Jak si stěžovat – procvičování:
You're always forgetting to put on sunscreen. I wish you would be more careful in the sun.
Stěžujeme si: |
You're always forgetting it.
You keep forgetting it.
I wish you would be more careful.
Pokud si chceme postěžovat na něco, co nám vadí, rozčiluje nás nebo nám leze na nervy, máme několik možností:
You're always buying new purses. (= It annoys me that/I don't like that...)
Why do you keep buying all those purses? You have more than fifty already!
I wish you wouldn't buy so many purses.
If only you wouldn't buy so many purses.
All you do is buy purses. You're completely obsessed with them.
Pokud se nám nelíbí, že někdo něco dělá opakovaně nebo neustále, použijeme průběhový čas + ALWAYS, CONSTANTLY, CONTINUALLY, ALL THE TIME:
Molly's always asking me silly questions as if she didn't know finance basics.
The dogs are continually escaping from the garden, we should do something about the fence.
They're arriving late for class all the time.
Stěžování se může týkat i minulosti:
Molly had always been asking me silly questions. I'm not surprised she got fired.
The dogs were continually escaping from the garden until we fixed the fence.
They had been arriving late for class all the time, so I suspended them.
ALWAYS, CONSTANTLY... se kromě průběhového času používá i s prostým časem. Pak se ale jedná o pouhé konstatování bez negativních emocí. Porovnejte:
Konstatování | Stěžujeme si |
She always asks questions.
She's always asking silly questions.
He wakes me up at 5 am all the time.
He's waking me up at 5 am all the time. It's really annoying.
Frank is getting on my nerves. He's constantly leaving the toilet seat up and dirty socks everywhere.
Stěžujeme si: |
He's constantly leaving socks everywhere.
I hate moles so much! They're digging tunnels in my garden all the time.
Stěžujeme si: |
They're digging all the time.
They're always digging.
They're constantly digging.
You're always complaining about your job. Why don't you find a new one?
Stěžujeme si: |
You're always complaining.
Konstatování: |
You always complain.
Když si stěžujeme na něco opakovaného, můžeme použít KEEP + ING:
How come you keep losing the keys every couple of months?
Jacob doesn't have to keep reminding me. I know what needs to be taken care of.
Rachel kept badmouthing us to the boss. That's why we finally confronted her.
Podobný význam má průběhový čas + ALWAYS, CONSTANTLY....
You keep leaving the main door wide open. Eventually a burglar might take advantage of it.
You keep leaving it open.
You're always leaving it open.
Our dog kept barking at everyone. It was becoming a real nuisance, so we ended up inviting a dog behavioral specialist.
He kept barking at everybody.
He was always barking at everybody.
Pokud si na něco stěžujeme a chceme, aby se to změnilo, použijeme WISH/IF ONLY + WOULD:
I wish David would smoke less. (= I want David to smoke less.)
Kéž by David kouřil méně. |
If only they would finally stop arguing. (= I'm annoyed because they're arguing. I want them to stop arguing.)
Kdyby se jen konečně přestali hádat. |
WISH/IF ONLY + WOULD nelze použít s osobou, která si zároveň přeje. Říkáme – I WISH YOU/HE/SHE... nebo IF ONLY YOU/HE/SHE...:
I wish you would smoke less.
If only he would smoke less.
Nikoliv: I wish I would..., If only I would...
I wish you would stop biting your nails.
Stěžujeme si a chceme změnu: |
I wish you would stop it.
If only you would stop it.
If only Tiffany wouldn't always come in at the last minute. Sooner or later, she's gonna miss her flight.
I wish she wouldn't... |
I wish you wouldn't... |
I wish they wouldn't... |
I wish I wouldn't... |
Po WISH/IF ONLY se běžně používá i minulý a předminulý čas:
I wish I had a better camera now.
Kéž bych teď měl lepší foťák. |
I wish I had had a better camera when I was travelling.
Kéž bych měl lepší foťák, když jsem cestoval. |
Na rozdíl od vět s WOULD, minulý a předminulý čas nevyjadřuje, že nás něco štve a vyžadujeme změnu. Je to pouhé konstatování. Porovnejte:
I wish you would smoke less. (= stěžujeme si a chceme, aby se to změnilo)
I wish I had a better camera now. (= přání/lítost pro přítomnost)
I wish I had had a better camera then. (= přání/lítost pro minulost)
Více o přacích větách v samostatných lekcích: I wish a If only
I wish you were free next weekend, so you could go to Las Vegas with us.
Přání pro přítomnost/budoucnost: |
I wish you were free next weekend. You could go with us.
Přání pro minulost: |
I wish you had been free last weekend. You could have gone with us.
If only the team had trained a bit harder. They would have won the championship.
Přání pro přítomnost: |
If only they trained harder. They would win.
Přání pro minulost: |
If only they had trained harder. They would have won.
Pokud chceme zdůraznit, že nám vadí nějaký přetrvávající/opakující se děj, použijeme ALL SOMEBODY (EVER) + DOES/WANTS/LIKES... + IS + infinitiv:
All she ever does is gossip. (= She does it all the time and that annoys me.)
Pořád jen pomlouvá. |
All they want is play stupid games.
Chtějí jen hrát hloupé hry. |
All he likes is listen to metal.
Jediné, co ho baví, je poslouchat metal. |
Infinitiv můžeme použít s TO nebo bez TO:
All she does is gossip.
All she does is to gossip.
All they want is play games.
All they want is to play games.
All he likes is listen to metal.
All he likes is to listen to metal.
Infinitiv bez TO je běžnější.
All Destiny ever does is go shopping and spend money.
Stěžujeme si na opakovaný děj: |
All she ever does is go shopping.
All she does is spend money.
All you do is binge-watch TV shows. You should really go outside and touch grass sometimes.
All you do is watch TV.
All you do is to watch TV.
Jak si stěžovat – nejdůležitější body:
You're always buying new purses.
Why do you keep buying new purses?
I wish you wouldn't buy new purses.
If only you wouldn't buy new purses.
All you do is buy new purses.
Doporučujeme si procvičit, jak si postěžovat (how to complain) v našich cvičeních.
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