Vedlejší věty s ING – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme další související lekce:
Diving in Bali last year, we saw a rare turtle.
Diving in Bali, we saw it.
When we were diving in Bali, we saw it.
Pomocí krátké konstrukce s ING můžeme zkrátit některé vedlejší věty:
Because we live in Bali, we often go diving.
Protože žijeme na Bali, často se potápíme. |
Living in Bali, we often go diving.
Větu je obvykle možné zkrátit pouze tehdy, pokud jsou v souvětí podměty stejné (WE live, WE go diving).
Zkracujeme následující typy vět:
He was sitting there and he was laughing.
He was sitting there laughing.
When he was getting out of the taxi, he stepped into a puddle.
Getting out of the taxi, he stepped into a puddle.
After he had showered, he went to bed.
After showering, he went to bed.
Having showered, he went to bed.
Because he was feeling tired, he fell asleep quickly.
Feeling tired, he fell asleep quickly.
Is Lucy outside and is she waiting for Tony?
Is Lucy outside waiting for Tony?
I was in Europe, I was visiting my friends.
I was in Europe visiting my friends.
U tohoto typu souvětí obvykle zkracujeme druhou větu.
Jeremy is often cycling along the coast listening to music or podcasts.
He's cycling along the coast listening to music.
He's cycling along the coast and he's listening to music.
Trish and Monica were in the center shopping.
2 souběžné děje: |
They were in the center shopping.
They were in the center and they were shopping.
Did you burn yourself while you were cooking?
Did you burn yourself while cooking?
Be careful when you are cutting the meat.
Be careful when cutting the meat.
Zkracujeme vždy děj, který začal dříve (cooking, cutting). Zkrácená věta bývá na konci souvětí.
WHEN/WHILE můžeme vynechat:
Did you burn yourself cooking?
Be careful cutting the meat.
Look! I found a wallet walking from the beach.
1. děj se odehraje během 2. děje: |
I found it walking... |
I found it when walking... |
I found it when I was walking... |
Jack broke his leg while skiing in Switzerland last winter.
He broke it skiing.
He broke it while skiing.
He broke it while he was skiing.
After I had travelled all my life, I settled in Norway.
Having travelled all my life, I settled in Norway.
After travelling all my life, I settled in Norway.
After he had finished his work, he left.
Having finished his work, he left the office.
After finishing his work, he left.
Zkracujeme vždy děj, který skončil dříve (travelling, finishing work).
Having heard about the traffic jam, Molly took the subway instead of the bus.
1. děj se ukončí před 2. dějem: |
Having heard about it... |
After hearing about it... |
After Molly heard about it... |
After having a short break, we continued climbing up the rock.
1. děj se ukončí před 2. dějem: |
After having a short break... |
Having had a short break... |
After we had a short break... |
I was up studying at night because I have an exam today.
Having my exam today, I was up studying at night.
Because I didn't have enough energy, I drank some coffee.
Not having enough energy, I drank some coffee.
Since I don't know what to do, I'll ask Frank for advice.
Not knowing what to do, I'll ask Frank for advice.
Zkrácená věta stojí obvykle na začátku souvětí.
Arriving late at the airport, James missed the plane.
Arriving late... |
Because he arrived late... |
Not arriving on time... |
Because he didn't arrive on time... |
Having gotten injured, you will have to rest for a few weeks.
Having gotten injured... |
Because you got injured... |
Being pregnant, I'm eating as healthy as possible.
Being pregnant... |
Because I'm pregnant... |
Pozor, pokud vyjadřujeme, za jakým účelem se něco děje, větu nelze zkrátit:
Ben started working so that he could save up for a car.
Ben začal pracovat, aby si mohl našetřit na auto. |
I changed the seat so that I could see better.
Vyměnil jsem si sedadlo, abych lépe viděl. |
I need to borrow money so that I'm able to buy the ticket.
Účel: |
I need money, so that I'm able to buy it.
I need money being able to buy it. |
Větu můžeme zkrátit pouze tehdy, pokud jsou podměty stejné:
Because Ann had taken care of babies before, Ann knew what to do.
Having taken care of babies before, Ann knew what to do.
Pokud podměty nejsou stejné, větu nelze zkrátit:
Because Ann had taken care of babies before, I asked her for help.
After doing her makeup, Teresa put on her favourite black dress.
After doing her makeup, Teresa put... |
After Teresa did her makeup, Teresa put... |
Because it was raining heavily, I stayed at home all day.
Because it was raining, I stayed... |
Raining heavily, I stayed... |
Porovnejte použití čárky mezi větami:
Having cycled 100 miles, they felt exhausted.
They felt exhausted having cycled 100 miles.
Having spent a lot of time in the sun, we were nicely tanned.
Having spent time in the sun, we were tanned.
We were tanned having spent time in the sun.
Doporučujeme si procvičit vedlejší věty s ING (participle clauses) v našich cvičeních.
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