Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na sloveso SHOULD a některé jeho běžné vazby (should do, should have done, suggest you should do...).
Should – procvičování:
Pro začátečníky máme lekci: Should (A0)
Brooke should have come to play. Why didn't she?
Mělo se stát, ale nestalo se: |
She should have come.
(= She didn't come.) |
Použití SHOULD a jeho běžné vazby:
You should play. (= I advise you to play.)
You should play. (= I expect you to play.)
You should have played. (= You didn't play.)
I suggest you should play.
It's important that you should play.
If you should play, be careful. (= It's less likely you'll play.)
SHOULD používáme, pokud radíme, navrhujeme nebo vyjadřujeme názor:
You seem stressed out. You should relax more. (= I advise you to do that.)
It's going to rain. You should take an umbrella when you go out. (= I advise you to take an umbrella.)
What should I cook for dinner tonight? (= What do you suggest?)
He should get promoted. (= It's a good idea/the right thing to do.)
Your engine sounds funny. You should have it checked.
Radíme: |
You should have it checked.
(= I advise you to have it checked.) |
Podobně jako SHOULD používáme MUST, které ale vyjadřuje silnější povinnost než SHOULD:
You must relax more. (= I strongly advise you to do that.)
Christine cannot carry on working this hard. She must take a break.
Musí: |
She must take a break.
Měla by: |
She should take a break.
Porovnejte SHOULDN'T a MUSTN'T:
You shouldn't talk to him. (= It's not a good idea/recommended.)
You mustn't talk to him. (= You're not allowed to do that.)
We shouldn't drive to the city centre. It's such a hassle finding a place to park there.
Neměli bychom: |
We shouldn't drive there.
Nesmíme: |
We mustn't drive there.
SHOULD použijeme, pokud něco není správně, tak jak očekáváme nebo pokud očekáváme, že se něco stane:
This is incorrect. It should only cost two dollars.
Where are you? You should be helping here. (= I expected you to be here to help me.)
They should win the match. (= I expect them to win.)
Shouldn't they be at the train station by now?
Něco očekávaného: |
Shouldn't they be here?
(= Why aren't they here? I expected them to be here.) |
How many guests are expected at the party? – There should be at least fifty people.
Něco očekávaného: |
There should be fifty.
(= I expect there will be fifty.) |
SHOULD + minulý infinitiv (have done, have taken...) používáme, pokud se neudělalo/nestalo něco, co se udělat/stát mělo:
My hands are full. I should have taken a shopping cart. (= I didn't do it, it would have been better with a cart.)
A virus damaged all my files. We should have backed them up. (= We didn't do it, it would have been a smart thing to do.)
You should have waited because that car had the right of way. (= You didn't wait, even though it would have been the right thing to do.)
The weather was perfect yesterday. We should have gone to the lake like I suggested.
Neudělalo se, ale udělat se mělo: |
We should have gone.
(= We didn't. I wish we had gone. ) |
I shouldn't have been eating all those sweets at night. My stomach is hurting now.
Stalo se, ale stát se nemělo: |
I shouldn't have been eating sweets.
(= I was eating sweets. I regret it now.) |
You should study more for the exams. If you don't study, you'll fail.
You should have studied more for the exams yesterday. If you had studied more, you wouldn't have failed.
Namísto SHOULD (SHOULD HAVE) lze někdy použít formálnější OUGHT TO (OUGHT TO HAVE):
You ought to take the dogs for a walk soon.
You ought to have taken the dogs for a walk earlier. Why didn't you?
OUGHT TO se běžně používá především v kladných oznamovacích větách.
Should we help Amir with the homework? – Yes, we ought to help him, he can't do it on his own.
Měli bychom: |
We ought to help him.
Měli jsme udělat, ale neudělali jsme: |
We ought to have helped.
SHOULD se často používá se slovíčky, která vyjadřují radu, názor a doporučení, jako např.:
suggest, propose, recommend, insist, demand |
suggestion, proposal, recommendation, demand |
important, vital, necessary, essential |
I suggest she should leave.
I don't like your suggestion he should win.
It's important that we should be home soon.
SHOULD můžeme také vypustit, nebo použít přítomný čas:
I suggest she leave.
I suggest she leaves.
I don't like your suggestion he win.
I don't like your suggestion he wins.
It's important that we be home soon.
It's important that we are home soon.
I recommend that Samuel should take a cab to the airport.
I recommend that he should take a cab.
I recommend that he take a cab.
I recommend that he takes a cab.
It is necessary that the seller should sign the contract as soon as possible.
It is necessary that he should sign it.
It is necessary that he sign it.
It is necessary that he signs it.
Have you heard of Amanda's proposal that she hire more café staff?
...her proposal that she should hire... |
...her proposal that she hire... |
...her proposal that she hires... |
I suggest Frankie meet us at the newly opened Italian restaurant.
I suggest he should meet us there.
I suggest he meet us there.
I suggest he meets us there.
SHOULD se někdy používá v kondicionálech namísto přítomného času. SHOULD zde vyjadřuje menší pravděpodobnost než přítomný čas:
If you are cold, take my sweater. (= It's more likely you'll get cold.)
If you should be cold, take my sweater. (= It's less likely you'll get cold.)
Ve velmi formální angličtině můžeme IF vypustit. SHOULD je pak na začátku věty:
Should you be cold, take my sweater.
If anybody should come, please tell them I'm busy.
Menší pravděpodobnost: |
If anybody should come, tell them.
Větší pravděpodobnost: |
If anybody comes, tell them.
Should they knock on the door, do not open it.
Should they knock, do not open it.
If they should knock, do not open it.
Should – nejdůležitější body:
You should play. (= I advise you to play.)
You should play. (= I expect you to play.)
You should have played. (= You didn't play.)
I suggest you should play.
It's important that you should play.
If you should play, be careful.
Should you play, be careful.
Doporučujeme si procvičit SHOULD v našich cvičeních.