As hot as, not so hot as... (B1)

Comparative structures (375)

Srovnání a porovnání

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na porovnávací vazby s THAN, AS, SO a THE SAME:

He's better than me.
Je lepší než já.
He's as good as me.
Je tak dobrý jako já.
He isn't so good as me.
Není tak dobrý jako já.
He has the same score as me.
stejné skóre jako já.

Srovnání a porovnání (comparative structures) – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

It isn't as hot as last week.

Tak teplo jako...:
It isn't as hot as last week.
It isn't so hot as last week.
Tepleji než...:
It's hotter than last week.
Není takové horko jako minulý týden.
It isn't as hot as last week.
Better than, hotter than...

THAN používáme při srovnávání věcí, které se liší:

She's much stronger than you.
Je o mnoho silnější než ty.
He's richer than you, but you're more handsome than him.
Je bohatší než ty, ale ty jsi pohlednější než on.

THAN obvykle používáme s přídavným jménem nebo příslovcem ve druhém stupni (stronger, more handsome, less funny...):

She's much stronger than you.
He's richer than you, but you're more handsome than him.
They're less funny than us.
I played worse than her.

Flying was much faster than the train, but also pricier.

It was faster than the train.
It was pricier than the train.
Letadlo bylo mnohem rychlejší než vlak, ale také dražší.
Flying was much faster than the train, but also pricier.
As hot as, not so hot as...

V porovnávacích konstrukcích používáme AS... AS... nebo SO... AS...:

She's as strong as you.
Je tak silná jako ty.
He's not so rich as you.
Není tak bohatý jako ty.

AS... AS... používáme ve všech typech vět:

She's as strong as you.
She isn't as strong as you.
Is she as strong as you?

SO... AS... používáme pouze v záporné oznamovací větě:

She isn't so strong as you.
He isn't so rich as you.

SO... AS... je méně běžné než AS... AS...

Is Robert as muscular as he used to be?

Is he as muscular as...?
Is he so...?
Je Robert tak svalnatý jako býval?
Is Robert as muscular as he used to be?

You can take as many as you want.

Kladná věta:
You can take as many as...
You can take so...
Můžeš si vzít, kolik chceš.
You can take as many as you want.

We're not so busy as yesterday, so we're going to relax a bit.

Záporná věta:
We're not so busy as yesterday.
We're not as busy as yesterday.
Nemáme tolik práce jako včera, takže si trochu odpočineme.
We're not so busy as yesterday, so we're going to relax a bit.

Významově se NOT AS...AS.../NOT SO...AS... podobá LESS...THAN...:

She isn't as strong as you.
She's less strong than you.
He isn't so rich as you.
He's less rich than you.

The further beach shouldn't be as crowded as this one.

It isn't as crowded as this one.
It's less crowded than this one.
Ta vzdálenější pláž by neměla být tak přeplněná jako tato.
The further beach shouldn't be as crowded as this one.

You cook a lot, but you clean less than I do.

You clean less than me.
You don't clean as much as me.
Vaříš sice hodně, ale uklízíš méně než já.
You cook a lot, but you clean less than I do.
stronger than me/I
stronger than I am

Po THAN a AS používáme ME, HIM, THEY... nebo I, HE, THEY...:

Hovorovější Formálnější
She's stronger than me.
She's stronger than I.
She's as strong as him.
She's as strong as he.

Pokud je za THAN/AS sloveso, používáme I, HE, THEY...:

She's stronger than I am.
She's as strong as he is.

Nikoliv: than me am, as him is

Amanda travels more often than us.

...than us.
...than we.
...than we do.
...than us do.
Amanda cestuje častěji než my.
Amanda travels more often than us.

Ben must be taller than she is.

He's taller than her she is.
He's taller than she.
He's taller than her.
Ben je určitě vyšší než ona.
Ben must be taller than she is.
The same as, exactly the same as...

THE SAME AS použijeme, když chceme říct, že jsou dvě věci stejné:

Ellen sounds the same as her mom.
Ellen mluví stejně jako její máma.
Tom is the same weight as me.
Tomáš váží stejně jako já.

Pro zdůraznění stejnosti můžeme přidat EXACTLY/JUST:

She sounds exactly the same as her mom.
He's just the same weight as me.

Are you ordering the same as yesterday?

Are you ordering same the same?
Objednáváte si totéž co včera?
Are you ordering the same as yesterday?

When you were a baby, you looked just the same as David. There was no difference between you.

You looked exactly the same as him.
You looked just the same as him.
Když jsi byl mimino, vypadal jsi úplně stejně jako David. Nebyl mezi vámi žádný rozdíl.
When you were a baby, you looked just the same as David. There was no difference between you.
Twice as expensive, half as expensive...

Když je něco několikrát dražší/starší/delší..., použijeme násobné číslovky + AS:

twice as expensive
dvakrát dražší
three times as old
třikrát starší
four times as long
čtyřikrát delší

Když je něco několikrát levnější/mladší/kratší..., použijeme zlomky + AS:

half as expensive
dvakrát levnější
one third as old
třikrát mladší
one quarter as long
čtyřikrát kratší

Nikoliv: twice as cheap, three times as young...

Více o tomto typu srovnávání v lekci: Twice as much, five times as expensive...

Did you know that a cheetah can run at least three times as fast as you?

Dvakrát, třikrát... rychleji:
It runs twice as fast as you.
It runs three times as fast as you.
It runs four times as fast as you.
Věděl jsi, že gepard dokáže běžet alespoň třikrát rychleji než ty?
Did you know that a cheetah can run at least three times as fast as you?

My new desk is tiny. It's one third as big as the old one.

Třikrát menší:
It's one third as big.
three times as small
Můj nový stůl je maličký. Je třikrát menší než ten starý.
My new desk is tiny. It's one third as big as the old one.
Twice as many, three times as much...

Pokud je něčeho několikrát více, použijeme násobnou číslovku + AS + MANY/MUCH:

twice as many apples
dvakrát tolik jablek
three times as many chairs
třikrát tolik židlí
ten times as much money
desetkrát tolik peněz
hundred times as much water
stokrát více vody

Compared to January, twice as many package tours were sold in February.

Dvakrát, třikrát... tolik:
Twice as many tours were sold.
Three times as many tours were sold.
Four times as many tours were sold.
Ve srovnání s lednem se v únoru prodalo dvakrát tolik zájezdů.
Compared to January, twice as many package tours were sold in February.

Olivia's business is thriving. This year, she made five times as much as last year.

Pětkrát tolik:
She made five times as much.
five times as more
five times more
Oliviině firmě se daří. Letos vydělala pětkrát více než loni.
Olivia's business is thriving. This year, she made five times as much as last year.

Srovnání a porovnání – shrnutí vazeb:

He's better than me.
Je lepší než já.
He's as good as me.
Je tak dobrý jako já.
He isn't so good as me.
Není tak dobrý jako já.
He has the same score as me.
stejné skóre jako já.
He's better than me.
He's better than I.
He's better than I am.
It's twice as expensive.
Je dvakrát dražší.
It's half as expensive.
Je dvakrát levnější.
He has twice as many apples.
Má dvakrát tolik jablek.
He has three times as much money.
Má třikrát tolik peněz.

Doporučujeme si procvičit srovnání a porovnání (comparative structures) v našich cvičeních.