Předložky blízkosti – procvičování:
In summer, we always spend a lot of time by the sea.
Hned vedle: |
by the sea
next to the sea
Předložky vyjadřující blízkost:
BY, BESIDE nebo NEXT TO použijeme pro něco, co je velmi blízko, ve smyslu hned vedle něčeho:
Can you please pass me the coffee pot next to you?
Hned vedle: |
next to you
by you
beside you
Porovnejte BESIDE a BESIDES:
The remote control is beside (= next to) the TV.
Dálkový ovladač je vedle televize. |
What other types of movies do you like besides (= in addition to) comedies?
Jaké další typy filmů máš rád kromě komedií? |
We don't let Barnie sleep outside. He sleeps right beside our bed.
Hned vedle: |
Kromě; mimo: |
CLOSE TO a NEAR (TO) použijeme pro něco, co je blízko/v blízkosti, ale ne v takové blízkosti jako v případě BY/BESIDE/NEXT TO:
Is Nicolas still renting an apartment close to downtown?
V blízkosti; nedaleko: |
close to downtown
close downtown |
We must be getting near the creek because I hear the trickle of water.
Blízko; nedaleko: |
near the creek
near to the creek
CLOSE TO a NEAR (TO) použijeme s podobným významem jako ALMOST – skoro; téměř, když mluvíme o blízkosti nějakého stavu nebo situace:
Were you almost crying? – Yes, I was close to tears.
Skoro se stalo: |
I was close to tears.
I was almost crying.
The truck almost drove over me. I came near to being killed.
Skoro se stalo: |
I came near to being killed.
I came close to dying.
Our team was close to winning the match, but the opponent managed to take over and we lost.
We were close to winning.
We almost won.
CLOSE TO a NEAR (TO) použijeme pro časovou blízkost:
The travel agency will provide us with more information nearer the time of the trip.
Časová blízkost: |
They'll do that nearer the time of the trip.
They'll do that closer to the time of the trip.
It's getting close to my vacation in the Caribbean, so I'm planning what to pack.
It's getting close to my vacation.
My vacation is coming up soon.
CLOSE TO a NEAR (TO) použijeme pro podobnost:
This model is near the previous in design.
Podobnost: |
It's near the previous.
It's similar to the previous.
Předložky blízkosti – shrnutí:
By, beside, next to |
velmi blízko – hned vedle |
Close to, near (to) |
blízko – v blízkosti |
blízko – skoro; téměř |
časově blízký |
blízký – podobný |
Doporučujeme si procvičit předložky (prepositions) blízkosti v našich cvičeních.
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