As if, as though, like (B1)

Conjunctions (342)


Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na výrazy, které používáme při přirovnání – AS IF, AS THOUGH a LIKE.

As if, as though, like – procvičování:

Další související lekce: Like, as (B1)

You're eating as if you haven't had anything all day. = Cpete se, jako byste celý den nic nejedli.

You're eating as if you...
You're eating as though you...
Cpete se, jako byste celý den nic nejedli.
You're eating as if you haven't had anything all day.

AS IF a formálnější AS THOUGH používáme při přirovnání jako spojky mezi větami (conjunctions):

It looks as if it's about to rain.
Vypadá to, že bude (= jako by mělo) za chvíli pršet.
It looks as though it's about to rain.

V hovorové angličtině můžeme použít LIKE:

It looks like it's about to rain.

Why are you talking to me like I was a child?

Hovorové: Why are you talking like...?
Formálnější: Why are you talking as though...?
Proč se mnou mluvíš, jako bych byla dítě?
Why are you talking to me like I was a child?

AS IF/AS THOUGH/LIKE používáme často se slovesy typu LOOK, SOUND, FEEL:

It looks as if it's a great movie.
Vypadá to, že je to skvělý film.
It sounds as if they're arguing.
Zní to, jako by se hádali.
It smells as if something is burning here.
Zapáchá to, jako by se tady něco pálilo.
It seems as if they had already met.
Zdá se, jako by se už setkali.
I felt as if all my worries had gone.
Měl jsem pocit, jako by všechny moje starosti zmizely.

You look as if you've had a rough trip.

You look as if you...
It sounds as if it...
I felt as if I...
Vypadáte, jako byste měli za sebou náročnou cestu.
You look as if you've had a rough trip.

It seems as though everybody is having a good time.

Formálnější: It seems as though...
Hovorové: It seems like...
Zdá se, že se všichni dobře baví.
It seems as though everybody is having a good time.

Pokud mluvíme o něčem reálném/pravděpodobném, použijeme po AS IF/AS THOUGH/LIKE přítomný čas:

He has an accent as if he is Irish. (= It's possible he's Irish.)

Pokud mluvíme o něčem nereálném/nepravděpodobném, použijeme obvykle minulý čas:

He has an accent as if he was Irish. (= He isn't Irish.)


She acts as if she is the boss. (= It's possible she is the boss.)
She acts as if she was the boss. (= She isn't the boss.)

Rebecca looks as if she knows the answer.

She looks as if she knows it.
She looks as if she knew it.
Rebecca se tváří, že zná odpověď.
Rebecca looks as if she knows the answer.

John and Victor keep nodding as if they understood. But I know they're completely clueless.

Nereálné: if they understood.
(= They don't understand.)
John a Victor přikyvují, jako by tomu rozuměli. Ale já vím, že jsou úplně bezradní.
John and Victor keep nodding as if they understood. But I know they're completely clueless.

It looks like the sun is going to come up any minute.

Reálné: it is going to come up.
(= It's possible it is going to come up.)
Vypadá to, že každou chvíli vyjde slunce.
It looks like the sun is going to come up any minute.

Don't make that face as if the whole world was against you!

Nereálné: if the world was against you.
(= It isn't against you.)
Netvař se tak, jako by byl celý svět proti tobě!
Don't make that face as if the whole world was against you!

Jestliže mluvíme o nereálné/nepravděpodobné situaci, místo WAS můžeme použít WERE:

I feel as if I was in Italy.
Připadám si, jako bych byl v Itálii.
I feel as if I were in Italy.
She looks as if she was much older.
Vypadá, jako by byla mnohem starší.
She looks as if she were much older.

Adam is spending money as if he were a millionaire, but in fact, he isn't. if he was a millionaire. if he were a millionaire.
Adam utrácí peníze, jako by byl milionář, ale ve skutečnosti není.
Adam is spending money as if he were a millionaire, but in fact, he isn't.

Sam is walking around as if she were a model. if she was a model. if she were a model.
Sam si vykračuje, jako by byla modelka.
Sam is walking around as if she were a model.

Porovnejte reálné a nereálné situace v minulosti:

She acted as if she was the boss. (= It's possible she was the boss.)
She acted as if she had been the boss. (= She wasn't the boss.)

You're full of energy as if you hadn't run a marathon yesterday!

Nereálná minulost: if you hadn't run a marathon.
(= You ran a marathon.)
Jsi plný energie, jako bys včera ani neběžel maraton!
You're full of energy as if you hadn't run a marathon yesterday!

It smells as if someone has been cooking steak in here. It was probably Cindy.

Reálná minulost: if someone has been cooking steak.
(= It's possible someone has been cooking.)
Voní to tady, jako by někdo dělal steak. Asi to byla Cindy.
It smells as if someone has been cooking steak in here. It was probably Cindy.


He looks as if/as though/like he is a Mexican. He looks like a Mexican.
It seemed as if/as though/like it was a good idea. It seemed like a good idea.

Neříkáme: as if/though a Mexican, as if/though a good idea

Can you hear it? It sounds like a parrot, doesn't it?

It sounds as if like a parrot.
It sounds as if it is a parrot.
Slyšíš to? Zní to jako papoušek, že?
Can you hear it? It sounds like a parrot, doesn't it?

Po AS IF/AS THOUGH se někdy také používá předložka + podstatné jméno nebo TO + sloveso:

She is moaning as if in pain.
Naříká, jako by měla bolesti.
You are impatient as though in a hurry.
Jste netrpěliví, jako byste spěchali.
She closed her eyes as if to go to sleep.
Zavřela oči, jako by usnula.
It looked as though about to rain.
Vypadalo to, že bude pršet.

Obě tyto použití jsou poměrně formální.

Tim looked at Amy as if to kiss her.

He looked at her as if to kiss her.
He looked at her as if he wanted to kiss her.
Tim se podíval na Amy, jako by ji chtěl políbit.
Tim looked at Amy as if to kiss her.

As if, as though, like – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: