Try to do, try doing (B1)

Sloveso TRY s TO nebo ING (323)

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Try to do, try doing – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další podobné lekce:

Mark tried to lift the rock, but it was too heavy for him.

Pokusit se o něco:
He tried to lift it.
He attempted to lift it.
Mark se pokusil kámen zvednout, ale byl pro něj příliš těžký.
Mark tried to lift the rock, but it was too heavy for him.

Alex tried playing squash with me to see how good I was.

Otestovat něco:
She tried playing with me.
She tried it as an experiment.
Alex se mnou zkusila hrát squash, aby zjistila, jak jsem dobrý.
Alex tried playing squash with me to see how good I was.

TRY můžeme použít s TO infinitivem (try to do) nebo s ING (try doing):

I tried to move the bed (= I attempted to move it), but it was too heavy.
I tried moving the bed (= I moved it as an experiment) to see how it would look in the corner.
Try to do = pokusit se

TRY + TO infinitiv používáme s významem ATTEMPT nebo MAKE AN EFFORT. Často mluvíme o něčem, co je obtížné nebo nemožné a nevíme, jestli se to vůbec podaří:

Mike will try to be on time to catch the bus. He's not sure if that's possible. (= He'll attempt to come...)
I had tried to call her to apologise. Unfortunately, she never picked up. (= I had made an effort to call...)
Could you try to hurry up?

Can you try to unlock the door? I've been trying for ten minutes, but it won't work.

Pokusit se o něco:
Can you try to unlock it?
Can you attempt to unlock it?
Můžeš se pokusit odemknout dveře? Zkouším to už deset minut, ale nejde to.
Can you try to unlock the door? I've been trying for ten minutes, but it won't work.

Janet is still trying to enter the correct password.

Pokusit se:
She's trying entering to enter it.
Janet se stále snaží zadat správné heslo.
Janet is still trying to enter the correct password.

Have you tried to find those keys? – Yes, we've been looking for them the whole day.

Pokusit se:
Have you tried to find them?
Have you made an effort to find them?
Zkoušeli jste ty klíče najít? – Ano, hledali jsme je celý den.
Have you tried to find those keys? – Yes, we've been looking for them the whole day.

Nobody will try to surf such huge waves. Everybody knows it's impossible.

Nobody will try to surf.
Nobody will attempt to surf.
Nikdo se nebude pokoušet surfovat na tak obrovských vlnách. Každý ví, že je to nemožné.
Nobody will try to surf such huge waves. Everybody knows it's impossible.
Try doing = zkusit; otestovat

TRY + ING používáme s významem DO AS AN EXPERIMENT OR A TEST. Děláme tedy něco na zkoušku – zkoušíme něco, co je určitě možné, a zajímá nás výsledek této zkoušky:

My scalp has been really itchy. I think I'll try using a different shampoo. (= I'll use a different shampoo as an experiment.)
Have you tried putting up flyers? It might help you find your dog. (= Have you put up flyers to see if it helps?)
If your laptop keeps freezing, try restarting it. (= Restart it to see if it solves the problem.)

Have you tried feeding your cat this food? Mine really likes it.

Otestovat něco, co je možné:
Have you tried feeding it?
Have you tried it as an experiment?
Zkoušeli jste krmit kočku tímto jídlem? Moje ho má opravdu ráda.
Have you tried feeding your cat this food? Mine really likes it.

You should try asking Jessie about nice beaches in Hawaii. He's been there many times.

Try to ask asking him.
Zkuste se Jessieho zeptat na pěkné pláže na Havaji. Byl tam mnohokrát.
You should try asking Jessie about nice beaches in Hawaii. He's been there many times.

If you want to get fitter, try walking instead of driving. See if it works for you.

Chodit na zkoušku:
try walking
Pokusit se chodit:
try to walk
Jestliže chceš mít lepší fyzičku, zkus chodit namísto ježdění autem. Uvidíš, jestli ti to bude vyhovovat.
If you want to get fitter, try walking instead of driving. See if it works for you.

Why don't you try getting up earlier? You'd get more things done!

Vstávat na zkoušku:
try getting up
Pokusit se vstávat:
try to get up
Měla bys zkusit vstávat dřív. Zvládla bys toho víc!
Why don't you try getting up earlier? You'd get more things done!

Try to do, try doing – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: