Go on doing, go on to do... (B1)

Vazby se slovesem GO (327)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na vazby slovesa GO s dalším slovesem (go cycling, go on cycling, go on to cycle...).

Vazby se slovesem GO – procvičování:

Další lekce s GO:

What are we going to do tomorrow? – How about going rafting?

What are we going to do?
Volnočasová aktivita:
How about going rafting?
Co budeme dělat zítra? – Co takhle vyrazit na raft?
What are we going to do tomorrow? – How about going rafting?

Vazby GO s dalším slovesem:

Go cycling, go fishing... = volnočasová aktivita

Pokud mluvíme o činnosti, kterou děláme pro zábavu (obvykle sport nebo nějaký koníček), použijeme GO + -ING:

jít lézt (po skalách)
go climbing
jít boxovat
go boxing
jít na snowboard
go snowboarding
jít vzpírat
go weightlifting
jít na bowling
go bowling
jít tancovat
go dancing
jít si prohlížet výkladní skříně
go window shopping
jít na borůvky
go blueberry picking

Pozor na správný slovosled:

go mountain climbing
go strawberry picking

Nikoliv: go climbing mountain, go picking strawberry

Podstatné jméno je v jednotném čísle:

go mountain climbing
go blueberry picking

Nikoliv: mountains, strawberries

Our holiday in South America was awesome. We went hiking or swimming every single day.

Volnočasová aktivita:
go hiking
go swimming
go sightseeing
Naše dovolená v Jižní Americe byla úžasná. Každý den jsme chodili na túry nebo se koupali.
Our holiday in South America was awesome. We went hiking or swimming every single day.

In some countries, it's quite common to go mushroom picking.

go mushroom picking
go picking mushroom
go mushrooms picking
V některých zemích je houbaření celkem běžné.
In some countries, it's quite common to go mushroom picking.
Be going to do = mít v úmyslu/hodlat dělat

Pomocí BE GOING TO + infinitivu vyjadřujeme záměr nebo plán:

I'm going to (= I want/intend to) marry Rachel one day.
Are they going to travel this year?

WAS/WERE GOING TO obvykle vyjadřuje, že jsme něco chtěli udělat, ale nakonec jsme to neudělali:

I was going to propose to her yesterday, but she got angry with me, so I didn't. (= I wanted to but I didn't.)
They were going to travel, but in the end they couldn't.

I'm going to move to Madrid next year. I've been thinking about it for a while now.

I'm going to move.
Právě se rozhodnout:
I'll move.
Příští rok se přestěhuju do Madridu. Už jsem o tom přemýšlel dlouho.
I'm going to move to Madrid next year. I've been thinking about it for a while now.

Sean was going to call you, but he totally forgot about it.

He was going to call you.
He wanted to call you, but he didn't.
Sean ti chtěl zavolat, ale úplně na to zapomněl.
Sean was going to call you, but he totally forgot about it.
Be going to do = dělat v blízké budoucnosti

Pomocí BE GOING TO + infinitivu vyjadřujeme blízkou budoucnost. Často jde o nevyhnutelnou/velmi pravděpodobnou budoucnost na základě toho, co vidíme nebo co se právě děje:

Watch out! Those boxes are going to fall! (= I can see the boxes are unstable, they will most likely fall very soon.)
Look at the dark clouds, it's going to rain. It's inevitable. (= It's very likely it'll rain soon because of the dark clouds.)
Brzy to začne!
It's going to start soon!
Vybuchne to!
It's going to explode!
It's going to fall out.
Bude to bolet!
It's going to hurt!
Bude to ostré.
It's going to be spicy.
Bude to drahé.
It's going to be expensive.

Don't put any more groceries into that bag. If you do, it's going to break.

Pravděpodobná budoucnost:
It's going to break.
It's very likely it'll break.
Už do té tašky nedávejte žádné další potraviny, nebo praskne.
Don't put any more groceries into that bag. If you do, it's going to break.

You're almost all packed up, are you going to leave soon?

Blízká budoucnost:
Are you going to leave soon?
Are you leaving soon?
Už máš skoro všechny věci sbalené, chystáš se brzy odjet?
You're almost all packed up, are you going to leave soon?
Go and do, go do = konstatování, že se něco udělá

Pro obyčejné konstatování, že se jde něco udělat, použijeme GO AND + infinitiv. V infinitivu jsou často slovesa typu BUY, GET, HELP, CHECK, DO, COLLECT a SEE:

I'll go and buy some chips.
Půjdu si koupit brambůrky.
Could you go and help Jenny?
Mohl bys jít pomoct Jenny?
Can you please go and check the chicken in the oven?
Můžeš prosím jít (a) zkontrolovat kuře v troubě?

V hovorové angličtině se může AND vynechat:

I'll go buy some chips.
Could you go help her?
Can you go check the chicken?

Brandon's waiting for you outside the house. You should go and talk to him.

go and talk to him
go talk to him
Brandon na tebe čeká před domem. Měla by sis s ním jít promluvit.
Brandon's waiting for you outside the house. You should go and talk to him.

Could you go and get me an apple from the fridge?

go and get an apple
go get an apple
Mohla bys mi přinést jablko z ledničky?
Could you go and get me an apple from the fridge?
Go on doing = pokračovat ve stejné činnosti

Pokud mluvíme o pokračování ve stejné činnosti, použijeme GO ON + -ING:

Danny went on complaining (= kept complaining) about Claire for over 30 minutes.
The children enjoy it, they will go on surfing (= continue surfing).

I couldn't sleep at all. The neighbour's dog went on barking for hours.

He went on barking.
He kept barking.
Vůbec jsem nemohl spát. Sousedův pes štěkal celé hodiny.
I couldn't sleep at all. The neighbour's dog went on barking for hours.

If you go on training hard, you have a great chance of winning the race.

If you go on training...
If you continue training...
Pokud budeš nadále tvrdě trénovat, máš velkou šanci na vítězství v závodě.
If you go on training hard, you have a great chance of winning the race.
Go on to do = pokračovat něčím novým

Pokud začneme dělat něco nového/dalšího, použijeme GO ON TO + infinitiv:

First Danny talked about his new flat and then he went on to complain about Claire.
The children don't enjoy surfing, they'll go on to do something else.


Stejná činnost Něco dalšího
Travelling was so much fun, so I went on travelling until June.
When I finished university, I went on to travel.

What did you do after the picnic? Did you go on to watch the sunset?

Dělat něco dalšího:
go on watching to watch the sunset
Co jste dělali po pikniku? Šli jste se podívat na západ slunce?
What did you do after the picnic? Did you go on to watch the sunset?

I don't want to go on lying on the beach the whole day. We should go on to do something more active.

Stejná činnost:
go on to lie lying on the beach
Něco dalšího:
go on doing to do something else
Nechci celý den ležet na pláži. Měli bychom začít dělat něco aktivnějšího.
I don't want to go on lying on the beach the whole day. We should go on to do something more active.

Často používaná spojení s GO:

go on about something
nadále o něčem mluvit
have everything going for somebody
mít předpoklady k tomu být úspěšný
to go
s sebou
be going on
dít se
go missing
ztratit se
go unreported
nebýt ohlášeno
Vicky goes on about (= keeps talking about) John. She's clearly still upset about the break-up.
John has everything going for him. He has a fantastic career, an amazing family and good looks.
Do you want your coffee here or to go (= take away)?
What is going on? (= What is happening?)
Our cat went missing a few days ago. I hope she's ok.
Why do so many crimes go unreported?
Ztratil se.
He went missing.
Pořád o tom mluví.
She goes on about it.

Would you like that cheeseburger to go? – No thanks, I'll eat it here.

a cheeseburger to go
a takeaway cheeseburger
Chtěl byste ten cheeseburger s sebou? – Ne děkuju, sním ho tady.
Would you like that cheeseburger to go? – No thanks, I'll eat it here.

What's all the noise? What's going on? – We're just having a little celebration.

What's going on?
What's happening?
Co je to za hluk? Co se děje? – Jen tu máme malou oslavu.
What's all the noise? What's going on? – We're just having a little celebration.

You're smart, beautiful and hardworking. You have everything going for you.

You have everything going for you.
You have all the qualities that can make you successful.
Jsi chytrá, krásná a pracovitá. Určitě se ti bude dařit.
You're smart, beautiful and hardworking. You have everything going for you.

Vazby se slovesem GO – nejdůležitější body:

Volnočasová aktivita: go cycling
Záměr: be going to cycle
Blízká budoucnost:
Něco se udělá:
go (and) cycle
Pokračovat stejnou činností: go on cycling
Pokračovat další činností: go on to cycle

Doporučujeme si procvičit vazby se slovesem GO v našich cvičeních.