Be about to – procvičování:
Na budoucí čas máme také lekce:
Let's hurry up! The ceremony is about to begin.
Velmi blízká budoucnost: |
It is about to begin.
It will begin very soon.
BE ABOUT TO + infinitiv používáme, když chceme vyjádřit, že se něco stane velmi brzy:
We're about to head to the airport.
Zrovna budeme vyrážet na letiště. |
I'm about to book the holiday.
Chystám se zarezervovat dovolenou. |
Is the baby about to fall asleep?
Usne miminko každou chvíli? |
I'm about to go for an interview. I'll call you later.
Velmi blízká budoucnost: |
I'm about to go... |
I'll go very soon... |
You're about to experience something extraordinary.
You're about experience to experience... |
Please fasten your seat belts. We are about to land.
We are about landing to land.
Are your friends about to take a taxi to the center?
Are they about to take it...? |
Will they take it very soon...? |
Brad isn't about to go to bed. He wants to finish the whole season.
Velmi blízká budoucnost: |
He isn't about to go to bed.
He won't go to bed anytime soon.
BE ABOUT TO používáme, když předpovídáme, že se něco stane, podobně jako BE GOING TO:
It's about to rain.
Bude pršet. |
It's going to rain.
BE ABOUT TO zdůrazňuje oproti BE GOING TO velmi blízkou budoucnost:
The tooth is about to fall out.
Zub vypadne. (každou chvíli) |
The tooth is going to fall out.
Zub vypadne. (brzy, ne nutně hned) |
Be careful! The boxes are about to collapse.
They're about to collapse.
They're going to collapse.
Look at Alex. He's about to propose to his girlfriend.
Velmi blízká budoucnost: | He's about to propose... |
Blízká budoucnost: | He's going to propose... |
BE ABOUT TO můžeme také použít, pokud mluvíme o minulosti. Porovnejte:
We're about to head out.
Zrovna se chystáme vyrazit. |
We were about to head out when I got the message about the delay.
Chystali jsme se vyrazit, když jsem dostal zprávu o zpoždění. |
I'm about to book it.
Zrovna se to chystám zarezervovat. |
I was about to book it, but then I changed my mind.
Chystal jsem se to zarezervovat, ale rozmyslel jsem si to. |
I'm sorry I didn't let you know I was coming. Were you about to have lunch when I got here?
Minulost: |
Were you about to have lunch?
Budoucnost: |
Are you about to have lunch?
Christiano was about to score but was knocked down by an opposing player.
Minulost: |
He was about to score.
Budoucnost: |
He's about to score.
Pro zdůraznění, že se něco má stát velmi brzy, použijeme JUST:
We're just about to head out.
Právě se chystáme vyrazit. |
I was just about to book it.
Právě jsem si to chtěl zarezervovat. |
I was just about to leave when I saw David running towards me.
I was just about to leave... |
I was very close to leaving... |
Be about to – shrnutí a tip na závěr:
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