I still don't understand French.

Kelly and Ellen stayed in Florida for a month. = Kelly a Ellen zůstaly na Floridě měsíc.

for a month
for a year
for a long time
Kelly a Ellen zůstaly na Floridě měsíc.
Kelly and Ellen stayed in Florida for a month.

Will you bake the muffins for about 45 minutes? = Budeš muffiny péct asi 45 minut?

for 45 minutes
for a few days
for centuries
Budeš muffiny péct asi 45 minut?
Will you bake the muffins for about 45 minutes?

FOR před HOW LONG obvykle nepoužíváme:

How long have they been dating?
Jak dlouho spolu chodí?
I don't know how long the movie is.
Nevím, jak je film dlouhý.

FOR nepoužíváme ve spojení s ALL:

I've been reading all evening.
Celý večer si čtu.
I've known Peter all my life.
Znám Petra celý svůj život.

Nikoliv: for all evening, for all my life

How long were you surfing? – All afternoon. = Jak dlouho jste surfovali? – Celé odpoledne.

for how long
for all afternoon
Jak dlouho jste surfovali? – Celé odpoledne.
How long were you surfing? – All afternoon.
Since this morning, since Monday, since January...

SINCE (od...) použijeme se začátkem časového úseku:

since this morning
od rána
since 12 o'clock
od 12 hodin
since yesterday
od včera
since Tuesday
od úterý
since February
od února
since 2005
od roku 2005
since the last century
od minulého století

Porovnejte FOR a SINCE:

(už) dvacet minut
for twenty minutes
od šesti ráno
since 6 am
(už) jednu hodinu
for one hour
od poledne
since noon
(už) čtyři měsíce
for four months
od září
since September

We haven't ridden a motorbike since high school. = Od střední jsme na motorce nejezdili.

since high school
for many years
Od střední jsme na motorce nejezdili.
We haven't ridden a motorbike since high school.

How long have you been working in Australia? – Since 2021. = Jak dlouho pracujete v Austrálii? – Od roku 2021.

since 2021
since last year
since the beginning of summer
Jak dlouho pracujete v Austrálii? – Od roku 2021.
How long have you been working in Australia? – Since 2021.

Předložku SINCE typicky používáme s předpřítomným časem:

Olivia has been travelling since June.
Olivia od června cestuje.
I have been working since 7 o'clock.
Pracuji od sedmi hodin.
They have been friends since childhood.
Kamarádí se od dětství.

Předložku SINCE používáme pouze s dějem, který začal v minulosti a trvá až do současnosti. V ostatních případech musíme použít FROM:

She has been travelling since June. (= She's travelling now.)
She was travelling from June to August.
She will be travelling from June.

Nikoliv: She was travelling since..., She will be travelling since...

I haven't eaten Chinese food since last month. = Čínské jídlo jsem nejedl od minulého měsíce.

since last month
since July
since 2014
Čínské jídlo jsem nejedl od minulého měsíce.
I haven't eaten Chinese food since last month.

The boys were doing homework from 3 pm to 5 pm. = Kluci dělali úkoly od tří do pěti.

They were doing homework since from...
Kluci dělali úkoly od tří do pěti.
The boys were doing homework from 3 pm to 5 pm.

SINCE můžeme použít jako spojku mezi větami:

She has been travelling since she finished school.
Cestuje od doby, kdy dokončila školu.
I have been working since I got home.
Pracuji od té doby, co jsem se vrátil domů.
They have been friends since they were children.
Přátelí se od dětství.

Všimněte si, že v jedné větě je předpřítomný čas (has been travelling) a ve druhé větě minulý čas (finished).

My parents have been coming to this café since it first opened. = Moji rodiče chodí do této kavárny od jejího otevření.

...since it first opened.
...since it has first opened.
Moji rodiče chodí do této kavárny od jejího otevření.
My parents have been coming to this café since it first opened.


She's been travelling since she finished school.
She's been travelling since June.
I've been working since I got home.
I've been working since 7 o'clock.
They've been friends since they were children.
They've been friends since childhood.

Jessica has been playing drums since she was a little girl. = Jessica hraje na bicí odmalička.

...since she was a little girl.
...since 2014.
Jessica hraje na bicí odmalička.
Jessica has been playing drums since she was a little girl.

Mitch has been in love with Claire since he met her. = Mitch je do Claire zamilovaný od chvíle, kdy ji poznal.

...since he met her.
...since their first date.
Mitch je do Claire zamilovaný od chvíle, kdy ji poznal.
Mitch has been in love with Claire since he met her.

For, since – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: