Both, neither, either (B1)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes se zaměříme na:

Both, neither, either – procvičování:

Let's open both presents at once!

both presents
Ani jeden ze dvou:
neither present
Kterýkoliv ze dvou:
either present
Otevřeme oba dárky najednou!
Let's open both presents at once!

BOTH, NEITHER a EITHER se vztahují ke dvěma věcem, lidem, činnostem apod.:

I'll eat both apples.
Sním obě jablka.
I'll eat neither apple.
Nesním ani jedno jablko (ze dvou).
I'll eat either apple.
Sním kterékoliv jablko (ze dvou).
Obě židle jsou volné.
Both chairs are free.
Obě čokolády byly vynikající.
Both chocolates were delicious.
Ani jeden z ptáků není samička.
Neither bird is a female.
Ani jeden z Američanů neumí plavat.
Neither American can swim.
Mohla by sis vzít kterékoliv šaty.
You could wear either dress.
Vem si jednu kávu, je jedno kterou.
Take either coffee.

Neither flat is a good option for us. We can't imagine living in either flat.

Ani jeden ze dvou:
neither flat
Jeden nebo druhý:
either flat
Ani jeden z těch bytů nám nevyhovuje. Nedokážeme si představit, že bychom v jednom z nich bydleli.
Neither flat is a good option for us. We can't imagine living in either flat.

Both girls were tired, so they went to bed early.

Both girls were tired.
Ani jedna ze dvou:
Neither girl was tired.
Obě holky byly unavené, takže šly brzy spát.
Both girls were tired, so they went to bed early.

Should I get Robert a trip to South America or a mountain bike? – It doesn't matter. Either option sounds amazing.

either the option
Mám Robertovi koupit zájezd do Jižní Ameriky nebo horské kolo? – Je to jedno. Jedna i druhá možnost zní výborně.
Should I get Robert a trip to South America or a mountain bike? – It doesn't matter. Either option sounds amazing.
Both things, neither thing, either thing

BOTH používáme s podstatným jménem v množném čísle:

I'll eat both apples.

NEITHER a EITHER používáme s podstatným jménem v jednotném čísle:

I'll eat neither apple.
I'll eat either apple.

Nikoliv: neither apples, either apples

Cars can come from either direction. Look both ways before crossing the road!

either directions direction
both way ways
Auta mohou přijíždět z kteréhokoli směru. Před přecházením silnice se rozhlédni na obě strany!
Cars can come from either direction. Look both ways before crossing the road!
Both/neither/either of the things

Pokud je před podstatným jménem další slovíčko (the, this, that, these, those, my, his, our...), používáme obvykle BOTH OF, NEITHER OF a EITHER OF:

Both of the suits will fit you well.
Oba obleky ti budou dobře sedět.
Neither of these suits will fit you well.
Ani jeden z těchto obleků ti nebude dobře sedět.
Either of John's suits will fit you well.
Kterýkoli z Johnových obleků ti bude dobře sedět.

Po BOTH OF, NEITHER OF a EITHER OF používáme množné číslo:

both of the suits
neither of these suits
either of John's suits

Nikoliv: neither of this suit, either of John's suit

You forgot to lock the door of the stable. Fortunately, neither of the horses escaped.

neither of the horses
neither horse
neither of the horse
neither the horse
Zapomněli jste zamknout dveře do stáje. Naštěstí ani jeden z koní neutekl.
You forgot to lock the door of the stable. Fortunately, neither of the horses escaped.
Both (of) the things

Po BOTH můžeme OF vynechat:

both of the suits
both the suits
both of those women
both those women
both of his shoes
both his shoes

Both our new teams played decently. It was an even match.

both our teams
both of our teams
Oba naše nové týmy hrály slušně. Byl to vyrovnaný zápas.
Both our new teams played decently. It was an even match.
Both/neither/either of them

Před zájmenem US, YOU, THEM používáme BOTH OF, NEITHER OF a EITHER OF:

These two movies are great, let's watch both of them.
Tyto dva filmy jsou skvělé, podívejme se na oba.
These two movies are terrible, I want to watch neither of them.
Tyto dva filmy jsou hrozné, nechci se dívat ani na jeden z nich.
I wouldn't mind watching either of them.
Nevadilo by mi dívat se na jeden nebo druhý.

Nikoliv: both them, neither them, either them

The trainer thinks neither of us is ready for the triathlon, but we'll do it anyways.

neither of us
neither of you
neither of them
Trenér si myslí, že ani jeden z nás není na triatlon připraven, ale stejně do toho půjdeme.
The trainer thinks neither of us is ready for the triathlon, but we'll do it anyways.

Both countries are definitely worth visiting. Why don't you spend some time in both of them?

both of countries
both of them
Obě země rozhodně stojí za to navštívit. Proč nestrávíte nějaký čas v obou?
Both countries are definitely worth visiting. Why don't you spend some time in both of them?
They both, them both, both of them...


We both passed the exam.
The exam was easy for us both.
You both should come to the party.
I invite you both to the party.
They both are funny.
Let's watch them both.

Pozor, NEITHER a EITHER takto nelze použít: we neither, us either


They both are funny.
Both of them are funny.
Let's watch them both.
Let's watch both of them.

I'm driving to the lake tomorrow. You both are welcome to join me.

You both are welcome.
Both of you are welcome.
Zítra jedu k jezeru. Oba se ke mně můžete přidat.
I'm driving to the lake tomorrow. You both are welcome to join me.
BOTH, NEITHER a EITHER lze použít samostatně

Pokud je z kontextu jasné, o čem mluvíme, BOTH, NEITHER a EITHER lze použít samostatně bez podstatného jména/zájmena:

Let's watch both (movies).
I wouldn't mind watching either (movie).
I want to watch neither (movie).

Where are you going this summer, Hawaii or Cuba? – Neither. I'm flying to Japan for a change.

Neither country.
Neither of the countries.
Neither of them.
Kam se chystáš letos v létě, na Havaj nebo na Kubu? – Ani jedno, ani druhé. Letím pro změnu do Japonska.
Where are you going this summer, Hawaii or Cuba? – Neither. I'm flying to Japan for a change.

Which flavour should I buy, pistachio or strawberry? – Either. I would be fine with either of them.

Either flavour.
Either of these flavours.
Either of them.
Kterou příchuť bych měla koupit, pistáciovou, nebo jahodovou? – Jakou chceš. Klidně bych si dala kteroukoli z nich.
Which flavour should I buy, pistachio or strawberry? – Either. I would be fine with either of them.
Both... and... = Jak... tak...
Both Oliver and I will help you.
Jak Oliver, tak já ti pomůžeme.
This book is for both young and adult readers.
Tato kniha je jak pro mládež, tak dospělé čtenáře.
Their apartment has both front and rear gardens.
Jejich apartmán má jak přední, tak i zadní zahradu.

Your English isn't bad, but you have to work on both your grammar and pronunciation.

Jak... tak...:
work on both your grammar and pronunciation
Tvoje angličtina není špatná, ale musíš zapracovat jak na gramatice, tak i výslovnosti.
Your English isn't bad, but you have to work on both your grammar and pronunciation.
Neither... nor... = Ani... ani...
Neither Oliver nor I will help you.
Ani Oliver, ani já ti nepomůžeme.
Neither Italy nor Spain got to the finals last year.
Ani Itálie, ani Španělsko se loni nedostaly do finále.
It turned out to be neither better nor worse than I expected.
Ukázalo se, že to nebylo ani lepší, ani horší, než jsem očekával.

The house is neither too big nor too small. It's just the right size for us.

Ani... ani...:
It's neither big nor small.
Dům není ani moc velký, ani moc malý. Je pro nás tak akorát.
The house is neither too big nor too small. It's just the right size for us.
Either... or... = Buď... nebo...
Either Oliver or I will help you.
Pomůže ti buď Oliver, nebo já.
The bank either mails your monthly statement or you can look at it online.
Banka vám buď zašle měsíční výpis, nebo se na něj můžete podívat online.
Either we go by bus or we rent a car.
Buď pojedeme autobusem, nebo si půjčíme auto.

This meal comes either with soup or with a salad. Which one would you prefer?

Buď... nebo...:
It comes either with soup or with a salad.
Toto jídlo se podává buď s polévkou nebo se salátem. Co byste preferovala?
This meal comes either with soup or with a salad. Which one would you prefer?

Both, neither, either – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit BOTH, NEITHER a EITHER v našich cvičeních.