Altogether or all together? (A2)

Hlavní přehled

Altogether, all together – procvičování:


It's not altogether true.
Není to zcela pravda.
I have 100 dollars altogether.
Mám celkem 100 dolarů.
We're finally all together.
Konečně jsme všichni pohromadě.

How many people were at the festival altogether?

all together altogether
Kolik bylo na festivalu celkem lidí?
How many people were at the festival altogether?
Altogether = zcela; úplně
That's a different thing altogether. (= That's a completely different thing.)
To je něco zcela jiného.
Is the project altogether (= totally finished) finished now?
Je už ten projekt úplně hotový?
Amanda isn't altogether sure (= completely sure) that she wants to marry Ross.
Amanda si není zcela jistá, zda si chce Rosse vzít.
Altogether = celkem (vzato); vcelku
How much is it altogether (= in total)?
Kolik to dělá celkem?
Altogether (= Considering everything), moving to Italy was a mistake.
Celkově bylo stěhování do Itálie chybou.
Altogether (= If I consider everything), he is a better tennis player than you.
Celkem vzato je lepší tenista než ty.

ALTOGETHER s tímto významem něco shrnuje (finanční částku, názor...).

I wasn't altogether happy, so we broke up.

Zcela; úplně:
all together altogether happy
Nebyl jsem zcela šťastný, takže jsme se rozešli.
I wasn't altogether happy, so we broke up.

Her English is altogether impossible to understand.

Zcela; úplně:
altogether impossible to understand
completely impossible to understand
Její angličtina je zcela nesrozumitelná.
Her English is altogether impossible to understand.

How much did you spend altogether?

How much altogether?
How much in total?
Kolik jsi celkem utratil?
How much did you spend altogether?

Altogether, it was a good decision.

Celkem (vzato):
Altogether, it was...
If I consider everything, it was...
Celkem vzato to bylo dobré rozhodnutí.
Altogether, it was a good decision.

The journey took us altogether only ten hours. Altogether, it was a great holiday.

It was altogether ten hours.
Celkem vzato:
Altogether, it was great.
Cesta nám trvala celkem jen deset hodin. Celkem vzato to byla skvělá dovolená.
The journey took us altogether only ten hours. Altogether, it was a great holiday.
All together = všichni/všechno dohromady
Let's sing all together (= everybody together).
Pojďme si všichni společně zazpívat.
We decided all together (= collectively).
Rozhodli jsme se všichni společně.
Did you go all together (= in one group)?
Šli jste všichni dohromady?
Put all together (= in one pile), please.
Dej prosím všechno dohromady.

Mezi ALL (všichni; všechno) a TOGETHER (dohromady; společně) můžeme dát další slovíčka:

We all decided together.
Rozhodli jsme se všichni společně.
Did you all go together?
Šli jste všichni dohromady?
Put all the apples together.
Dej všechna jablka dohromady.

Music brings us all together.

Všichni dohromady:
It brings us altogether all together.
Hudba nás všechny spojuje.
Music brings us all together.

We can't fly all together.

Všichni společně:
We can't fly all together.
We can't all fly together.
Nemůžeme letět všichni společně.
We can't fly all together.

Did you boil all the vegetables together in one pot?

Všechno dohromady:
boil all the vegetables together
boil the vegetables all together
Uvařil jsi všechnu zeleninu v jednom hrnci?
Did you boil all the vegetables together in one pot?

We will live in California all together.

Všichni společně:
We will live all together.
Everybody will live together.
Budeme žít v Kalifornii všichni společně.
We will live in California all together.

Altogether, all together – shrnutí a tip na závěr: