I think so, I hope so, if so... (B1)

Zástupné SO (328)

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Zástupné SO – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další lekce se SO:

Did Andrea catch the bus? – I haven't heard from her, but I hope so.

I hope so.
I hope she caught the bus.
Stihla Andrea autobus? – Zatím se mi neozvala, ale doufám, že ano.
Did Andrea catch the bus? – I haven't heard from her, but I hope so.

SO často používáme jako zástupné slovíčko. Díky SO se můžeme vyhnout opakování toho, co bylo právě řečeno:

Do you think it'll be sunny? – I hope so. (= I hope it'll be sunny.)
Will you go shopping? – I don't think so. (= I don't think I'll go shopping.)
Are you hungry? If so (= If you are hungry), there's a pizza in the fridge.
Did you cook something? – No. I didn't do so. (= I didn't cook.)

SO používáme v následujících případech:

I think so. = Myslím, že ano.

Pokud chceme vyjádřit domněnku, že to, co bylo řečeno, platí a nechceme se opakovat, použijeme sloveso typu THINK, SUPPOSE, HOPE + SO:

Is the café closed now?
I think so.
Myslím, že ano.
I suppose so.
Předpokládám, že ano.
I hope so.
Doufám, že ano.
I expect so.
Očekávám, že ano.
I believe so.
Věřím, že ano.
I guess so.
Řekl bych, že ano.
It appears so.
Zdá se, že ano.
It seems so.
I'm afraid so.
Obávám se, že ano.

Neříkáme: I think yes., I think that yes., I think it., I think.

Will you go kayaking tomorrow? – I think so. Do you want to join us?

I think so.
I think we'll go kayaking.
Půjdete zítra na kajak? – Myslím, že ano. Chcete se k nám přidat?
Will you go kayaking tomorrow? – I think so. Do you want to join us?

The Moores look really tan, have they been on holiday recently? – It seems so.

It seems so.
It seems yes.
It seems.
Moorovi vypadají dost opáleně, byli nedávno na dovolené? – Zdá se, že ano.
The Moores look really tan, have they been on holiday recently? – It seems so.
I don't think so. = Myslím, že ne.


I don't think so.
I don't suppose so.
I don't expect so.
I don't believe so.
It doesn't appear so.
It doesn't seem so.

Are Mitch and Abby coming over tonight? – I don't believe so.

I don't believe so.
I don't think so.
It doesn't appear so.
Přijdou dnes večer Mitch a Abby? – Myslím, že ne.
Are Mitch and Abby coming over tonight? – I don't believe so.

I asked Cheng whether he could take time off next month. He replied he didn't expect so.

He didn't expect so.
He didn't expect yes.
He expected not so.
He expected not.
Zeptal jsem se Chenga, jestli si může vzít příští měsíc volno. Odpověděl, že nejspíš ne.
I asked Cheng whether he could take time off next month. He replied he didn't expect so.
I hope not. I guess not. I'm afraid not...

Se slovesy HOPE, GUESS a BE AFRAID použijeme v záporu NOT:

I hope not.
I guess not.
I'm afraid not.

Neříkáme: I don't hope so., I hope no.

Se SUPPOSE můžeme použít DON'T/DOESN'T/DIDN'T + SO nebo pouze NOT:

I don't suppose so.
I suppose not.

U THINK, EXPECT a BELIEVE je varianta s NOT možná, ale je velmi formální. Proto je lepší použít DON'T/DOESN'T/DIDN'T + SO:

I don't think so.
I think not.
I don't expect so.
I expect not.
I don't believe so.
I believe not.

Will you be home for dinner? – I guess not. Unfortunately, I'm still stuck in traffic.

I guess not.
I'm afraid not.
Budeš na večeři doma? – Asi ne. Bohužel stále trčím v zácpě.
Will you be home for dinner? – I guess not. Unfortunately, I'm still stuck in traffic.

It looks like your arm could be broken. – I hope not!

I hope not.
I don't hope so.
Vypadá to, že máš možná zlomenou ruku. – Doufám, že ne!
It looks like your arm could be broken. – I hope not!

Is it going to snow? – I don't suppose so.

I don't suppose so.
I suppose not.
Bude sněžit? – Předpokládám, že ne.
Is it going to snow? – I don't suppose so.
SO = nahrazuje celou větu

SO může zastoupit celou vedlejší větu, obvykle se spojkou IF nebo se slovesy typu TELL/SAY:

Do you fancy that girl? If so (= If you fancy that girl), you should ask her out.
They won the championship! – I know. I told you so. (= I told you they would win it.)

Have you packed your luggage yet? If so, put it into the car.

If so, put it in the car.
If you've packed it, put it in the car.
Už sis sbalila kufr? Pokud ano, dej ho do auta.
Have you packed your luggage yet? If so, put it into the car.

Dan might break up with you. Don't tell him I said so!

Don't tell him I said so.
Don't tell him I said he might break up with you.
Dan se s tebou možná rozejde. Neříkej mu, že jsem ti to řekl!
Dan might break up with you. Don't tell him I said so!

Did you like the strawberry dessert? If not, I won't make it again.

If not, I won't make it again.
If you didn't like it, I won't make it again.
Chutnal ti ten jahodový dezert? Pokud ne, už ho nebudu dělat.
Did you like the strawberry dessert? If not, I won't make it again.
SO = nahrazuje část věty

SO může zastoupit část věty:

I told you to wash the dishes. Why did you not do so (= why didn't you wash them)?
If you have not called him yet, please do so (= call him) today.
He is stressed out. He has been so (= He's been stressed out) since his promotion.

Toto použití SO je poměrně formální.

V hovorovější angličtině se namísto SO používá IT, THAT, THIS WAY apod.:

I told you to wash them, why didn't you do it?
If you haven't called, do that today.
He's stressed out. He's been this way since his promotion.

My bigger dog Dexter is very calm, whereas the smaller one is less so.

He is less so.
He's less that way.
He's less calm.
Můj větší pes Dexter je velmi klidný, zatímco ten menší už méně.
My bigger dog Dexter is very calm, whereas the smaller one is less so.

You wanted to go travelling after college. Why have you not done so?

Why have you not done so?
Why haven't you done it?
Po vysoké škole jste chtěl cestovat. Proč jste to neudělal?
You wanted to go travelling after college. Why have you not done so?

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