If only (B1)

Wish clauses (356)

Přací věty

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes naučíme vyjadřovat české KÉŽ BY pomocí IF ONLY.

Přací věty – procvičování:

Na přací věty máme také lekci: I wish (B1)

If only you were playing now. The team would be much stronger. = Kéž bys teď hrál. Tým by byl mnohem silnější.

Přání pro přítomnost:
If only you were playing now!
Přání pro minulost:
If only you had been playing yesterday!
Kéž bys teď hrál. Tým by byl mnohem silnější.
If only you were playing now. The team would be much stronger.

IF ONLY (kéž by; kdyby jen) často používáme v těchto konstrukcích:

Kéž by svítilo sluníčko.
If only it was sunny.
Kdybych jen uměl windsurfovat jako ty.
If only I could windsurf like you.
Kéž by ses namazal opalovacím krémem.
If only you had put on sunscreen.
Kdyby to jen ztišili.
If only they would turn it down.
If only I had, If only you studied...

IF ONLY + minulý čas vyjadřuje přání pro přítomnost:

If only I had more time.
Kéž bych měla více času.
If only you studied harder.
Kdybys jen víc studoval.

Nikoliv: If only I HAVE..., If only I WOULD HAVE...

Namísto WAS můžeme použít WERE:

If only I was twenty again.
If only I were twenty again.
If only it wasn't so cold.
If only it weren't so cold.

If only you spoke fluent English. You could teach in the UK.

Přání pro přítomnost:
If only you speak spoke English.
Kdybys jen mluvil plynně anglicky. Mohl bys učit ve Velké Británii.
If only you spoke fluent English. You could teach in the UK.

We have only one cat. If only we had at least two!

If only we had more.
We don't have more and I regret it.
Máme pouze jednu kočku. Kéž bychom měli alespoň dvě!
We have only one cat. If only we had at least two!

If only I were able to live here!

If only I were...
If only I was...
Kéž bych tu jen mohla žít!
If only I were able to live here!
If only I had had, If only you had studied...

IF ONLY + předminulý čas vyjadřuje přání pro minulost:

If only I had had more time last week.
Kdybych tak měl minulý týden víc času.
If only you had studied harder! You would have passed the exam.
Kdyby ses jen víc učil! Zkoušku bys byl udělal.

Nikoliv: If only I HAVE more..., If only I HAD more..., If only I WOULD HAVE more...


Přítomnost Minulost
If only you weren't lying to us now.
If only you hadn't been lying to us then.
If only he drove faster.
If only he had driven faster.

If only we had grilled on Sunday. The weather was perfect for it.

Přání pro minulost:
If only we grilled had grilled.
Kdybychom tak v neděli grilovali. Počasí na to bylo ideální.
If only we had grilled on Sunday. The weather was perfect for it.

If only I hadn't gone to bed late last night.

If only I hadn't gone to bed late.
I went to bed late and I regret it.
Kéž bych včera nešel spát pozdě.
If only I hadn't gone to bed late last night.

Calum and Julia had such a great time in New Zealand. If only we had been travelling with them.

Přání pro minulost:
If only we had been travelling.
Přání pro přítomnost:
If only we were travelling.
Calum a Julia si to na Novém Zélandu moc užili. Kdybychom tak cestovali s nimi.
Calum and Julia had such a great time in New Zealand. If only we had been travelling with them.

We were looking forward to having ice cream after dinner. If only you hadn't eaten the whole box!

Přání pro minulost:
If only you didn't eat hadn't eaten it.
Těšili jsme se, že si po večeři dáme zmrzlinu. Jen kdybys ji nesnědl celou!
We were looking forward to having ice cream after dinner. If only you hadn't eaten the whole box!
If only you would listen, if only they wouldn't...

Pokud chceme, aby se něco změnilo (v přítomnosti nebo budoucnosti), použijeme IF ONLY + WOULD:

If only you would exercise. (= I want you to exercise.)
Kéž bys jen cvičil.
If only they wouldn't fight. (= I want them not to fight.)
Přál bych si, aby se neprali.

IF ONLY + WOULD nelze použít s osobou, která si zároveň přeje. Říkáme IF ONLY YOU/HE/SHE...:

If only he would talk to them.
If only she wouldn't snore.

Nikoliv: If only I WOULD talk...

Liverpool is doing well this year. If only they would win the Premier League.

Přejeme si, aby se něco stalo:
If only they win would win.
Liverpoolu se letos daří. Kéž by se jim podařilo vyhrát Premier League.
Liverpool is doing well this year. If only they would win the Premier League.

If only you would let me help you. I could pick something elegant for you.

If only you will would let me...
Kdybys mi jen dovolil, abych ti pomohla. Mohla bych pro tebe vybrat něco elegantního.
If only you would let me help you. I could pick something elegant for you.

If only Harry would stop biting his nails. It's a nasty habit.

If only he would stop.
If only you would stop.
If only I would...
Kéž by si Harry přestal kousat nehty. Je to ošklivý zlozvyk.
If only Harry would stop biting his nails. It's a nasty habit.

Podobně jako IF ONLY používáme v přacích větách WISH:

I wish I could swim.
Kéž bych jen uměla plavat.
If only I could swim.

IF ONLY je oproti WISH důraznější.

I loved your beard! I wish you hadn't shaved it!

Přání pro minulost:
I wish you hadn't shaved it.
If only you hadn't shaved it.
Tvoje vousy se mi tak líbily! Kéž by sis je neoholil!
I loved your beard! I wish you hadn't shaved it!

Přací věty (wish clauses) – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit IF ONLY v našich cvičeních.