Thank for doing, good at doing... (B1)

Prepositions with ING (362)

Předložky s ING

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Předložky s ING – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme k ING několik dalších lekcí:

We didn't want to leave the US without visiting the famous Grand Canyon first.

Předložka + ING:
without visiting
without to visit
without visit
Nechtěli jsme opustit Spojené státy, aniž bychom nejprve navštívili slavný Grand Canyon.
We didn't want to leave the US without visiting the famous Grand Canyon first.
Thank for inviting, excited about going, good at throwing...

Po předložce (for, about, at...) se používá sloveso s ING (inviting, going, throwing...):

Thank you for inviting us to the party.
The boys are really excited about going to London.
You're so good at throwing parties!
Are you used to not having a lot of free time?

Neříkáme: thank you for INVITE, thank you for TO INVITE

Mám zájem o studium francouzštiny.
I'm interested in studying French.
Ráda ti pomůže.
She's keen on helping you.
Jsou spokojení se životem v New Yorku.
They're happy with living in NYC.
Snili jsme o tom, že budeme cestovat.
We've dreamt of travelling.
Rezervaci provedu tak, že jim zavolám.
I'll book it by calling them.
Vstoupil bez zaklepání.
He entered without knocking.

You should come to the lake with us instead of playing video games.

instead of playing
instead of play
instead of to play
Měl bys s námi jít k jezeru místo hraní videoher.
You should come to the lake with us instead of playing video games.

Nobody believes Jacob passed the test without cheating.

pass it without cheating
pass it without studying
pass it without trying
Nikdo nevěří, že Jacob prošel testem bez podvádění.
Nobody believes Jacob passed the test without cheating.

Did you get stronger arms by doing push-ups every day?

get stronger by doing push-ups
by do
by to do
Posílila jsi ruce každodenním děláním kliků?
Did you get stronger arms by doing push-ups every day?

An immigration officer prohibited Austin from entering Australia. He said his passport was expired.

prohibit from entering
prevent from going in
stop from travelling
Imigrační úředník nedovolil Austinovi vstoupit do Austrálie. Řekl, že jeho pas je propadlý.
An immigration officer prohibited Austin from entering Australia. He said his passport was expired.
Bad at math, bad at it, bad at doing...


Předložka + podstatné jméno/zájmeno Předložka + ING
I'm quite bad at math.
I'm quite bad at doing math in my head.
How about a holiday in Spain?
How about going to Spain?
We're proud of the trophies.
We're proud of winning the trophies.
You should apologise for it.
You should apologise for coming late.

Aunt Jackie was responsible for organising my birthday party. She did such a great job!

responsible for organising
responsible for the organisation
responsible for it
Teta Jackie byla zodpovědná za uspořádání mé narozeninové oslavy. Odvedla skvělou práci!
Aunt Jackie was responsible for organising my birthday party. She did such a great job!

ING použijeme, i když je mezi předložkou a slovesem další slovíčko (John, you, her...):

Don't worry about John travelling on his own.
Nedělej si starosti s tím, že bude John cestovat sám.
We're fed up with you complaining all the time.
Máme už dost toho, jak si pořád stěžuješ.
Do her parents approve of her dating Ian?
Schvalují její rodiče, že chodí s Ianem?

Matthew insists on me having dinner with him next week.

He insists on me having dinner with him.
He insists on her going out with him.
Matthew trvá na tom, abych s ním příští týden povečeřela.
Matthew insists on me having dinner with him next week.

Katy has always dreamed of her dad getting her a puppy.

She dreamed of him getting her a puppy.
She dreamed of somebody buying her a dog.
Katy vždycky snila o tom, že jí táta pořídí štěně.
Katy has always dreamed of her dad getting her a puppy.
Before you do, you... = Before doing, you...

Vedlejší větu začínající na BEFORE nebo AFTER můžeme někdy zkrátit na BEFORE/AFTER + ING:

Before you go out, you should put sunscreen on.
Before going out, you should put sunscreen on.
After he swims in the sea, he'll take a shower.
After swimming in the sea, he'll take a shower.

Abychom mohli vedlejší větu s BEFORE/AFTER zkrátit, musí být podměty v souvětí stejné:

Before you go out, you should put sunscreen on.
After he swims, he'll take a shower.

Více o zkrácených větách v lekci: Vedlejší věty s ING

Before leaving for holiday, make sure you lock the door and close all the windows.

Stejné podměty:
Before you leave, make sure you...
Before leaving, make sure you...
Před odjezdem na dovolenou nezapomeňte zamknout dveře a zavřít všechna okna.
Before leaving for holiday, make sure you lock the door and close all the windows.

After I finish my last project, David and I will go rock climbing in Europe.

Nejsou stejné podměty:
After I finish, we will...
After finishing, we will...
Až dokončím svůj poslední projekt, pojedeme s Davidem lézt po skalách v Evropě.
After I finish my last project, David and I will go rock climbing in Europe.
TO = předložka
TO = součást infinitivu

Pozor, TO může být jak předložka, tak i součást infinitivu (to visit, to get up, to stay...). Porovnejte:

TO = předložka TO = součást infinitivu
I'm looking forward to visiting you. (look forward to = těšit se na)
I can't wait to visit you.
We're used to getting up early. (be used to = být zvyklý na)
We used to get up early. (used to = dělávat)
Rita is opposed to staying another night. (be opposed to = být proti)
Rita doesn't want to stay another night.

Does Ryan prefer relaxing here to going to the festival with us?

Předložka + ING:
He prefers relaxing to going there.
Bude Ryan raději odpočívat tady, než aby s námi jel na festival?
Does Ryan prefer relaxing here to going to the festival with us?

Look! Sam broke her surfboard. She'll have to buy a new one.

Součást infinitivu:
She'll have to buy a new one.
Podívej! Sam si zlomila surfovací prkno. Bude si muset koupit nové.
Look! Sam broke her surfboard. She'll have to buy a new one.

I'm looking forward to watching the new Batman movie on Monday. Are you going to watch it with us as well?

I'm looking forward to watching it.
Součást infinitivu:
Are you going to watch it?
Těším se, až se v pondělí podíváme na nový film o Batmanovi. Budeš se na něj dívat s námi?
I'm looking forward to watching the new Batman movie on Monday. Are you going to watch it with us as well?

Will you please remind me to take the chicken out of the oven in twenty minutes or so?

Součást infinitivu:
Will you remind me to take it out?
Připomeneš mi, prosím, že mám asi za dvacet minut vyndat kuře z trouby?
Will you please remind me to take the chicken out of the oven in twenty minutes or so?

I'm positive you'll get used to working here quickly.

Předložka + ING:
You'll get used to working here.
Jsem si jistý, že si na práci tady rychle zvykneš.
I'm positive you'll get used to working here quickly.

My brother and I used to fight a lot, but now we get along well.

Součást infinitivu:
We used to fight.
S bratrem jsme se často prali, ale teď spolu vycházíme dobře.
My brother and I used to fight a lot, but now we get along well.

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