Except for, besides... (B2)

Prepositions of exclusion and inclusion (448)

Předložky vyloučení a zahrnutí

Hlavní přehled

Předložky vyloučení a zahrnutí – procvičování:


I like all flavours except for pistachio. (= I like all flavours, but not pistachio.)
Besides vanilla, I also like pistachio. (= I like vanilla and pistachio.)

Who else was at the high school reunion besides Michael? – Most of my classmates, except for Nataly.

besides Michael
except for Nataly
Kdo byl kromě Michala na středoškolském srazu? – Většina mých spolužáků, kromě Nataly.
Who else was at the high school reunion besides Michael? – Most of my classmates, except for Nataly.

Přehled předložek a dalších výrazů:

Vyloučení Přidání/zahrnutí
except (for), apart from, but, other than, save besides, apart from, in addition (to), as well (as)
Jsme tu všichni kromě Tima.
We're all here except for Tim.
Kromě nápojů je vše v ceně.
Everything is included apart from drinks.
Kromě mě bude hrát i Tim.
Besides me, Tim will play.
Kromě koček miluju i psy.
I love dogs as well as cats.

EXCEPT (FOR) použijeme pro vyloučení. Někdy lze použít jak EXCEPT, tak i EXCEPT FOR. Někdy je ale vhodná jen jedna z dvojice.

EXCEPT i EXCEPT FOR můžeme často použít před podstatným jménem:

The whole week will be sunny except Friday.
The whole week will be sunny except for the weekend.

Pouze EXCEPT FOR použijeme na začátku věty:

Except for Friday, it'll be sunny.
Except for the weekend, it'll be sunny.

Ben's not very picky. He enjoys whatever I cook, except for the tomato soup.

He enjoys it, except for the soup.
He enjoys it, except the soup.
Except Except for the soup, he enjoys it.
Ben není příliš vybíravý. Chutná mu všechno, co uvařím, kromě rajčatové polévky.
Ben's not very picky. He enjoys whatever I cook, except for the tomato soup.

Except for one rainy day, we couldn't have had better weather on the boat.

Except Except for one day, we had great weather.
Kromě jednoho deštivého dne jsme na lodi nemohli mít lepší počasí.
Except for one rainy day, we couldn't have had better weather on the boat.

Pouze EXCEPT použijeme před (TO) infinitivem:

There's nothing else I have to do except walk my dog.
I won't go out today except to walk my dog.

Pouze EXCEPT použijeme jako spojku na začátku vedlejší věty:

I won't go out today except that I'll walk my dog.
I didn't go out except when I walked my dog.

EXCEPT použijeme před předložkou:

I don't let my dog off leash, except in a fenced area.

I don't use that old TV anymore, except to play games.

...except for except to play games.
S výjimkou hraní her už tu starou televizi nepoužívám.
I don't use that old TV anymore, except to play games.

The twins look the same, except that Olly has slightly darker hair.

They look the same except for except that he has darker hair.
They look the same, except the hair.
They look the same, except for the hair.
Dvojčátka vypadají stejně. S výjimkou toho, že Olly má o něco tmavší vlasy.
The twins look the same, except that Olly has slightly darker hair.

Something like this couldn't happen anywhere except in the USA.

...except for except in the USA.
Něco takového by se nemohlo stát nikde jinde než v USA.
Something like this couldn't happen anywhere except in the USA.

We know nothing about them, except they're friends with the Greens.

...except for except they're friends with them.
Nic o nich nevíme, kromě toho, že se přátelí s Greenovými.
We know nothing about them, except they're friends with the Greens.

BESIDES, IN ADDITION (TO) a AS WELL (AS) použijeme pro přidání/zahrnutí:

What else do you want to buy besides a parasol?
In addition to his flat in Chelsea, Steward also has several rental houses in Liverpool.
Let's invite Melissa as well as her sister Tony.

Besides cocktails, the bartender also recommends Czech beer.

Besides cocktails, she recommends beer.
In addition to cocktails, she recommends beer.
She recommends cocktails as well as beer.
Kromě koktejlů doporučuje barmanka také české pivo.
Besides cocktails, the bartender also recommends Czech beer.

In addition to being a graphic designer, I write music too.

In addition to be being a designer...
Kromě toho, že jsem grafik, skládám také hudbu.
In addition to being a graphic designer, I write music too.

APART FROM vyjadřuje podle kontextu buď vyloučení nebo zahrnutí:

I don't like fruit apart from (= except for) apples.
Apart from (= Besides) apples, I also like cherries.

Apart from her good looks, Yasmine is also smart and has a great personality.

Apart from her good looks, she's also smart.
Besides her good looks, she's also smart.
Kromě toho, že Yasmine dobře vypadá, je také chytrá a má skvělou osobnost.
Apart from her good looks, Yasmine is also smart and has a great personality.

The price includes everything apart from the airport transfer.

It includes everything apart from the transfer.
It includes everything except for the transfer.
Cena zahrnuje vše kromě transferu z letiště.
The price includes everything apart from the airport transfer.

BUT a OTHER THAN lze použít místo EXCEPT (FOR), a to zejména po záporu:

Nobody except for Bart knew the correct answer.
Nikdo kromě Barta neznal správnou odpověď.
Nobody but Bart knew the correct answer.
Can't we drink anything else except for orange juice?
Nemůžeme pít něco jiného než pomerančový džus?
Can't we drink anything other than orange juice?

Couldn't anyone other than the addressee pick up the package?

Couldn't anyone other than me do that?
Couldn't anyone except for me do that?
Nemohl by zásilku vyzvednout někdo jiný než adresát?
Couldn't anyone other than the addressee pick up the package?

No one but Sebastian dared to surf such big waves.

No one but him dared to surf.
No one except for him dared to surf.
Nikdo kromě Sebastiana si netroufl na tak velké vlny.
No one but Sebastian dared to surf such big waves.

Pokud mluvíme o nějaké výjimce, můžeme ve formální angličtině použít SAVE (FOR):

The room was empty save for a wooden chair and a table.
Little is known about her childhood save that she grew up in New Zealand.

Have you read all of Greene's books? – Yes, save the last one.

Formální angličtina:
Save the last one.
Běžná angličtina:
Except for the last one.
Četla jste všechny Greeneovy knihy? – Ano, až na tu poslední.
Have you read all of Greene's books? – Yes, save the last one.

Předložky vyloučení a zahrnutí – shrnutí:

except (for)
apart from
other than
apart from
in addition (to)
as well (as)

Doporučujeme si procvičit předložky vyloučení a zahrnutí (prepositions of exclusion and inclusion) v našich cvičeních.