Twice as much, five times as expensive... (B2)

Comparative structures (419)

Srovnání a porovnání

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo si dnes vysvětlíme, jak říct, kolikrát se dvě věci liší. Např. dvakrát tolik peněz, třikrát dražší, čtyřikrát levnější.

Srovnání a porovnání – procvičování:

Další podobné lekce na srovnávání:

We'll spend three times as much money. The ticket is three times as expensive now as yesterday.

Třikrát tolik:
three times as much money
Třikrát dražší:
three times as expensive
three times more expensive
Utratíme třikrát tolik peněz. Letenka je teď třikrát dražší než včera.
We'll spend three times as much money. The ticket is three times as expensive now as yesterday.

Pokud porovnáváme pomocí několikanásobku, můžeme použít dva způsoby:

Je teď šestkrát výkonnější.
It's six times as powerful now.
Je teď šestkrát výkonnější.
It's six times more powerful now.
Je sedmkrát vyšší.
It's seven times as tall.
Je sedmkrát vyšší.
It's seven times taller.

Pokud je něco dvakrát dražší, dvakrát rychlejší..., použijeme TWICE AS nebo TWO TIMES (AS):

twice as expensive
two times as expensive
two times more expensive

Nikoliv: twice more expensive

Byla dvakrát rychlejší než já.
She was twice as fast as me.
Byla dvakrát rychlejší než já.
She was two times faster than me.

That Irishman must be three times as strong as you.

Třikrát silnější:
three times as strong
three times stronger
three times strong
Ten Ir je určitě třikrát silnější než ty.
That Irishman must be three times as strong as you.

The holes are twice as big as they were just a month ago.

Dvakrát větší:
twice as big
two times as big
two times bigger
twice bigger
Díry jsou dvakrát větší než byly před pouhým měsícem.
The holes are twice as big as they were just a month ago.

Did you know that the wealthiest man in France is five times wealthier than the second one?

He's five times wealthier than the second one.
He's five times as wealthy as the second one.
Věděli jste, že nejbohatší muž ve Francii je pětkrát bohatší než ten druhý?
Did you know that the wealthiest man in France is five times wealthier than the second one?

You seem ten times happier than the last time I saw you.

ten times happier
ten times as happy
ten times as happier
Zdáš se být desetkrát spokojenější, než když jsem tě viděla naposledy.
You seem ten times happier than the last time I saw you.

Your English is at least twice as good as before you started the course.

twice as good
two times as good
two times better
Tvoje angličtina je alespoň dvakrát lepší než před začátkem kurzu.
Your English is at least twice as good as before you started the course.

The city population is nearly two times greater than in the 1970's.

two times greater
two times as great
twice as great
twice greater
Počet obyvatel města je téměř dvojnásobný oproti 70. letům minulého století.
The city population is nearly two times greater than in the 1970's.

Pro menší míru něčeho (dvakrát levnější, třikrát pomalejší...) použijeme zlomky + AS:

half as expensive
dvakrát levnější
one third as fast
třikrát pomalejší
one quarter as big
čtyřikrát menší

Neříkáme obvykle: twice as cheap, three times as fast, four times as small


three times as fast
třikrát rychlejší
three times faster
one third as fast
třikrát pomalejší
four times as big
čtyřikrát větší
four times bigger
one fourth as big
čtyřikrát menší

Our hotel looks so tiny. It's a sixth as high as the Empire State Building.

Šestkrát nižší:
a sixth as high
six times as low
Náš hotel vypadá tak maličký. Je šestkrát nižší než Empire State Building.
Our hotel looks so tiny. It's a sixth as high as the Empire State Building.

I'd rather take the train. It's a third as fast as a plane, but also a third as expensive.

Třikrát pomalejší:
a third as fast
three times as slow
Třikrát levnější:
a third as expensive
three times as cheap
Raději bych jela vlakem. Je sice třikrát pomalejší než letadlo, ale také je třikrát levnější.
I'd rather take the train. It's a third as fast as a plane, but also a third as expensive.

This room is half as wide and one third as long as the other one.

Dvakrát užší:
half as wide
Třikrát kratší:
a third as long
Tento pokoj je oproti tomu druhému dvakrát užší a třikrát méně tak dlouhý.
This room is half as wide and one third as long as the other one.

A cheetah is about one quarter as heavy as a full grown lion.

Čtyřikrát lehčí:
one quarter as heavy
Čtyřikrát těžší:
four times as heavy
four times heavier
Gepard je přibližně čtyřikrát lehčí než dospělý lev.
A cheetah is about one quarter as heavy as a full grown lion.

The Suwaga waterfall looks one fifth as tall as The Grand Falls.

Pětkrát nižší:
one fifth as tall
five times as low
Vodopád Suwaga vypadá pětkrát nižší než Velký vodopád.
The Suwaga waterfall looks one fifth as tall as The Grand Falls.

The cat is a third as large as Carlos, so she was terrified of him.

Třikrát menší:
a third as large as him
Třikrát větší:
three times as large as him
three times larger than him
Kočka je třikrát menší než Carlos, takže se ho bála.
The cat is a third as large as Carlos, so she was terrified of him.

Porovnávat můžeme také pomocí AS MUCH/AS MANY a MORE:

three times as much money
třikrát tolik peněz
three times as many apples
třikrát tolik jablek
three times more money
třikrát víc peněz
three times more apples
třikrát víc jablek

Pozor, říkáme jen TWICE AS MUCH/MANY:

twice as much money
dvakrát tolik peněz
twice as many apples
dvakrát tolik jablek

Nikoliv: twice more

Our business is thriving. We're making five times more than we were two years ago.

Pětkrát víc (peněz):
five times more
five times as much money
Našemu podnikání se daří. Vyděláváme pětkrát víc než před dvěma lety.
Our business is thriving. We're making five times more than we were two years ago.

The beach was absolutely packed last weekend. There were twice as many people as usual.

Dvakrát víc:
twice as many people
twice more
Pláž byla minulý víkend naprosto zaplněná. Bylo tam dvakrát víc lidí než obvykle.
The beach was absolutely packed last weekend. There were twice as many people as usual.

I should cut down a little on the coffee. I'm drinking four times as much as I used to.

I'm drinking four times as much as I used to.
I'm drinking four times more than I used to.
Měla bych trochu omezit pití kávy. Piju jí čtyřikrát víc než dřív.
I should cut down a little on the coffee. I'm drinking four times as much as I used to.

Srovnání a porovnání – shrnutí vazeb:

three times as expensive
třikrát dražší
three times more expensive
one third as expensive
třikrát levnější
three times as much money
třikrát tolik peněz
three times more money
třikrát víc peněz

Doporučujeme si procvičit srovnání a porovnání (comparative structures) v našich cvičeních.