Had better, it's time (B2)

Hlavní přehled

Had better, it's time – procvičování:

It's time to hit the beach. You had better slather on sunscreen.

Je na čase:
It's time to hit the beach.
You had better slather it on.
Je čas vyrazit na pláž. Raději se pořádně namažte opalovacím krémem.
It's time to hit the beach. You had better slather on sunscreen.

HAD BETTER = silné doporučení, rada nebo varování:

Raději jdi do stínu.
You had better go to the shade.
Raději neplavte příliš daleko.
You had better not swim too far.

IT'S TIME = je na čase, aby se něco udělalo:

Je čas jít domů.
It's time to head home.
Je načase, aby sis sbalil.
It's time you packed.
HAD BETTER = doporučení nebo varování

Pokud chceme upozornit na to, že by se něco mělo udělat, aby se předešlo problémům a nepříjemnostem, použijeme HAD BETTER/'D BETTER + infinitiv bez TO:

This water is not safe to drink. You had better drink from a bottle. (= It's very advisable to drink from a bottle. If you don't do that you could get sick.)
You'd better come up with a good excuse for coming late. (= You should come up with a good excuse. If you don't, you'll get in trouble.)
You had better finish everything today. (= If you don't, I won't be happy about it.)

Všimněte si, že i když mluvíme o přítomnosti/budoucnosti, používáme HAD:

You had better drink from a bottle.
Raději se napijte z láhve.

Nikoliv: You HAVE better...

Zápor tvoříme pomocí NOT:

You had better not ask too many questions. Josh doesn't like that.
I'd better not leave the door unlocked. Somebody might get in.

Ve velmi hovorové angličtině se HAD často vypouští:

You better drink from a bottle.
You better come up with an excuse.
You better finish today.

It might come about that you need a new car. You had better set aside some money.

Silné doporučení:
You had better set aside...
You'd better set aside...
You better set aside...
Mohlo by se stát, že budeš potřebovat nové auto. Raději by sis měl dát stranou nějaké peníze.
It might come about that you need a new car. You had better set aside some money.

I had better apply for the passport this week. I want to make sure I get it in time for my trip.

I have had better apply this week.
Tento týden si raději zažádám o pas. Chci si být jistá, že ho dostanu včas na cestu.
I had better apply for the passport this week. I want to make sure I get it in time for my trip.

It's going to be a long race. You'd better pace yourself.

You'd better to pace pace yourself.
Bude to dlouhý závod. Měla bys raději zvolnit tempo.
It's going to be a long race. You'd better pace yourself.

You had better not miss the bus. If you do, you'll have to walk.

You hadn't better had better not miss it.
Raději nezmeškej autobus. Pokud ho zmeškáš, budeš muset jít pěšky.
You had better not miss the bus. If you do, you'll have to walk.

SHOULD a HAD BETTER jsou významově podobné (vyjadřují radu, doporučení), ale používáme je v trochu jiných situacích:

It's going to rain. You'd better take an umbrella with you. (= a particular situation; There's a risk of getting wet if you don't listen to the advice.)
I don't think people should be allowed to smoke in pubs. (= in general)
You'd better buy that book today. It might be already sold out tomorrow. (= a problem)
This book is amazing. You should buy it. (= no problem)

If you're free this summer, you should spend some time with me in San Francisco.

Doporučení – nehrozí problémy:
You had better should spend some time with me.
Pokud budeš mít letos v létě volno, měla bys se mnou strávit nějaký čas v San Franciscu.
If you're free this summer, you should spend some time with me in San Francisco.

There's a lot of congestion on that road today. You'd better take a different route.

Doporučení – hrozí problémy:
You'd better take a different route, because you might get stuck in traffic.
Na té silnici jsou dnes dopravní zácpy. Měl bys jet jinou cestou.
There's a lot of congestion on that road today. You'd better take a different route.

All people should treat others how they want to be treated.

Mluvíme obecně:
All people had better should treat...
Lidé by se měli k druhým chovat tak, jak by oni sami chtěli, aby se k nim chovali druzí.
All people should treat others how they want to be treated.


Rada, varování Preference
You had better go out. If you stay at home you'll most likely get bored. (= I advise you to go out.)
I don't want to go out. I would rather stay at home. (= I prefer to stay at home.)
I'd better book the room today. There might be no free rooms tomorrow.
I'd rather book the more expensive room because it has a balcony.

I'd rather fly. I don't like driving long distances.

I'd better rather fly.
(= I prefer to fly.)
Raději bych letěl. Nerad jezdím na dlouhé vzdálenosti.
I'd rather fly. I don't like driving long distances.

You'd better slow down, Jack. I think you're speeding.

Rada, varování:
You'd rather better slow down.
(= I advise you to slow down.)
Raději bys měl zpomalit, Jacku. Myslím, že jedeš příliš rychle.
You'd better slow down, Jack. I think you're speeding.
IT'S TIME... = je na čase, aby...

Pokud chceme říct, že by se už něco mělo udělat/stát, použijeme IT'S TIME + (FOR SOMEBODY/SOMETHING) + TO infinitiv:

It's time to tell the truth.
It's time for us to tell the truth.
It's time to go to sleep.
It's time for Stevie to go to sleep.

It's time to finish breakfast and head to school.

Je načase, aby se udělalo:
It's time to finish breakfast.
It's time to leave.
Je načase dojíst snídani a vyrazit do školy.
It's time to finish breakfast and head to school.

It's time for me to call a taxi. My flight is in three hours.

It's time for me to call a taxi.
It's time to call a taxi.
Je načase, abych si zavolal taxi. Za tři hodiny mi letí letadlo.
It's time for me to call a taxi. My flight is in three hours.

Použít můžeme také IT'S TIME + SOMEBODY/SOMETHING + minulý čas. Pomocí této vazby často kritizujeme nebo si stěžujeme:

I don't want to lie anymore. It's time we told the truth.
Why is Stevie still up? It's time he went to sleep.

Všimněte si, že i když mluvíme o přítomnosti/budoucnosti, sloveso je minulém čase:

It's time we told the truth.
Je načase, abychom řekli pravdu.
It's time he went to sleep.
Je načase, aby šel spát.

Nikoliv: It's time we TELL...

Je načase, abys vzal Luckyho ven.
It's time you took Lucky out.
Je načase, abys uklidila ten nepořádek.
It's time you cleaned the mess.

It's time Terry found a job. She's been looking for one for ages.

It's time she found a job.
It's time for her to find a job.
Je načase, aby si Terry našla nějakou práci. Hledá ji už dlouho.
It's time Terry found a job. She's been looking for one for ages.

Simon, it's time you stopped being lazy and did the dishes!

It's time you stop stopped being lazy.
It's time you do did the dishes.
Simone, je načase, abys přestal být líný a umyl nádobí!
Simon, it's time you stopped being lazy and did the dishes!

I don't want to pressure you but it's time you paid the rent.

It's time you to pay paid it.
Nechci tě nějak tlačit ale už je na čase, abys zaplatil nájem.
I don't want to pressure you but it's time you paid the rent.

Kritiku můžeme zesílit přidáním ABOUT/HIGH:

It's high time you married Erica. You've been together for over six years. (= You should've done it already.)
It's about time you had your hair cut. Why haven't you done it yet?

It's high time you did something about your snoring.

Silná kritika:
It's high time you did something about it.
It's about time you did something about it.
Je nejvyšší čas, abys něco udělal se svým chrápáním.
It's high time you did something about your snoring.

Had better, it's time – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit HAD BETTER a IT'S TIME v našich cvičeních.