...aren't you? ...are you? (A2)

Question tags (181)

Tázací dovětky

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na krátké otázky na konci věty – tzv. tázací dovětky (např. ...aren't you? ...do I? ...can't he?).

Tázací dovětky – procvičování:

You are on holiday, aren't you? = Jste na dovolené, že?

You are on holiday, aren't you?
You aren't on holiday, are you?
Jste na dovolené, že?
You are on holiday, aren't you?

Tázací dovětky (question tags) často použijeme, pokud se chceme ujistit, že je něco skutečně pravda. Tázací dovětky odpovídají českému ...že? ...že ano? ...viď? apod.:

Alex is married, isn't he?
Alex je ženatý, že (ano)?
Alex can't cook, can he?
Alex neumí vařit, že (ne)?
Alex was sick, wasn't he?
Alex byl nemocný, viď?

Po kladné větě použijeme záporný dovětek:

He is married, isn't he?
Je ženatý, že?

Po záporné větě použijeme kladný dovětek:

He isn't married, is he?
Není ženatý, že?
It is raining, isn't it?
Emily plays the guitar, doesn't she?
You were thirsty, weren't you?
We could leave sooner, couldn't we?
They would help us, wouldn't they?
You don't have time, do you?
We won't go shopping, will we?
Ann didn't like the dress, did she?
They haven't seen the movie, have they?
Tom shouldn't work, should he?

We bought the house ten years ago, didn't we? = Dům jsme koupili před deseti lety, viď?

We bought it, didn't we?
We didn't buy it, did we?
Dům jsme koupili před deseti lety, viď?
We bought the house ten years ago, didn't we?

You won't be late, will you? = Nepřijdeš pozdě, že ne?

You won't be late, will you?
You will be late, won't you?
Nepřijdeš pozdě, že ne?
You won't be late, will you?

I should take an umbrella, shouldn't I? = Měla bych si vzít deštník, že?

I should take an umbrella, shouldn't I?
I shouldn't take an umbrella, should I?
Měla bych si vzít deštník, že?
I should take an umbrella, shouldn't I?

Your parents wouldn't lend you money, would they? = Rodiče by ti nepůjčili peníze, že ne?

They wouldn't lend it, would they?
They would lend it, wouldn't they?
Rodiče by ti nepůjčili peníze, že ne?
Your parents wouldn't lend you money, would they?

Tim likes going to the zoo, doesn't he? = Tim chodí rád do zoo, viď?

Tim likes it, doesn't he?
Tim doesn't like it, does he?
Tim chodí rád do zoo, viď?
Tim likes going to the zoo, doesn't he?

Pokud je v hlavní větě I AM, použijeme v dovětku AREN'T I:

I'm on time, aren't I?
I'm correct, aren't I?

Nikoliv: ...amn't I?

I'm the tallest one here, aren't I? = Jsem tu nejvyšší, že ano?

I'm the tallest, amn't I aren't I?
Jsem tu nejvyšší, že ano?
I'm the tallest one here, aren't I?

V dovětcích používáme osobní zájmena (he, it, they...):

Max went to the park, didn't he?
The TV isn't working, is it?
The children were loud, weren't they?

Nikoliv: ...didn't Max?, ...is the TV?, ...weren't the children?

Nicky was hungry, wasn't she? = Nicky měla hlad, že ano?

Nicky was hungry, wasn't Nicky she?
Nicky měla hlad, že ano?
Nicky was hungry, wasn't she?

Záporný dovětek je obvykle ve staženém tvaru. Ve formální angličtině se používá také plný tvar:

He's married, isn't he?
He is married, is he not?
He can swim, can't he?
He can swim, can he not?

Nikoliv: ...is not he?, ...cannot he?

Sam forgot to tell you about the party, didn't he? = Sam ti o tom večírku zapomněl říct, že?

Stažený tvar:
He forgot, didn't he?
Plný tvar:
He forgot, did he not?
Sam ti o tom večírku zapomněl říct, že?
Sam forgot to tell you about the party, didn't he?

Porovnejte věty se slovesem HAVE:

You have a boyfriend, don't you?
Máš přítele, že?
You have enjoyed the concert, haven't you?
Koncert se ti líbil, že?

A spider has eight legs, doesn't it? = Pavouk má osm nohou, viď?

It has eight legs, doesn't it?
Pavouk má osm nohou, viď?
A spider has eight legs, doesn't it?

You haven't met my sister, have you? = S mou sestrou se ještě neznáte, že ne?

You haven't met, have you?
You have met, haven't you?
S mou sestrou se ještě neznáte, že ne?
You haven't met my sister, have you?

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