Be about to (B1)

Future (353)

Vyjádření budoucnosti

Hlavní přehled

Be about to – procvičování:

Na budoucí čas máme také lekce:

Let's hurry up! The ceremony is about to begin.

Velmi blízká budoucnost:
It is about to begin.
It will begin very soon.
Pospěšme si! Obřad za chvíli začne.
Let's hurry up! The ceremony is about to begin.

BE ABOUT TO + infinitiv používáme, když chceme vyjádřit, že se něco stane velmi brzy:

We're about to head to the airport.
Zrovna budeme vyrážet na letiště.
I'm about to book the holiday.
Chystám se zarezervovat dovolenou.
Is the baby about to fall asleep?
Usne miminko každou chvíli?
Za chvíli to začne!
It's about to start!
Právě se chystá jíst.
He's about to eat.

I'm about to go for an interview. I'll call you later.

Velmi blízká budoucnost:
I'm about to go...
I'll go very soon...
Zrovna se chystám na pohovor. Zavolám ti později.
I'm about to go for an interview. I'll call you later.

You're about to experience something extraordinary.

You're about experience to experience...
Nyní zažijete něco mimořádného.
You're about to experience something extraordinary.

Please fasten your seat belts. We are about to land.

We are about landing to land.
Připoutejte se, prosím. Za chvíli přistáváme.
Please fasten your seat belts. We are about to land.

Are your friends about to take a taxi to the center?

Are they about to take it...?
Will they take it very soon...?
Chystají se tvoje kamarádky jet do centra taxíkem?
Are your friends about to take a taxi to the center?

Brad isn't about to go to bed. He wants to finish the whole season.

Velmi blízká budoucnost:
He isn't about to go to bed.
He won't go to bed anytime soon.
Brad se nechystá jít spát. Chce dokončit celou sérii.
Brad isn't about to go to bed. He wants to finish the whole season.

BE ABOUT TO používáme, když předpovídáme, že se něco stane, podobně jako BE GOING TO:

It's about to rain.
Bude pršet.
It's going to rain.

BE ABOUT TO zdůrazňuje oproti BE GOING TO velmi blízkou budoucnost:

The tooth is about to fall out.
Zub vypadne. (každou chvíli)
The tooth is going to fall out.
Zub vypadne. (brzy, ne nutně hned)

Be careful! The boxes are about to collapse.

They're about to collapse.
They're going to collapse.
Buď opatrný! Krabice se každou chvíli zřítí.
Be careful! The boxes are about to collapse.

Look at Alex. He's about to propose to his girlfriend.

Velmi blízká budoucnost: He's about to propose...
Blízká budoucnost: He's going to propose...
Podívejte se na Alexe. Chystá se požádat svoji přítelkyni o ruku.
Look at Alex. He's about to propose to his girlfriend.

BE ABOUT TO můžeme také použít, pokud mluvíme o minulosti. Porovnejte:

We're about to head out.
Zrovna se chystáme vyrazit.
We were about to head out when I got the message about the delay.
Chystali jsme se vyrazit, když jsem dostal zprávu o zpoždění.
I'm about to book it.
Zrovna se to chystám zarezervovat.
I was about to book it, but then I changed my mind.
Chystal jsem se to zarezervovat, ale rozmyslel jsem si to.

I'm sorry I didn't let you know I was coming. Were you about to have lunch when I got here?

Were you about to have lunch?
Are you about to have lunch?
Omlouvám se, že jsem vám nedal vědět, že přijedu. Chystali jste se zrovna obědvat, když jsem dorazil?
I'm sorry I didn't let you know I was coming. Were you about to have lunch when I got here?

Christiano was about to score but was knocked down by an opposing player.

He was about to score.
He's about to score.
Christiano se chystal skórovat, ale protihráč ho srazil k zemi.
Christiano was about to score but was knocked down by an opposing player.

Pro zdůraznění, že se něco má stát velmi brzy, použijeme JUST:

We're just about to head out.
Právě se chystáme vyrazit.
I was just about to book it.
Právě jsem si to chtěl zarezervovat.

I was just about to leave when I saw David running towards me.

I was just about to leave...
I was very close to leaving...
Právě jsem se chystal odjet, když jsem uviděl Davida, jak ke mně běží.
I was just about to leave when I saw David running towards me.

Be about to – shrnutí a tip na závěr: