Remember doing, remember to do... (B2)

Verbs with ING or TO (416)

Slovesa s ING nebo TO (3. část)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na slovesa, která používáme s ING i TO infinitivem (remember doing/remember to do, try doing/try to do...), v každém případě ale s odlišným významem.

Slovesa s ING nebo TO – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

Have you ever tried skydiving? – I tried to book a lesson last year, but they were full.

Have you tried skydiving?
Pokusit se:
I tried to book a lesson.
Vyzkoušela sis někdy skákání s padákem? – Minulý rok jsem se pokusila rezervovat lekci, ale měli plno.
Have you ever tried skydiving? – I tried to book a lesson last year, but they were full.

U některých sloves – REMEMBER, FORGET, STOP... si použití ING odůvodníme předčasností:

Do you remember closing the windows? (first close, remember afterwards)
You never remember to close the windows! (first remember, close afterwards)

U jiných sloves – TRY, MEAN, NEED... si musíme jednotlivé významy zapamatovat:

I tried lifting the weight to see how many reps I could do. (try = test something that is possible)
I tried to lift the weight, but it was too heavy for me. (try = attempt to see if it's possible)
Remember doing (first doing)
Remember to do (first remembering)

REMEMBER, FORGET, REGRET, STOP – u druhého slovesa používáme ING, pokud se tento děj stal před dějem prvního slovesa. V opačném případě použijeme TO infinitiv:

I remember buying the eggs last week. (1. buy; 2. remember)
Please remember to buy the eggs! (1. remember; 2. buy)
I'll never forget meeting Linda for the first time. (1. meet; 2. not forget)
Don't forget to bring Linda a present. (1. not forget; 2. bring)
I regret not applying for that job. (1. not apply; 2. regret)
We regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted. (1. regret; 2. inform)
I stopped eating sweets to lose weight. (1. eat; 2. stop)
I stopped at the petrol station to get some sweets. (1. stop; 2. get)
Vzpomínáš si, jak jsi to fotil?
Do you remember taking this photo?
Nezapomeň udělat spoustu fotek!
Remember to take a lot of photos!
Na návštěvu Austrálie nikdy nezapomene.
She'll never forget visiting Australia.
Zapomněl si vzít pas.
He forgot to bring his passport.
Lituju, že jsem se neučil víc.
I regret not studying harder.
S lítostí ti musím říct, že jsi neuspěl.
I regret to tell you that you failed.
Výtah přestal fungovat.
The lift stopped working.
Zastavili se, aby nás pozdravili.
They stopped to say hello.

Please remember to feed the dog before you leave tomorrow.

Remember to feed him tomorrow.
I don't remember feeding him yesterday. I must have forgotten!
Nezapomeň prosím nakrmit psa, než zítra odjedeš.
Please remember to feed the dog before you leave tomorrow.

I'll never forget flying for the first time. I was so terrified.

1. fly; 2. not forget:
I'll never forget to fly flying.
Nikdy nezapomenu, jak jsem poprvé letěl letadlem. Měl jsem hrozný strach.
I'll never forget flying for the first time. I was so terrified.

Do you want me to stop to get something to eat and drink?

1. stop; 2. get:
Do you want to stop to get something?
Mám někde zastavit, abychom si mohli koupit něco k jídlu a pití?
Do you want me to stop to get something to eat and drink?

Can't you stop fighting already? You'll break it!

1. fight; 2. stop:
Can't you stop fighting?
Nemůžete se už přestat prát? Vždyť ho rozbijete!
Can't you stop fighting already? You'll break it!
Continue doing (the same thing)
Continue to do (a new thing)

CONTINUE a GO ON – u druhého slovesa používáme ING, pokud se pokračuje ve stejné činnosti. TO infinitiv použijeme, pokud se začíná nová/další činnost:

I asked him to stop, but he continued complaining. (= the same thing)
After I explained the check-in process, I went on to talk about the facilities. (= move on to the next topic)
Travelling was so much fun, so I went on travelling until June. (= the same thing)
When I finished university, I went on to travel. (= move on to the next thing)
Pokračovali v plavání. (stejná činnost)
They continued swimming.
Pokračovali v jízdě na kole. (nová činnost)
They continued to cycle.
Mluvil celé hodiny.
He went on talking for hours.
Dále začal mluvit o politice.
He went on to talk about politics.

I don't want to go on lying on the beach the whole day. We should go on to do something more active.

Stejná činnost:
go on lying on the beach
Něco dalšího:
go on to do something else
Nechci celý den ležet na pláži. Měli bychom začít dělat něco aktivnějšího.
I don't want to go on lying on the beach the whole day. We should go on to do something more active.

What did you do after the picnic? Did you continue to watch the sunset?

Začít něco dalšího:
continue watching to watch the sunset
Co jste dělali po pikniku? Šli jste se podívat na západ slunce?
What did you do after the picnic? Did you continue to watch the sunset?
Try doing, try to do...

Porovnejte odlišné významy u TRY, MEAN, CONSIDER a IMAGINE:

Have you tried playing with the ball to see if it needs to be inflated more? (try = test; experiment)
He tried to reach for the ball, but it was too high for him. (try = attempt)
Jake wants to become a doctor, that means studying a lot. (mean = something has something else as a result)
Jake meant to become a doctor, but he didn't get to the medical school. (mean = intend; want)
Petra is considering moving to Texas. (consider doing something = think about doing something)
Everybody considers Petra to be very attractive. (consider somebody to be... = think that somebody is...)
Imagine dating such a pretty girl! (imagine doing something = imagine what it would be like to do something)
I imagined her to be prettier in person. (imagine somebody to be... = expect that somebody is...)

Více o TRY v lekci: Try to do, try doing

Vyzkoušel jsi ho restartovat?
Have you tried restarting it?
Zkusil jsi ho opravit?
Have you tried to fix it?
Moje nová práce znamená, že budu vstávat brzy.
My new job means getting up early.
Nechtěla jsem se tě dotknout.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Uvažuje nad tím, že ho koupí.
He's considering buying it.
Je považován za nejrychlejšího běžce.
He's considered to be the fastest runner.
Představte si, že byste žili na Manhattanu!
Imagine living in Manhattan!
Představovali jsme si, že bude větší.
We imagined it to be bigger.

Would you consider travelling around New Zealand during the summer?

Uvažovat o něčem:
Would you consider travelling there?
Would you think about travelling there?
Uvažovali byste o cestování po Novém Zélandu během léta?
Would you consider travelling around New Zealand during the summer?

The trainer considers Luke to be the most valuable player on the team.

He considers him to be the best.
He thinks he's the best.
Trenér považuje Luka za nejcennějšího hráče týmu.
The trainer considers Luke to be the most valuable player on the team.
It needs doing = it should be done

Se slovesy NEED, REQUIRE, WANT používáme běžně TO infinitiv. Pokud použijeme ING, vyjadřujeme trpný význam. Porovnejte:

Činný význam
I need to cut my hair.
We require students to wear a uniform.
I want to mop the floor today.
Trpný význam
My hair needs cutting. (= It should be cut.)
The uniform requires gentle washing. (= It should be washed gently.)
The floor wants mopping. (= It should be mopped.)
Musíme pokoj vymalovat.
We need to paint the room.
Pokoj potřebuje vymalovat.
The room needs painting.
Od hráčů vyžadují tvrdý trénink.
They require players to train hard.
Fotbal vyžaduje rychlé myšlení.
Football requires quick thinking.
Chci zalít rostliny.
I want to water the plants.
Ta rostlina potřebuje zalít.
The plant wants watering.

The car needs repairing. I'll need to take it to a mechanic.

The car needs to repair repairing.
The car should be repaired.
Auto potřebuje opravit. Budu ho muset vzít do servisu.
The car needs repairing. I'll need to take it to a mechanic.
Help somebody do, can't help doing...

HELP používáme běžně s infinitivem (do/to do). Výjimkou je CAN'T/COULDN'T HELP DOING SOMETHING:

Can you help me to move it?
Mohla bys mi to pomoct přesunout?
I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help crying.
Omlouvám se, ale prostě jsem se nemohl ubránit pláči.

O HELP více v lekci: Help to do, can't help doing...

Pomáhá mi chodit.
She helps me walk.
Pomohl mi uvařit.
He helped me to cook.
Nemůže se ubránit smíchu.
She can't help laughing.
Nemohl se ubránit kýchnutí.
He couldn't help sneezing.

Will you help me pitch the tent? I can't do it by myself.

Pomoci někomu:
Will you help me pitch it?
Will you help me to pitch it?
Pomůžeš mi postavit stan? Sám to nezvládnu.
Will you help me pitch the tent? I can't do it by myself.

Robert can't help feeling that she doesn't love him anymore.

Nemoci si pomoct:
He can't help feeling that way.
He can't help thinking that.
He can't help not trusting her.
Robert se nemůže zbavit pocitu, že už ho nemiluje.
Robert can't help feeling that she doesn't love him anymore.

Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa s ING nebo TO (verbs with ING or TO) v našich cvičeních.