As, when, while (B1)

Conjunctions (361)


Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na časové spojky – AS, WHEN a WHILE. V některých případech je lze zaměnit, ale někdy je možné použít pouze jednu nebo dvě spojky.

AS, WHEN a WHILE – procvičování:

Další podobná lekce: Časové spojky – when, while, until... (A2)

When I was shopping at the mall, I ran into an old friend of mine.

Dva děje ve stejnou dobu:
When/As/While I was shopping, I ran into her.
Když jsem nakupovala v obchoďáku, narazila jsem na svou starou známou.
When I was shopping at the mall, I ran into an old friend of mine.

Pokud se děje odehrávají ve stejnou dobu, použijeme AS/WHEN/WHILE:

As/When/While I was swimming, I saw a turtle. Když/Zatímco jsem plaval, uviděl jsem želvu.

Pokud se děje odehrávají jeden po druhém, použijeme WHEN:

When I got out of the water, I put sunscreen on.
Když jsem vylezl z vody, namazal jsem se opalovacím krémem.

AS není pouze časovou spojkou, někdy vyjadřuje důvod/příčinu:

As I have very fair skin, I need to use a high SPF.
Protože mám velmi světlou pleť, musím používat vysoký SPF.

While we're driving with Bruno, he sticks his head out to cool down.

Dva děje ve stejnou dobu:
While/When/As we're driving, he sticks it out.
Když jedeme s Brunem, vystrkuje ven hlavu, aby se ochladil.
While we're driving with Bruno, he sticks his head out to cool down.

As we don't have any cash, we need to withdraw some money.

As we don't have...
Because we don't have...
Protože nemáme žádnou hotovost, musíme si vybrat nějaké peníze.
As we don't have any cash, we need to withdraw some money.
AS, WHEN, WHILE = děje ve stejnou dobu
As the winter is getting closer, the temperature is dropping.
When we were hiking, I lost my hat.
While I'm surfing the Internet, Robert will be reading.

Z těchto tří časových spojek je nejuniverzálnější WHEN.

AS/WHEN/WHILE používáme na začátku nebo uprostřed souvětí:

As it's getting closer, the temperature is dropping.
The temperature is dropping as it's getting closer.
When we were hiking, I lost it.
I lost it when we were hiking.
While I'm surfing, he'll be reading.
He'll be reading while I'm surfing.

Do you like to eat popcorn when you're watching movies?

Do you like it when you're watching movies?
When you're watching movies, do you like it?
Jíte rádi popcorn, když se díváte na filmy?
Do you like to eat popcorn when you're watching movies?

Pokud se během delšího děje něco stane, použijeme pro delší děj AS/WHEN/WHILE:

As/When/While I was having a shower, somebody knocked on the door.
Grandma cut herself as/when/while she was making a salad.

Delší děj bývá obvykle s ING (having a shower, making...).

While Madison was working out in the gym, she sprained her ankle.

Něco se stane během delšího děje:
While/As/When she was working out, she sprained it.
Když Madison cvičila v posilovně, vymkla si kotník.
While Madison was working out in the gym, she sprained her ankle.

When we were travelling in Europe, we rented a motorbike for a few days.

Něco se stane během delšího děje:
When/As/While we were travelling, we rented it.
Když jsme cestovali po Evropě, půjčili jsme si na několik dní motorku.
When we were travelling in Europe, we rented a motorbike for a few days.

Pokud se během delšího děje něco stane, použijeme pro kratší děj WHEN:

When somebody knocked on the door, I was having a shower.
She was making a salad when she cut herself.

Nikoliv: AS somebody..., WHILE somebody...

When we called David, he was playing basketball, so he didn't pick up.

As When we called, he was playing basketball.
Když jsme Davidovi zavolali, hrál zrovna basketbal, takže to nezvedl.
When we called David, he was playing basketball, so he didn't pick up.

Were you sleeping when the thief broke into your flat?

Were you sleeping while when he broke in?
Spali jste, když se do vašeho bytu vloupal zloděj?
Were you sleeping when the thief broke into your flat?

S dvěma krátkými ději, které se odehrávají ve stejnou (nebo téměř stejnou) dobu, použijeme AS/WHEN:

As I sat down, the chair broke immediately.
When I arrived, Jake left (at the same time).

Nikoliv: WHILE I sat down...

As you cross the road, you'll see the bookshop next to the café.

Dva krátké souběžné děje:
As/When you cross it, you'll see the shop.
Jak přejdeš silnici, uvidíš to knihkupectví vedle kavárny.
As you cross the road, you'll see the bookshop next to the café.

WHILE se obvykle používá pro delší děj (s ING):

While I was mopping, the children were doing the dishes.
I slipped while I was mopping.
Did you hurt your leg while you were cleaning?

While we were preparing cookies, Bruno was watching us.

While we were preparing...
While I was baking...
While they were cooking...
Zatímco jsme připravovali sušenky, Bruno nás pozoroval.
While we were preparing cookies, Bruno was watching us.

While you're packing, I'll be waiting outside.

Dva delší souběžné děje:
While you're packing, I'll be waiting.
Zatímco budeš balit, budu čekat venku.
While you're packing, I'll be waiting outside.
WHEN = děje jeden po druhém

WHEN používáme, pokud děje probíhají po sobě – jeden děj skončí a druhý začne:

When (= After) I arrived at the station, I bought a ticket.
When I got on the train, I put my luggage under the seat and sat down.

Nikoliv: AS I arrived..., WHILE I arrived...


When (= As/While) we were walking home, it started to rain.
When (= After) we came home, we had dinner.
When (= As/While) Ian was getting out of the car, he stepped in a puddle.
When (= After) Ian got out of the car, he took a bus to the airport.

When Molly and Blake come from school, they often play video games.

Dva děje jeden po druhém:
While When they come, they play.
Když Molly a Blake přijdou ze školy, často hrají videohry.
When Molly and Blake come from school, they often play video games.

I decided to call a taxi when I missed my bus.

Dva děje jeden po druhém:
I called it when I missed my bus.
I called it after I missed my bus.
Rozhodla jsem se zavolat si taxi, poté co mi ujel autobus.
I decided to call a taxi when I missed my bus.
AS = důvod/příčina

AS může vyjadřovat důvod/příčinu něčeho (= proč se něco děje), podobně jako BECAUSE:

As (= Because) I was late, Steve had to wait for me.
Ann went to bed early as she was tired.
As Mr. Woods is ill, we should postpone the meeting.

Nikoliv: WHEN I was late..., WHILE I was late...

Více o vyjádření důvodu v lekci: Because of, due to, as...

As I ran a marathon two days ago, my legs are still hurting.

As I ran a marathon...
Because I ran a marathon...
Protože jsem před dvěma dny běžel maraton, bolí mě stále ještě nohy.
As I ran a marathon two days ago, my legs are still hurting.

Alex won't have a dessert as she is already full.

She won't have it while as she is full.
Alex si nedá dezert, protože už je plná.
Alex won't have a dessert as she is already full.

As I always liked Simone, I took her out on a date.

As I liked her...
Because I liked her...
Protože se mi Simone vždycky líbila, vzal jsem ji na rande.
As I always liked Simone, I took her out on a date.

AS, WHEN, WHILE – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit spojky (conjunctions) AS, WHEN a WHILE v našich cvičeních.