I wish (B1)

Wish clauses (355)

Přací věty

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes naučíme vyjadřovat české KÉŽ BY pomocí I WISH.

Přací věty – procvičování:

Na přací věty máme také lekci: If only (B1)

I wish I could fly like birds! = Kéž bych mohl létat jako ptáci!

Přání pro přítomnost:
I wish I could fly!
I wish I can...
Kéž bych mohl létat jako ptáci!
I wish I could fly like birds!

I WISH (kéž by; přál bych si, aby...) často používáme v těchto konstrukcích:

Kéž bych byla vyšší.
I wish I was taller.
Kéž bych měl silnější paže.
I wish I had stronger arms.
Kéž bych trénoval víc.
I wish I had trained more.
Kéž bys odešel.
I wish you would leave.
I wish I had, I wish I knew...

Pokud chceme říct, že něco není tak, jak bychom si to představovali – je nám to líto a mrzí nás to, použijeme WISH + minulý čas (was, had, knew...):

I wish I had long hair. (= I don't have long hair, I regret this.)
Přála bych si mít dlouhé vlasy.
I wish I knew Andy better. (= I don't know him well, I regret this. I would like to know him better.)
Přál bych si, abych Andyho znal lépe.

Nikoliv: I wish I HAVE..., I wish I KNOW...

Namísto WAS můžeme použít WERE:

I wish Anna was single.
I wish Anna were single.
I wish I wasn't ill.
I wish I weren't ill.

The Virgin Islands are absolutely amazing. I wish you were here with me right now.

I wish you are were here.
Panenské ostrovy jsou naprosto úžasné. Kéž bys tu teď byl se mnou.
The Virgin Islands are absolutely amazing. I wish you were here with me right now.

I wish I understood José. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish.

I wish I understood.
I don't understand and I regret it.
Kéž bych Josému rozuměl. Bohužel nemluvím španělsky.
I wish I understood José. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish.

The seats are rather uncomfortable. I wish we weren't travelling by bus.

I wish we aren't weren't...
Sedadla jsou dost nepohodlná. Kéž bychom necestovali autobusem.
The seats are rather uncomfortable. I wish we weren't travelling by bus.

What a beautiful house! I wish I were the owner.

I wish I were...
I wish I was...
To je ale krásný dům! Přál bych si být jeho majitelem.
What a beautiful house! I wish I were the owner.
I wish I had had, I wish I had known...

Pokud chceme říct, že něco nebylo tak, jak bychom si to představovali, použijeme WISH + předminulý čas (had been, had had, had known...):

I wish I had had long hair when I was young. (= I didn't have long hair, I regret this.)
Kéž bych měla v mládí dlouhé vlasy.
I wish I had known Andy better. (= I didn't know him well. )
Škoda, že jsem Andyho neznal lépe.


Přítomnost Minulost
We're lost. I wish we had a map.
We got lost yesterday. I wish we had had a map.
I'm hungry. I wish there was something in the fridge.
I was hungry. I wish there had been something in the fridge.

The shopping basket is getting very heavy. I wish I had taken a trolley instead.

I wish I had taken it.
I regret I didn't take it.
Nákupní košík už je velmi těžký. Kéž bych si místo něj vzala vozík.
The shopping basket is getting very heavy. I wish I had taken a trolley instead.

I wish we had stayed on the beach till the sunset yesterday.

Minulost: I wish we had stayed...
Přítomnost: I wish we stayed...
Škoda, že jsme včera nezůstali na pláži až do západu slunce.
I wish we had stayed on the beach till the sunset yesterday.

I wish I had packed warmer clothes. I didn't expect it to be this cold.

I wish I had packed them.
I didn't pack them and I regret it.
Škoda, že jsem si nezabalila teplejší oblečení. Nečekala jsem, že bude taková zima.
I wish I had packed warmer clothes. I didn't expect it to be this cold.

It was a great trip. I just wish it had rained less.

It was great but I wish it had rained less.
It's great but I wish it rained less.
Byl to skvělý výlet. Kéž by jen ale bývalo pršelo méně.
It was a great trip. I just wish it had rained less.

I wish you hadn't told me how the series ends. You've spoiled it for me!

I wish you hadn't told me.
You told me and I regret it.
Přál bych si, abys mi neřekla, jak série skončí. Zkazila jsi mi to!
I wish you hadn't told me how the series ends. You've spoiled it for me!
I wish you would stop, I wish it would...

Pokud chceme, aby se něco změnilo (v přítomnosti nebo budoucnosti), použijeme WISH + WOULD:

My hair is so short. I wish it would grow faster. (= I want my hair to grow faster.)
Mám tak krátké vlasy. Přála bych si, aby rostly rychleji.
I wish you would stop interrupting me. (= I want you to stop doing that.)
Kéž bys mě přestal přerušovat.

WISH + WOULD nelze použít s osobou, která si zároveň přeje. Říkáme I WISH YOU/HE/SHE...:

I wish you would stop it.
I wish he would stop it.
I wish they would stop it.

Nikoliv: I wish I WOULD stop it.

WISH + WOULD používáme obvykle, pokud mluvíme o činnostech nebo dějích, ne o stavech. Se stavy používáme WISH + minulý čas:

Stav Činnost/děj
I wish you weren't so lazy.
I wish you would help me.
I wish he had more time for the children.
I wish he would play with the children.

Nikoliv: I wish you WOULDN'T BE lazy., I wish he WOULD HAVE...

I really wish you would finally stop smoking.

I wish you would stop smoking.
I want you to stop smoking.
Opravdu bych si přála, abys konečně přestal kouřit.
I really wish you would finally stop smoking.

I wish it would clear up. It's been cloudy for days.

I wish it would clear up.
I want it to clear up.
Kdyby se tak vyjasnilo. Je zamračeno už několik dnů.
I wish it would clear up. It's been cloudy for days.
I wish you wouldn't keep...

Pokud si stěžujeme na něco, co někdo dělá opakovaně, použijeme WISH + WOULDN'T:

I wish you wouldn't keep me waiting. (= I don't want you to keep…)
Kéž bys mě nenechával čekat.
I wish he wouldn't always come late. (= I don't want him to come late.)
Přál bych si, aby nechodil vždycky pozdě.

I wish Erica wouldn't watch TV all the time.

I wish she wouldn't watch TV.
I don't want her to watch TV.
Kéž by se Erica pořád nedívala na televizi.
I wish Erica wouldn't watch TV all the time.

WISH můžeme také použít pro jiné osoby (you, he, she...):

Do you wish you were taller?
Alex wishes he was taller.

Podobně jako WISH používáme v přacích větách IF ONLY:

I wish I was taller.
Kéž bych byl vyšší.
If only I was taller.

Ben's stomach is hurting badly now. If only he hadn't eaten so much of the pie!

If only he hadn't eaten...
I wish he hadn't eaten...
Bena teď strašně bolí břicho. Kdyby jen nesnědl tolik toho koláče!
Ben's stomach is hurting badly now. If only he hadn't eaten so much of the pie!

Přací věty (wish clauses) – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit I WISH v našich cvičeních.