Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na slovesa typu LIKE, WOULD LIKE, HATE, PREFER a jejich použití s ING nebo TO infinitivem (like doing/to do, would like to do...).
Slovesa s ING nebo TO – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
Sarah and I like sailing in the Caribbean. Would you like to sail with us sometime?
We like sailing.
We like to sail.
Would you like sailing to sail?
Rozlišujeme tři typy sloves:
I like doing it.
I like to do it.
I'd like to do it.
I enjoy doing it.
Slovesa s -ING/TO infinitivem:
like, love |
hate, can't/couldn't bear |
prefer |
Pedro and Camila love to blow bubbles from the bubble blower.
They love to blow them.
They love blowing them.
Po LIKING, LOVING, HATING... používáme infinitiv s TO:
Liking to read begins with liking to listen to stories.
Záliba ve čtení začíná zálibou v poslouchání příběhů. |
Hating to lose is common among athletes.
To, že sportovci neradi prohrávají, je běžné. |
Neříkáme obvykle: liking reading, liking listening...
Joane grew up loving to draw pictures. She's an accomplished artist now.
She grew up loving drawing to draw.
Po LIKE, HATE, PREFER a CAN'T BEAR je v britské angličtině běžný ING i TO infinitiv. V americké angličtině se používá obvykle TO infinitiv:
BrE | AmE |
I like doing it.
I like to do it.
I like to do it.
Rozdíl mezi LIKE DOING, HATE DOING... a LIKE TO DO, HATE TO DO... bývá minimální. Někdy se rozlišují dva významy:
Do you like cooking? (= Do you enjoy it?)
John likes to cook every Sunday. (= He's used to doing it.)
I hate driving alone. (= Driving alone isn't something I enjoy.)
I hate to drive on my own. (= I prefer not to drive on my own.)
Sally doesn't like washing the dishes. (= She doesn't enjoy it.)
Sally likes to wash her hair every day. (= She thinks it's the right thing to do.)
Sam used to like rowing, but now his back gets too sore from pulling the oars.
Užívat si: |
He liked rowing.
He enjoyed rowing.
How do you like to drink your coffee? – I usually have it with milk and two sugars.
Zvyk, preference: |
How do you like to drink it?
How do you usually drink it?
We can't bear seeing Amanda sad after the breakup.
Neužívat si: |
We can't bear seeing her sad.
We don't enjoy seeing her sad.
I prefer to work in the morning. It's not that I enjoy it more, it's just more practical for me.
Zvyk, preference: |
I prefer to work in the morning.
Užívat si: |
I prefer working in the morning.
Slovesa s TO infinitivem:
+ TO DO |
would like, would love |
would hate |
would prefer |
Neříkáme: would like doing
I need to hurry up. I'd hate to miss my train.
I'd hate missing to miss it.
Po WOULD LIKE/LOVE/HATE/PREFER můžeme kromě přítomného infinitivu (to do, to talk...) použít i minulý infinitiv (to have done, to have talked...):
He would like to have talked to you yesterday. (= He regrets now that he didn't or couldn't talk to you.)
He would love to have spent more time with you last year. (= He regrets now that he didn't spend more time with you last year.)
He would hate not to have been able to see you in the past. (= He's glad now that he was able to see you in the past.)
He would prefer to have moved in with you then. (= He regrets now that he didn't or couldn't move in with you then.)
Alex would love to have stayed on the beach, but he had to pick up Jerry from the airport.
He'd love to have stayed.
He regrets now he couldn't stay then.
The lake was far away. I'd prefer to have gone by bike.
I'd prefer to have gone by bike.
I regret now I didn't go by bike.
It's a shame we were out of town. We'd like to have celebrated with you.
Regret about the past: |
We'd like to have celebrated yesterday.
Regret about the present/future: |
We'd like to celebrate now.
Present regret about a past event | Past regret about a past event |
I didn't want to apologise at the time, but now I would like to have apologised.
I would have liked to apologise at the time, but now I'm glad I didn't.
Podobně používáme také LOVE/HATE/PREFER.
I feel sorry for you. I'd hate to have been in your shoes.
Současný názor na minulost: |
I'd hate to have been in your shoes.
Minulý názor na minulost: |
I'd have hated to be in your shoes.
Ellen would have preferred to buy a red coat, but it was too expensive.
Minulý názor na minulost: |
She'd have preferred to buy it.
Současný názor na minulost: |
She'd prefer to have bought it.
Slovesa s -ING:
enjoy, fancy |
mind, would mind |
dislike, can't/couldn't stand |
feel like |
Neříkáme: enjoy to do
Would you mind dropping the children off at school?
Would you mind to drop dropping them off?
Let's find some shade. I can't stand walking around in this heat!
I can't stand to walk walking.
Slovesa s ING nebo TO – nejdůležitější body:
like, love |
hate, can't bear |
prefer |
would like, would love |
would hate |
would prefer |
enjoy, fancy |
mind, would mind |
dislike, can't stand |
feel like |
Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa s ING nebo TO (verbs with ING or TO) v našich cvičeních.
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