Regret having done, claim to have done... (B2)

Verbs with ING or TO (418)

Slovesa s ING nebo TO (5. část)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na použití minulého ingového tvaru (having done) a minulého infinitivu (to have done) po některých slovesech.

Slovesa s ING nebo TO – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

Hank claims to have dated the Australian over the summer.

He claims to have dated her.
He claims that he dated her.
Hank tvrdí, že v létě chodil s tou Australankou.
Hank claims to have dated the Australian over the summer.

Pomocí minulého ingového tvaru (having done, having dated...) a minulého infinitivu (to have done, to have dated...) obvykle vyjadřujeme děj, který předchází ději hlavního slovesa (regret, claim...):

He regrets having done = he regrets that he did

Některá slovesa můžeme kromě přítomného ingového tvaru (doing) použít také s minulým tvarem (having done):

He regrets doing it.
He regrets having done it.

Minulý ingový tvar se tvoří pomocí HAVING + třetího tvaru slovesa (done, dated, played...):

He regrets having done it.
Lituje, že to udělal.
He regrets having dated her.
Lituje, že s ní chodil.
He regrets having played.
Lituje, že hrál.

Minulý ingový tvar zdůrazňuje ukončení děje a předčasnost, proto se objeví pouze po slovesech, se kterými dává jeho použití smysl, např. REGRET, ADMIT, DENY a MIND:

Lituje, že se opalovala.
She regrets having sunbathed.
Přiznávají se, že je snědli.
They admit having eaten them.
Popřel, že by tu kouřil.
He denied having smoked here.
Nevadí mi, že jsem ti pomohl.
I don't mind having helped you.

Např. po SUGGEST a RECOMMEND používáme pouze přítomný ingový tvar (doing):

He suggests doing it.
Navrhuje to udělat.
He recommends doing it.
Doporučuje to udělat.

Neříkáme: suggest having done, recommend having done

Don't worry. I don't mind having waited for you.

I don't mind having waited for you.
I don't mind that I waited for you.
Nedělej si starosti. Nevadí mi, že jsem na tebe čekal.
Don't worry. I don't mind having waited for you.

The girls suggest going bowling. How does it sound to you?

They suggest going...
They suggest having gone...
Holky navrhují, abychom šli na bowling. Co na to říkáš?
The girls suggest going bowling. How does it sound to you?
Regret doing = regret having done

Po REGRET, ADMIT, DENY, FORGET, RECALL a REMEMBER můžeme použít minulý i přítomný ingový tvar (having done/doing) s minimálním významovým rozdílem:

He regrets having done it.
Lituje, že to udělal.
He regrets doing it.
Does he admit having done it?
Přiznává se, že to udělal?
Does he admit doing it?
He denies having done it.
Popírá, že by to udělal.
He denies doing it.

Pozor, minulý tvar je možné použít pouze s dějem, který je ukončený.

Vybavuje si, že už se s ním kdysi setkala.
She recalls having met him.
Vybavuje si, že už se s ním kdysi setkala.
She recalls meeting him.
Vzpomínám si, že jsem ty dveře zamknul.
I remember having locked the door.
Vzpomínám si, že jsem ty dveře zamkla.
I remember locking the door.

Patrick will never admit having cheated on you. He doesn't want to risk losing you.

He won't admit having cheated.
He won't admit cheating.
Patrick nikdy nepřizná, že tě podváděl. Nechce riskovat, že by tě ztratil.
Patrick will never admit having cheated on you. He doesn't want to risk losing you.

Misha regrets not having learned languages at school.

She regrets not having learned them.
She regrets not learning them.
Míša lituje, že se ve škole neučila jazyky.
Misha regrets not having learned languages at school.
He claims to have done = he claims that he did

Minulý infinitiv se tvoří pomocí TO HAVE + třetího tvaru slovesa (done, dated, played...):

He claims to have done it.
Tvrdí, že to udělal.
He claims to have dated her.
Tvrdí, že s ní chodil.
He claims to have played soccer.
Tvrdí, že hrál fotbal.

Minulý infinitiv posouvá děj zpátky, tedy před děj hlavního slovesa. Porovnejte s přítomným infinitivem:

Přítomný infinitiv Minulý infinitiv
She claims to be the best. (= She claims that she's...)
She claims to have been the best. (= She claims that she was...)
She claimed to be the best. (= She claimed that she was...)
She claimed to have been the best. (= She claimed that she had been...)

Minulý infinitiv používáme např. po CLAIM, PRETEND, SEEM a APPEAR:

Tvrdí, že to vyhrála.
She claims to have won it.
Předstírají, že tomu nerozuměli.
They pretend not to have understood.
Zdá se, že přestalo pršet.
The rain seems to have stopped.
Zdá se, že se hodně zlepšil.
He appears to have improved a lot.

You appear to have put on a lot of muscle since we last saw you.

You appear to have put on muscle.
It appears that you have put on muscle.
Zdá se, že jsi od doby, kdy jsme tě viděli naposledy, nabrala hodně svalů.
You appear to have put on a lot of muscle since we last saw you.

There was a raccoon in the garden. The poor thing seemed to have injured its paw.

It seemed to have injured its paw.
It seemed that it had injured its paw.
Na zahradě byl mýval. Zdálo se, že si chudák poranil tlapku.
There was a raccoon in the garden. The poor thing seemed to have injured its paw.
I was/meant to have done = měl/chtěl jsem udělat, ale neudělal jsem

Minulý infinitiv někdy vyjadřuje tzv. nereálnou minulost – např. WAS/WERE s minulým infinitivem znamená, že se něco mělo udělat, ale neudělalo se:

I was to have done it. (= I should have done it.)
They were to have helped me. (= They should have helped me.)

MEANT s minulým infinitivem znamená, že někdo něco chtěl/zamýšlel udělat, ale nakonec neudělal:

I meant to have done it. (= I wanted to do it, but I didn't.)
They meant to have helped me. (= They intended to help me, but they didn't.)

I was to have become a lawyer like my brother. Instead, I decided to teach Italian.

I was to have become a lawyer.
I was supposed to become a lawyer, but I didn't.
Měla jsem se stát právničkou jako můj bratr. Namísto toho jsem se rozhodla učit Italštinu.
I was to have become a lawyer like my brother. Instead, I decided to teach Italian.

Roger meant to have travelled with me, but he got sick and had to stay at home.

He meant to have travelled.
He wanted to travel, but he didn't.
Roger chtěl cestovat se mnou, ale onemocněl a musel zůstat v domě.
Roger meant to have travelled with me, but he got sick and had to stay at home.
I'd like to have done = I regret that I didn't do

WOULD + LIKE/LOVE/PREFER + minulý infinitiv použijeme, když jsme něco neudělali, nebo se něco nestalo a my toho teď litujeme:

I would like to have talked to you yesterday. (= I regret now that I didn't or couldn't talk to you.)
I would love to have spent more time with you last year.
I would prefer to have moved in with you then.

WOULD + HATE (NOT) + minulý infinitiv použijeme, když jsme rádi, že se něco (ne)stalo:

I would hate to have failed the exam. (= I'm glad that I didn't fail.)
I would hate not to have been able to see you. (= I'm glad that I was able to see you.)

We'd like to have taken more photos. We only have a very few.

We'd like to have taken more photos.
We regret that we didn't take more photos.
Rádi bychom tehdy udělali více fotek. Máme jich jen pár.
We'd like to have taken more photos. We only have a very few.

Sally would love to have played with us. What a shame she couldn't!

She'd love to have played.
She regrets that she couldn't play.
Sally by ráda hrála s námi. Škoda, že nemohla!
Sally would love to have played with us. What a shame she couldn't!

I'm glad I made it in time. I'd hate to have missed the train.

I'd hate to have missed it.
I'm glad that I didn't miss it.
Jsem rád, že jsem to stihl. Nerad bych, kdyby mi ten vlak býval ujel.
I'm glad I made it in time. I'd hate to have missed the train.
I believe him to have done = he is believed to have done

Minulý infinitiv používáme se slovesy, která vyjadřují názor nebo znalost, jako např. BELIEVE, KNOW a THINK:

I believe him to have done it. (= I believe that he did it.)
Věřím, že to udělal.
We know her to have seen it. ( = We know that she saw it.)
Víme, že to viděla.

Minulý infinitiv můžeme použít i po BELIEVE, THINK, KNOW... v trpném rodě. Porovnejte:

Činný rod Trpný rod
I believe him to have done it.
He is believed to have done it.
We know her to have seen it.
She is known to have seen it.

The famous artist is known to have painted over a hundred paintings.

He is known to have painted...
I know him to have painted...
He is believed to have made...
I believe him to have made...
O tomto slavném umělci je známo, že namaloval více než sto obrazů.
The famous artist is known to have painted over a hundred paintings.

Minulý infinitiv můžeme použít se sdělovacími slovesy v trpném rodě jako např. SAY, ALLEGE a REPORT:

It is said to have been the largest land animal of all time.
Údajně se jednalo o největšího suchozemského živočicha všech dob.
They are alleged to have been working on a secret project.
Údajně pracovali na tajném projektu.

Více o těchto trpných konstrukcích s infinitivem v lekci: He is said to do, it is said that he does...

Two criminals are reported to have escaped from prison last night.

They are reported to have escaped.
It has been reported that they had escaped.
Včera v noci údajně uprchli z vězení dva trestanci.
Two criminals are reported to have escaped from prison last night.

Slovesa s ING nebo TO – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: