Be done or get done? (B1)

Passive voice (321)

Trpný rod

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na použití slovesa GET v trpném rodě – někdy může nahradit sloveso BE.

BE a GET v trpném rodě – procvičování:

Na tvorbu trpného rodu máme samostatnou lekci: Is made, was made... (A2)

Poor Harrison! He got injured again during the last game.

He was injured.
He got injured.
Chudák Harrison! Během posledního zápasu se zase zranil.
Poor Harrison! He got injured again during the last game.

V trpném rodě je běžně sloveso BE + třetí tvar slovesa (done, injured, fixed...). Místo BE můžeme někdy použít GET:

It must be done.
Musí se to udělat.
It must get done.
He was injured.
Zranil se.
He got injured.
The phone will be fixed.
Telefon bude opraven.
The phone will get fixed.
Koncert bude možná zrušen.
The concert might be cancelled.
Koncert bude možná zrušen.
The concert might get cancelled.
Dům byl poškozen.
The house was damaged.
Dům byl poškozen.
The house got damaged.

GET používáme obvykle:

Dostala jsem padáka.
I got fired.
Ukradli mi kolo.
My bike got stolen.
Motor se rozbil.
The engine got broken.
Kdy jste se vzali?
When did you get married?
BE DONE = univerzální
GET DONE = hovorové

Obecně platí, že BE je v trpném rodě univerzální – může se použít prakticky v každé situaci, zatímco GET se používá především v hovorové angličtině:

Jakýkoliv kontext Neformální kontext
I wasn't offered the promotion, I was fired instead.
I didn't get offered the promotion, I got fired instead.
The tent can be easily damaged by strong winds.
The tent can get easily damaged by strong winds.
I hope you won't be hurt.
I hope you won't get hurt.

My car is getting repaired now. It'll be ready by Friday.

It's getting repaired.
It's being repaired.
Moje auto se právě opravuje. Do pátku bude hotové.
My car is getting repaired now. It'll be ready by Friday.

If you don't want to get sunburned, put on sunscreen.

You don't want to get sunburned.
You don't want to be sunburned.
Pokud se nechceš spálit, namaž se opalovacím krémem.
If you don't want to get sunburned, put on sunscreen.

The guy should have gotten punished for what he did.

He should have gotten punished.
He should have been punished.
Ten chlap měl být potrestán za to, co udělal.
The guy should have gotten punished for what he did.
GET = nenaplánované, neočekávané

GET často používáme, když se přihodí něco nenaplánovaného a nečekaného. Obvykle je to také negativní:

Terry got killed in the line of duty by a drug dealer.
If you got stopped by the police, what would you say?
Aren't you afraid your expensive car will get stolen or scratched?

I got locked out of the room, so I had to ask the front desk for another key.

Nenaplánované + negativní:
I got locked out.
I was locked out.
Zamkl jsem si pokoj, takže jsem si musel na recepci vyžádat další klíč.
I got locked out of the room, so I had to ask the front desk for another key.

What's happening? Is Daniel getting arrested?

Neočekávané + negativní:
Is he getting arrested?
Co se děje? Zatýkají Daniela?
What's happening? Is Daniel getting arrested?
GET = změny a děje (ne stavy)

GET můžeme místo BE použít, pokud mluvíme o změnách nebo dějích:

The motorbike was broken.
Motorka se rozbila.
The motorbike got broken.

Pokud mluvíme o stavech, lze použít pouze BE:

The motorbike was broken.
Motorka byla rozbitá.

You need to get involved more in the planning of our road trip.

You need to be involved.
You need to get involved.
Musíš se více zapojit do plánování naší cesty.
You need to get involved more in the planning of our road trip.

Did you get kicked off the team because you didn't go to practice regularly?

Were you kicked off the team?
Did you get kicked off the team?
Vyhodili tě z týmu, protože jsi nechodil pravidelně na tréninky?
Did you get kicked off the team because you didn't go to practice regularly?
Be known, be believed, be uderstood...

GET obvykle nepoužíváme se slovesy typu KNOW, BELIEVE, UNDERSTAND, CONSIDER nebo LIKE:

Is everything understood?
Very little is known about Antarctic killer whales.
Danny Smalls is considered to be a hardworking person.

John Madison is believed to be the richest person in the city now.

He gets is believed to be...
He gets is known to be...
He gets is considered to be...
Lidé věří, že John Madison je teď nejbohatší člověk ve městě.
John Madison is believed to be the richest person in the city now.

This beach was liked by all locals and tourists alike.

It got was liked...
It got was loved...
It got was adored...
Tato pláž se líbila všem místním i turistům.
This beach was liked by all locals and tourists alike.
Get married, get dressed, get lost...

V některých ustálených spojeních, která vyjadřují změnu, používáme pouze GET:

get married
oženit se
get divorced
rozvést se
get dressed
obléci se
get changed
převléci se
get scared
začít se bát
get frightened
polekat se
get lost
ztratit se


get married
be married
oženit se
být ženatý
get dressed
be dressed
obléci se
být oblečený
get frightened
be frightened
polekat se
být polekaný

Being married to someone for fifty years takes patience.

being married
být ženatý
getting married
oženit se
Být s někým padesát let ženatý vyžaduje trpělivost.
Being married to someone for fifty years takes patience.

Erica was still married last month. Now, she has gotten divorced.

She was married.
She has gotten divorced.
Ještě před měsícem byla Erica vdaná. Teď se rozvedla.
Erica was still married last month. Now, she has gotten divorced.

Don't worry. We won't get lost.

get lost
ztratit se
be lost
být ztracený
Nebojte se. Neztratíme se.
Don't worry. We won't get lost.

Every time I read train schedules, I get very confused.

I get confused.
Pokaždé, když čtu jízdní řády vlaků, tak mě to zmate.
Every time I read train schedules, I get very confused.

BE a GET v trpném rodě – shrnutí a tip na závěr: