Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na tzv. inverzi v oznamovacích větách, kdy je sloveso před podmětem.
Never have I tried venison. How does it taste?
Klasická oznamovací věta: |
I have never tried it.
Oznamovací věta s inverzí: |
Never have I tried it.
V klasické oznamovací větě je nejdříve podmět a poté sloveso. V tázací větě je obvykle obrácený slovosled (= inverze) – nejdříve sloveso a poté podmět:
Oznamovací věta | Tázací věta – inverze |
He has never tried it.
Has he ever tried it?
Tom is here.
Is Tom here?
Existují také oznamovací věty s inverzí. Inverzi např. používáme, když je na začátku věty záporný výraz NEVER, NOT, BARELY... nebo HERE/THERE:
Oznamovací věta – inverze |
Never has he tried it.
Here is Tom.
Barely could we finish the pizza. It was much more filling than we had expected.
We could barely finish it.
Barely could we finish it.
V oznamovacích větách rozlišujeme částečnou a plnou inverzi:
Částečná inverze | Plná inverze |
Hardly ever does the bus come late.
Here comes the bus.
Poznámka k použití: Inverze v oznamovacích větách patří především do formálnější angličtiny a do literárního stylu.
Částečnou inverzi (= pomocné/modální sloveso před podmětem) používáme v těchto případech:
Never has he seen the movie.
Only once has he seen the movie.
So tired was he, that he didn't finish the movie.
The cinema was impressive, as was the movie.
I liked the movie and so did he.
Should you go to the cinema, I will join you. (= If you go...)
Záporné slovíčko NOT, NEVER, LITTLE, RARELY, HARDLY, NOWHERE... na začátku věty:
Never will I talk to you again.
Little did I know he would never talk to me again.
Hardly could I believe it.
Více o inverzi s NOT, NEVER, LITTLE... v lekci: Zápor a záporné výrazy
Not until much later did we realise we had left our camera by the pool.
We didn't realise that until much later.
Not until much later did we realise that.
How difficult! Rarely do I understand it.
Rarely do I understand it.
Rarely I understand it. |
Rarely understand I it. |
ONLY na začátku věty:
Only once will I repeat this.
Jen jednou to budu opakovat. |
Only twice did he call me.
Jen dvakrát mi zavolal. |
Pokud je ONLY na začátku souvětí, je inverze pouze v hlavní větě:
Only if you ask me nicely will I repeat it.
Jen když mě slušně požádáte, zopakuji to. |
Only if we are members can we enter.
Jen pokud jsme členy, můžeme vstoupit. |
Pokud souvětí začíná na NOT ONLY, je inverze pouze v první větě:
Not only did she want me to repeat it, but she also asked me to speak louder.
Nejenže chtěla, abych to zopakoval, ale také mě požádala, abych mluvil hlasitěji. |
Not only do we have to be members, but we also need to pay for admission.
Nejenže musíme být členy, ale musíme také platit za vstup. |
Only with a small backpack does Robert usually travel.
He travels only with a backpack.
Only with a backpack does he travel.
Only if you train incredibly hard can you be successful.
Only if you train hard can you be successful.
Only if do you train hard... |
Not only was it raining all day, but I also had a terrible headache.
Not only was it raining... |
Not only it was raining... |
SO a SUCH na začátku souvětí:
So happy was Adam that he didn't stop smiling.
Tak šťastný byl Adam, že se nepřestal usmívat. |
Such a great day was it that he didn't stop smiling.
Tak skvělý to byl den, že se nepřestal usmívat. |
So adorable were the kittens that I decided to keep them.
The kittens were so adorable that I kept them.
So adorable were the kittens that I kept them.
So adorable the kittens were... |
Such an entertaining series was it that we finished the whole season in two days.
Such an entertaining series was it that we... |
So entertaining was it that we... |
Při porovnávání s AS a THAN můžeme použít buď klasický slovosled, který je běžnější, nebo inverzi:
The dinner was great, as the company was.
Večeře byla skvělá, stejně jako společnost. |
The dinner was great, as was the company.
You have helped more than Hugh has.
Pomohl jsi víc než Hugh. |
You have helped more than has Hugh.
I reached the top of the mountain an hour earlier than did the others.
I reached it earlier than did the others.
I reached it earlier than the others did.
Krátké věty začínající na SO/NEITHER/NOR vyjadřují, že se něco také děje nebo neděje:
Ann is late, and so is Peter.
Ann má zpoždění a Peter také. |
Ann isn't here, neither is Peter.
Ann tu není a Peter také ne. |
Více o tomto typu vět v lekci: So am I, neither am I...
We haven't been swimming yet this week and neither has Erica.
Také ne: |
We haven't been swimming yet and neither has she.
Také ano: |
We've already been swimming and so has she.
Inverzi použijeme v kondicionálech bez spojky IF (velmi formální):
Should you ask him (= If you ask him), he will lend you his bike.
Jestliže se ho zeptáš, půjčí ti kolo. |
Were you to ask him (= If you asked him), he would lend you his bike.
Kdyby ses ho zeptal, půjčil by ti kolo. |
Had you asked him (= If you had asked him), he would have lent you his bike.
Kdyby ses ho byl zeptal, byl by ti půjčil kolo. |
Více o této inverzi v lekci: Vypouštění IF v kondicionálech
Should you travel by train, it might be cheaper.
Běžné: |
If you travel by train, it might be cheaper.
Velmi formální: |
Should you travel by train, it might be cheaper.
Plnou inverzi (= celé sloveso před podmětem) používáme v těchto případech:
Here comes the bride.
There is the bride.
On the hill stood the bride.
Under the boat swam the fish.
Down walks the bride.
Out flies a bird.
Outside waited the young man patiently.
The man waited outside.
Outside waited the man.
I looked up and there was a giant monkey, jumping from one tree to another.
There was a monkey.
There a monkey was. |
Next to the bed lay their loyal dog.
Místo na začátku: |
Next to the bed lay their dog.
Under the bed hid a cat.
In the bed slept a couple.
Look at the sky. Down will come the heavy rain.
Down will come the rain.
Down will the rain come. |
Down the rain will come. |
Plnou inverzi můžeme také někdy použít místo klasického slovosledu za přímou řečí:
"I feel nervous," the bride said.
"I feel nervous," said the bride.
"How do I look?" the bride asked.
"How do I look?" asked the bride.
"I'm so happy to be home. I never want to leave you for that long again," said Frank.
"I never want to leave you," said Frank.
"I never want to leave you," Frank said.
Pozor, pokud je podmětem osobní zájmeno (she, he, we...), používáme klasický oznamovací slovosled. Porovnejte:
On the hill stood the bride.
On the hill she stood.
Down walks the bride.
Down she walks.
Here comes the bride.
Here she comes.
There is the bride.
There she is.
"I feel nervous," said the bride.
"I feel nervous," she said.
Here it is. Enjoy!
Here it is.
Here is the dessert.
Here is it. |
Here the dessert is. |
"Have you seen Oliver?" he asked.
"Have you seen Oliver?" asked he he asked.
"Have you seen Oliver?" Nick asked.
"Have you seen Oliver?" asked Nick.
Inverze (inversion) – nejdůležitější body:
Částečná inverze |
Never has he seen the movie.
Only once has he seen the movie.
So tired was he, that he didn't finish the movie.
The cinema was impressive, as was the movie.
I liked the movie and so did he.
Should you go to the cinema, I will join you. (= If you go...)
Plná inverze |
Here comes the bride.
On the hill stood the bride.
Down walks the bride.
"I feel nervous," said the bride.
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