Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na slovesa typu WANT, LET a SEE, která používáme s předmětem a infinitivem (want you to do, let you do, see you do...) nebo ING (see you doing).
Slovesa s předmětem a infinitivem – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
Blake told me to wait for him in front of the café.
He told me to wait there.
He wanted me to wait there.
He let me wait there.
Rozlišujeme několik typů sloves podle toho, jestli po nich používáme předmět + TO infinitiv nebo předmět + infinitiv bez TO; případně i další možnosti (bez předmětu, s ING...):
tell you to do something
want you to do something
want to do something
advise you to do something
advise doing something
let you do something
see you do something
see you doing something
Slovesa, která používáme s předmětem + TO infinitivem:
tell, invite, teach, enable | + you to do |
warn, remind | |
force, order, command, persuade, get (= persuade) |
Unfortunately, we couldn't persuade our friends to travel with us.
We couldn't persuade them to travel.
We couldn't get them to travel.
We couldn't force them to travel.
Dad taught Kevin to play chess.
He taught him playing to play it.
Slovesa, která používáme s předmětem + TO infinitivem nebo s TO infinitivem:
want, ask, help, expect, beg, mean (= intend) | + you to do + to do |
would like, would love, would hate, would prefer |
Would you prefer us to take a cab or walk?
Would you prefer us to take a cab?
Would you prefer to take a cab?
I'm expected to bring something small for each child.
I'm expected to bring presents.
They expect me to bring presents.
HELP můžeme použít s TO infinitivem nebo s infinitivem bez TO:
I'll help you to do it.
I'll help you do it.
I'll help to do it.
I'll help do it.
Did Jess help you to solve the problem? – Yes, she helped fix the chair.
She helped me to solve it.
She helped me solve it.
She helped to fix it.
He helped fix it.
Slovesa, která používáme s předmětem + TO infinitivem nebo s ING:
advise, recommend, encourage, require | + you to do + doing |
allow, permit | |
forbid |
The doctor wouldn't recommend you to eat dairy.
He wouldn't recommend you to eat it.
He wouldn't recommend eating it.
What do you require us to do next, sir?
What do you require us to do?
require us doing |
V trpném rodě používáme po ADVISE, RECOMMEND, ALLOW... TO infinitiv:
You're advised to do it.
You're recommended to do it.
Nikoliv: You're advised DOING it., You're recommended DOING it.
I advise you to do it.
I advise doing it.
You're advised to do it.
You aren't allowed to watch TV until you finish your homework.
You aren't allowed to watch it.
Mom doesn't allow you to watch it.
Po LET, MAKE a HAVE (= nechat; požádat) používáme předmět + infinitiv bez TO:
Let's (= let us) have a look at what's inside.
Pojďme se podívat, co je uvnitř. |
The police made him open his bag.
Policie ho přiměla otevřít tašku. |
Have John help you. He knows how to deal with the police.
Nech Johna, ať ti pomůže. Ví, jak jednat s policií. |
Nikoliv: Let's to have..., Let's having...
V trpném rodě používáme po MAKE infinitiv s TO:
He was made to open his bag.
We'll have Danny go to the supermarket. Do you need something?
We'll have him go there.
We'll let him go there.
We'll make him go there.
I'm terrible at dancing. I'm just not made to dance.
I'm not made to dance.
You can't make me dance.
Po SEE, HEAR a NOTICE používáme předmět + infinitiv bez TO nebo předmět + ING:
I saw him attack the woman.
I saw him attacking the woman.
Did you hear her scream?
Did you hear her screaming?
Infinitiv bez TO použijeme, když proběhl celý děj:
I saw him attack her. (= I saw the whole attack.)
ING použijeme, když mluvíme o části děje nebo když chceme zdůraznit průběh děje:
I saw him attacking her. (= He was in the middle of attacking her when I saw them.)
Více o SEE, HEAR... s infinitivem nebo ING v lekci: See him do, see him doing...
Did you hear your brother come home last night?
Celý děj: |
Did you hear him come?
Část děje: |
Did you hear him coming?
Lin was lucky the lifeguard noticed her drowning. She could have died!
Část děje: |
He noticed her drown drowning.
Porovnejte zápor:
I don't advise you to sign it.
Nedoporučuju ti to podepsat. |
I advise you not to sign it.
Doporučuju ti, abys to nepodepsal. |
Nepoužíváme běžně: I advise you TO NOT sign it.
I warned you not to leave them here alone.
I warned you to not not to leave them alone.
Slovesa s předmětem a infinitivem (nebo ING) – nejdůležitější body:
advise, recommend, encourage, require | + you to do + doing |
allow, permit | |
forbid |
tell, invite, teach, enable | + you to do |
warn, remind | |
force, order, command, persuade, get |
want, ask, help, expect, beg, mean | + you to do + to do |
would like, would love, would hate, would prefer |
let, make, have | + you do |
see, hear, notice | + you to do + you doing |
Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa s předmětem a infinitivem (nebo ING) v našich cvičeních.
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