Na Landigo se dnes naučíme vyjadřovat české KÉŽ BY pomocí I WISH.
Přací věty – procvičování:
Na přací věty máme také lekci: If only (B1)
I wish I could fly like birds! = Kéž bych mohl létat jako ptáci!
Přání pro přítomnost: |
I wish I could fly!
I wish I can... |
I WISH (kéž by; přál bych si, aby...) často používáme v těchto konstrukcích:
I wish I had a better camera.
Kéž bych měl lepší foťák. |
I wish I had had a better camera when I was travelling.
Kéž bych měl lepší foťák, když jsem cestoval. |
I wish you would stop complaining.
Kéž by sis přestal stěžovat. |
Pokud chceme říct, že něco není tak, jak bychom si to představovali – je nám to líto a mrzí nás to, použijeme WISH + minulý čas (was, had, knew...):
I wish I had long hair. (= I don't have long hair, I regret this.)
Přála bych si mít dlouhé vlasy. |
I wish I knew Andy better. (= I don't know him well, I regret this. I would like to know him better.)
Přál bych si, abych Andyho znal lépe. |
Nikoliv: I wish I HAVE..., I wish I KNOW...
Namísto WAS můžeme použít WERE:
I wish Anna was single.
I wish Anna were single.
I wish I wasn't ill.
I wish I weren't ill.
The Virgin Islands are absolutely amazing. I wish you were here with me right now.
I wish you are were here.
I wish I understood José. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish.
I wish I understood.
I don't understand and I regret it.
The seats are rather uncomfortable. I wish we weren't travelling by bus.
I wish we aren't weren't... |
What a beautiful house! I wish I were the owner.
I wish I were... |
I wish I was... |
Pokud chceme říct, že něco nebylo tak, jak bychom si to představovali, použijeme WISH + předminulý čas (had been, had had, had known...):
I wish I had had long hair when I was young. (= I didn't have long hair, I regret this.)
Kéž bych měla v mládí dlouhé vlasy. |
I wish I had known Andy better. (= I didn't know him well. )
Škoda, že jsem Andyho neznal lépe. |
Přítomnost | Minulost |
We're lost. I wish we had a map.
We got lost yesterday. I wish we had had a map.
I'm hungry. I wish there was something in the fridge.
I was hungry. I wish there had been something in the fridge.
The shopping basket is getting very heavy. I wish I had taken a trolley instead.
I wish I had taken it.
I regret I didn't take it.
I wish we had stayed on the beach till the sunset yesterday.
Minulost: | I wish we had stayed... |
Přítomnost: | I wish we stayed... |
I wish I had packed warmer clothes. I didn't expect it to be this cold.
I wish I had packed them.
I didn't pack them and I regret it.
It was a great trip. I just wish it had rained less.
It was great but I wish it had rained less.
It's great but I wish it rained less.
I wish you hadn't told me how the series ends. You've spoiled it for me!
I wish you hadn't told me.
You told me and I regret it.
Pokud chceme, aby se něco změnilo (v přítomnosti nebo budoucnosti), použijeme WISH + WOULD:
My hair is so short. I wish it would grow faster. (= I want my hair to grow faster.)
Mám tak krátké vlasy. Přála bych si, aby rostly rychleji. |
I wish you would stop interrupting me. (= I want you to stop doing that.)
Kéž bys mě přestal přerušovat. |
WISH + WOULD nelze použít s osobou, která si zároveň přeje. Říkáme I WISH YOU/HE/SHE...:
I wish you would stop it.
I wish he would stop it.
I wish they would stop it.
Nikoliv: I wish I WOULD stop it.
WISH + WOULD používáme obvykle, pokud mluvíme o činnostech nebo dějích, ne o stavech. Se stavy používáme WISH + minulý čas:
Stav | Činnost/děj |
I wish you weren't so lazy.
I wish you would help me.
I wish he had more time for the children.
I wish he would play with the children.
Nikoliv: I wish you WOULDN'T BE lazy., I wish he WOULD HAVE...
I really wish you would finally stop smoking.
I wish you would stop smoking.
I want you to stop smoking.
I wish it would clear up. It's been cloudy for days.
I wish it would clear up.
I want it to clear up.
Pokud si stěžujeme na něco, co někdo dělá opakovaně, použijeme WISH + WOULDN'T:
I wish you wouldn't keep me waiting. (= I don't want you to keep…)
Kéž bys mě nenechával čekat. |
I wish he wouldn't always come late. (= I don't want him to come late.)
Přál bych si, aby nechodil vždycky pozdě. |
I wish Erica wouldn't watch TV all the time.
I wish she wouldn't watch TV.
I don't want her to watch TV.
WISH můžeme také použít pro jiné osoby (you, he, she...):
Do you wish you were taller?
Alex wishes he was taller.
Podobně jako WISH používáme v přacích větách IF ONLY:
I wish I was taller.
Kéž bych byl vyšší. |
If only I was taller.
Ben's stomach is hurting badly now. If only he hadn't eaten so much of the pie!
If only he hadn't eaten... |
I wish he hadn't eaten... |
Přací věty (wish clauses) – nejdůležitější body:
I wish I had a bike now.
I wish I had had a bike then.
I wish you would stop shouting.
Doporučujeme si procvičit I WISH v našich cvičeních.
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