Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na slovesa, která používáme s ING i TO infinitivem (remember doing/remember to do, try doing/try to do...), v každém případě ale s odlišným významem.
Slovesa s ING nebo TO – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
Have you ever tried skydiving? – I tried to book a lesson last year, but they were full.
Vyzkoušet: |
Have you tried skydiving?
Pokusit se: |
I tried to book a lesson.
U některých sloves – REMEMBER, FORGET, STOP... si použití ING odůvodníme předčasností:
Do you remember closing the windows? (first close, remember afterwards)
You never remember to close the windows! (first remember, close afterwards)
U jiných sloves – TRY, MEAN, NEED... si musíme jednotlivé významy zapamatovat:
I tried lifting the weight to see how many reps I could do. (try = test something that is possible)
I tried to lift the weight, but it was too heavy for me. (try = attempt to see if it's possible)
REMEMBER, FORGET, REGRET, STOP – u druhého slovesa používáme ING, pokud se tento děj stal před dějem prvního slovesa. V opačném případě použijeme TO infinitiv:
I remember buying the eggs last week. (1. buy; 2. remember)
Please remember to buy the eggs! (1. remember; 2. buy)
I'll never forget meeting Linda for the first time. (1. meet; 2. not forget)
Don't forget to bring Linda a present. (1. not forget; 2. bring)
I regret not applying for that job. (1. not apply; 2. regret)
We regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted. (1. regret; 2. inform)
I stopped eating sweets to lose weight. (1. eat; 2. stop)
I stopped at the petrol station to get some sweets. (1. stop; 2. get)
Please remember to feed the dog before you leave tomorrow.
Remember to feed him tomorrow.
I don't remember feeding him yesterday. I must have forgotten!
I'll never forget flying for the first time. I was so terrified.
1. fly; 2. not forget: |
I'll never forget to fly flying.
Do you want me to stop to get something to eat and drink?
1. stop; 2. get: |
Do you want to stop to get something?
Can't you stop fighting already? You'll break it!
1. fight; 2. stop: |
Can't you stop fighting?
CONTINUE a GO ON – u druhého slovesa používáme ING, pokud se pokračuje ve stejné činnosti. TO infinitiv použijeme, pokud se začíná nová/další činnost:
I asked him to stop, but he continued complaining. (= the same thing)
After I explained the check-in process, I went on to talk about the facilities. (= move on to the next topic)
Travelling was so much fun, so I went on travelling until June. (= the same thing)
When I finished university, I went on to travel. (= move on to the next thing)
I don't want to go on lying on the beach the whole day. We should go on to do something more active.
Stejná činnost: |
go on lying on the beach
Něco dalšího: |
go on to do something else
What did you do after the picnic? Did you continue to watch the sunset?
Začít něco dalšího: |
continue watching to watch the sunset
Porovnejte odlišné významy u TRY, MEAN, CONSIDER a IMAGINE:
Have you tried playing with the ball to see if it needs to be inflated more? (try = test; experiment)
He tried to reach for the ball, but it was too high for him. (try = attempt)
Jake wants to become a doctor, that means studying a lot. (mean = something has something else as a result)
Jake meant to become a doctor, but he didn't get to the medical school. (mean = intend; want)
Petra is considering moving to Texas. (consider doing something = think about doing something)
Everybody considers Petra to be very attractive. (consider somebody to be... = think that somebody is...)
Imagine dating such a pretty girl! (imagine doing something = imagine what it would be like to do something)
I imagined her to be prettier in person. (imagine somebody to be... = expect that somebody is...)
Více o TRY v lekci: Try to do, try doing
Would you consider travelling around New Zealand during the summer?
Uvažovat o něčem: |
Would you consider travelling there?
Would you think about travelling there?
The trainer considers Luke to be the most valuable player on the team.
Považovat: |
He considers him to be the best.
He thinks he's the best.
Se slovesy NEED, REQUIRE, WANT používáme běžně TO infinitiv. Pokud použijeme ING, vyjadřujeme trpný význam. Porovnejte:
Činný význam |
I need to cut my hair.
We require students to wear a uniform.
I want to mop the floor today.
Trpný význam |
My hair needs cutting. (= It should be cut.)
The uniform requires gentle washing. (= It should be washed gently.)
The floor wants mopping. (= It should be mopped.)
The car needs repairing. I'll need to take it to a mechanic.
The car needs to repair repairing.
The car should be repaired.
HELP používáme běžně s infinitivem (do/to do). Výjimkou je CAN'T/COULDN'T HELP DOING SOMETHING:
Can you help me to move it?
Mohla bys mi to pomoct přesunout? |
I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help crying.
Omlouvám se, ale prostě jsem se nemohl ubránit pláči. |
O HELP více v lekci: Help to do, can't help doing...
Will you help me pitch the tent? I can't do it by myself.
Pomoci někomu: |
Will you help me pitch it?
Will you help me to pitch it?
Robert can't help feeling that she doesn't love him anymore.
Nemoci si pomoct: |
He can't help feeling that way.
He can't help thinking that.
He can't help not trusting her.
Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa s ING nebo TO (verbs with ING or TO) v našich cvičeních.
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