By, with (B1)

Prepositions of manner (384)

Předložky způsobu

Hlavní přehled

By, with – procvičování:

The sun is strong today. Don't forget to protect your skin by wearing sunblock.

Jakým způsobem:
Protect it by wearing sunblock.
Protect it with sunblock.
Slunce je dnes silné. Nezapomeňte si chránit pokožku opalovacím krémem.
The sun is strong today. Don't forget to protect your skin by wearing sunblock.

Pro vyjádření způsobu (manner) často používáme předložky BY a WITH. Přehled jejich běžného použití:

Ustálené vazby s BY:

Cibuli připrav smažením.
Prepare the onion by frying.
Cibuli nakrájej tímto nožem.
Cut the onion with this knife.
Fotografii pořídil jeden Ir.
The photo was taken by an Irish.
Fotografie byla pořízena mým fotoaparátem.
The photo was taken with my camera.
Budu cestovat autobusem.
I'll travel by bus.
Budu platit šekem.
I'll pay by cheque.
BY = činnost
WITH = předmět

BY + činnost nebo způsob, jakým se něco dělá:

You'll win the race by training hard.
Závod vyhrajete, když budete tvrdě trénovat.
Do I open the gate by pressing that button?
Otevřu bránu stisknutím toho tlačítka?
They didn't mean to do it. It happened by mistake.
Nechtěli to udělat. Stalo se to omylem.

WITH + věc nebo předmět, který pro něco používáme:

Cut the wood with this axe. I've just sharpened it.
Touto sekerou naštípej dřevo. Právě jsem ji nabrousil.
Will you eat the meal with a spoon or a fork?
Budeš jíst jídlo lžící nebo vidličkou?
Be careful, don't burn me with the frying pan!
Opatrně, ať mě nepopálíš pánví!

I'll only reach the bulb by standing on a ladder.

I'll reach it by standing on a ladder.
I'll reach it with a ladder.
Na žárovku dosáhnu pouze tak, že budu stát na žebříku.
I'll only reach the bulb by standing on a ladder.

Our customers can also pay by scanning a QR code.

They can pay by scan scanning a code.
Naši zákazníci mohou platit také naskenováním QR kódu.
Our customers can also pay by scanning a QR code.

Have you already trimmed the fence with shears?

Have you trimmed it with shears?
Have you watered it with a hose?
Už jste plot zastřihli nůžkami?
Have you already trimmed the fence with shears?
BY = činitel
WITH = nástroj/materiál

BY použijeme v trpném rodě pro činitele (= kdo to udělal nebo co to způsobilo):

Byl nakreslený Američankou.
It was drawn by an American.
Pokácel ho soused.
It was cut by a neighbour.
Udělal ho můj strýc.
It was made by my uncle.
Vynalezl ji Edison.
It was invented by Edison.
Byl zničen požárem.
It was destroyed by fire.
Rozbil ho vítr.
It was broken by wind.

WITH použijeme v trpném rodě pro nástroj nebo materiál:

Byl napsán perem.
It was written with chalk.
Nakrájelo se to nožem.
It was chopped with a knife.
Očistilo se to hadrem.
It was cleaned with a cloth.
Otevřelo se to otvírákem na lahve.
It was opened with a bottle opener.
Obarvily se barvou na vlasy.
It was dyed with hair dye.
Zalepilo se to páskou.
It was sealed with tape.


Kdo to udělal/co to způsobilo Nástroj/materiál
The bike was repaired by my husband.
The bike was repaired with a screwdriver.
He was killed by a thief.
He was killed with a gun.
Was the play written by Shakespeare?
Was the play written with a pen?
The windows were damaged by an earthquake.
The windows were painted with white paint.
Byl nakreslený Američankou.
It was drawn by an American.
Byl nakreslený tužkou.
It was drawn with a pencil.

We need to find out what weapon the victim was shot with and who he was shot by.

What weapon was he shot with?
Kdo to udělal:
Who was he shot by?
Musíme zjistit, jakou zbraní byl zastřelen a kdo ho zastřelil.
We need to find out what weapon the victim was shot with and who he was shot by.

Why are you all covered with mud?

Why are you covered with mud?
Why is your T-shirt soaked with water?
Proč jsi celý od bláta?
Why are you all covered with mud?
BY = komunikace a doručení
kontaktovat telefonem
contact by phone
dostat faxem
receive by fax
komunikovat e-mailem
communicate by email
poslat poštou
send by post
BY = dopravní prostředky a cestování
jet autem
go by car
dojíždět metrem
commute by subway
přepravit lodí
transport by boat
přijet skútrem
arrive by scooter
letět helikoptérou
fly by helicopter
cestovat vzduchem; letět
travel by air
BY = placení
platit kartou
pay by card
platit bankovním převodem
pay by bank transfer

Výjimky, které nepoužíváme obvykle s BY:

jít pěšky
go on foot
platit v hotovosti
pay in cash

An old friend of mine contacted me by email. He recommends that we travel around Asia by motorbike.

contact by email
travel by motorbike
Jeden můj starý kamarád mě kontaktoval e-mailem. Doporučuje, abychom cestovali po Asii na motorce.
An old friend of mine contacted me by email. He recommends that we travel around Asia by motorbike.

Další ustálené vazby s BY:

by force
násilím; pomocí síly
by choice
dobrovolně; z vlastní vůle
by heart
by accident
by chance
by luck
by mistake
by surprise
Nešťastnou náhodou ji převrhla.
She knocked it over by accident.
Zbohatl díky štěstí.
He got rich by luck.
Soubor jsem omylem smazala.
I deleted the file by mistake.
Překvapili jste mě.
You caught me by surprise.

Ustálené vazby s BY jsou často bez členu:

by a phone
by a car
by an email
by a bus

Pokud přidáme člen/nějaké další slovíčko nebo je podstatné jméno v množném čísle, musíme použít jinou předložku než BY:

by phone
on the phone
by car
in a new car
by email
in emails
by bus
on buses

My little sister knows all of Roman history by heart.

by a heart
Moje malá sestra zná nazpaměť celé dějiny Říma.
My little sister knows all of Roman history by heart.

Is it possible to travel with bicycles on trains in Germany?

travel by train
travel on trains
Je možné cestovat s koly ve vlacích v Německu?
Is it possible to travel with bicycles on trains in Germany?

I didn't like the way he communicated with Karren in his last email.

communicate by email
communicate in his last email
Nelíbilo se mi, jakým způsobem komunikoval s Karren v posledním e-mailu.
I didn't like the way he communicated with Karren in his last email.

Excuse me. Is it possible to pay with a card?

pay by card
pay with a card
Promiňte, je možné platit kartou?
Excuse me. Is it possible to pay with a card?

Způsob můžeme také vyjádřit pomocí THROUGH a USING:

Patrick met his wife through a dating agency.

Prostřednictvím systému/procesu:
meet through a dating agency
Patrik potkal svoji ženu přes seznamku.
Patrick met his wife through a dating agency.

In this business, you can only be successful through hard work and connections.

through hard work
through connection
V tomto byznysu uspěješ jen díky tvrdé práci a konexím.
In this business, you can only be successful through hard work and connections.

How do I set the current time using these buttons?

How do I set the time using these buttons?
Using this powder, you can wash even the dirtiest clothes.
Jak nastavím pomocí těchto tlačítek aktuální čas?
How do I set the current time using these buttons?

By, with – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: