Nepřímá řeč a časová souslednost (B1)

Reported speech and sequence of tenses (350)

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na nepřímou řeč, kterou často uvozujeme pomocí sloves typu SAY, TELL, ASK (např. I said I was...; He tells me they're...).

Nepřímá řeč a časová souslednost – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

Collin and John said they were going to play cricket with us.

Přímá řeč:
We are going to play.
Nepřímá řeč:
They said they were going to play.
Collin a John říkali, že si s námi zahrají kriket.
Collin and John said they were going to play cricket with us.


Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I'm playing well today.
Ann said she was playing well that day.

Pokud je sloveso hlavní věty v minulém čase (Ann said...), v nepřímé řeči dochází často k časovému posunu (am → was) a někdy také k dalším změnám (today → that day).

Pokud je sloveso hlavní věty v přítomném čase (Ann says...), k časovému posunu nedochází:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I'm playing well today.
Ann says she is playing well today.

Little Peter said he was ill.

I'm ill.
He said he was ill.
He says he's ill.
Petřík řekl, že je nemocný.
Little Peter said he was ill.
I'm… → She said she was…

V nepřímé řeči bývá hlavní sloveso v minulém čase (said, told, asked...), díky tomu dochází u druhého slovesa k časovému posunu – jakoby o jeden čas zpět:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I live in NYC.
She said she lived in NYC.
I will live in NYC.
She said she would live in NYC.
I lived in NYC.
She said she had lived in NYC.
I have lived in NYC.
She said she had lived in NYC.

Předminulý čas zůstává stejný:

I had lived in NYC.
She said she had lived in NYC.

Rebecca told us that she would fly to Australia with her boyfriend.

Přímá: I'll fly...
Nepřímá: She told us (that) she would fly...
Rebecca nám řekla, že poletí do Austrálie se svým přítelem.
Rebecca told us that she would fly to Australia with her boyfriend.

Steve said he hadn't rented the motorbike in the end. It was too pricey.

I didn't rent it.
He said he hadn't rented it.
Steve říkal, že si motorku nakonec nepůjčil. Byla příliš drahá.
Steve said he hadn't rented the motorbike in the end. It was too pricey.

I told David I had never been to Hawaii, so he took me last year.

I haven't been to Hawaii.
I told him I hadn't been to Hawaii.
Davidovi jsem řekla, že jsem na Havaji nikdy nebyla, a tak mě tam loni vzal.
I told David I had never been to Hawaii, so he took me last year.
I can… → She said she could…

Použití modálních sloves v nepřímé řeči:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I can live in NYC.
She said she could live in NYC.
I would live in NYC.
She said she would live in NYC.
I may live in NYC.
She said she might live in NYC.
I might live in NYC.
She said she might live in NYC.
I must live in NYC.
She said she must live in NYC.
She said she had to live in NYC.
I needn't live in NYC.
She said she needn't live in NYC.
She said she didn't have to live in NYC.

Minulá modální slovesa WOULD HAVE, COULD HAVE, MUST HAVE... zůstávají stejná:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I would have lived in NYC.
She said she would have lived in NYC.
I could have lived in NYC.
She said she could have lived in NYC.

The waiter said that he would recommend grilled pork chops.

Přímá: I would recommend...
Nepřímá: He said (that) he would recommend...
Číšník řekl, že by doporučil grilované vepřové kotlety.
The waiter said that he would recommend grilled pork chops.

I told Matthew he must feed the cat, but he totally forgot about it.

Přímá: You must...
I told him he must...
I told him he had to...
Řekla jsem Matthewovi, že musí kočku nakrmit, ale on na to úplně zapomněl.
I told Matthew he must feed the cat, but he totally forgot about it.

My colleagues said that I needn't have helped them.

You needn't have helped.
They said I needn't have helped.
Kolegyně řekly, že jsem jim nemusel pomáhat.
My colleagues said that I needn't have helped them.
I'm → She says she is…

Pokud je v nepřímé řeči hlavní sloveso v přítomném čase (he says, she tells me...), k časovému posunu nedochází:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I'm able to lift it.
Alex says he's able to lift it.
They won't be at home.
Do you say they won't be at home?
Petra was late again.
Dad says Petra was late again.


She says she's hungry.
Říká, že má hlad.
She says she was hungry.
Říká, že měla hlad.
She said she was hungry.
Řekla, že má hlad.

The children say they haven't seen the comedy before.

We haven't seen it.
They say they haven't seen it.
They said they hadn't seen it.
Děti říkají, že tu komedii ještě neviděly.
The children say they haven't seen the comedy before.

Is Rajesh saying he'll cook for you on Tuesday?

I'll cook.
Is he saying he'll cook?
Was he saying he'd cook?
Říká Rajesh, že ti v úterý uvaří?
Is Rajesh saying he'll cook for you on Tuesday?
Něco platí = časový posun není nutný

Hlavní sloveso v minulém čase (He said, she told me…) neznamená vždy, že dochází k časovému posunu. Časový posun není nutný, pokud mluvíme o něčem, co stále platí/je pravda, použít ho ale můžeme:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I'm hungry.
She said she's hungry.
She said she was hungry.
They're in Spain.
He said they're in Spain.
He said they were in Spain.

Pokud mluvíme o něčem, co už neplatí/není pravda, musíme čas posunout:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I'm hungry.
She said she was hungry, so she finished both sandwiches.
They're in Spain.
He said they were in Spain, but I saw them in Boston the other day.

Neříkáme: She said she IS... , He said they ARE...

My friends said Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Stále platí:
They said it is...
They said it was...
Moji kamarádi říkali, že Praha je jedno z nejkrásnějších měst v Evropě.
My friends said Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

When I first met Erica, she told me she was a singer.

Už neplatí:
She told me she is was a singer.
Když jsem se s Ericou poprvé potkal, řekla mi, že je zpěvačka.
When I first met Erica, she told me she was a singer.
I'm ... now. → She said she was ... then.

V nepřímé řeči někdy dochází k dalším změnám:

Přímá Nepřímá řeč
that day
the day before
the following day
Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
I'm travelling now.
She said she was travelling then.
I'm travelling today.
She said she was travelling that day.
I was travelling yesterday.
She said she was travelling the day before.
I'm travelling tomorrow.
She said she was travelling the following day.
I love it here.
She said she loved it there.
I love this place.
She said she loved that place.

The Browns said they had spent that day by the lake.

Přímá: We have spent today...
Nepřímá: They said they had spent that day...
Brownovi řekli, že ten den strávili u jezera.
The Browns said they had spent that day by the lake.

My parents promised they would buy me that laptop then.

We will buy this laptop now.
They said they would buy that laptop then.
Rodiče mi tehdy slíbili, že mi koupí ten notebook.
My parents promised they would buy me that laptop then.
He said to do, he asked me to do...

Pokud o něco žádáme, dáváme příkaz nebo rozkaz, použijeme SAY, TELL nebo ASK + TO infinitiv:

Přímá řeč Nepřímá řeč
Lock the door!
Mom said to lock the door.
Don't eat all the cookies!
He told me not to eat all the cookies.
Please, let me know soon.
He asked me to let him know soon.

Slovesům se více věnujeme v lekci: Nepřímá řeč – say, tell, ask

I asked you not to call me at lunchtime because I was on a date.

Please, don't call.
I asked you not to call.
Požádala jsem tě, abys mi v době oběda nevolal, protože jsem měla rande.
I asked you not to call me at lunchtime because I was on a date.

The trainer told us to run another two laps.

He told us to run.
He said to run.
Trenér nám přikázal, abychom uběhly další dvě kola.
The trainer told us to run another two laps.

Nepřímá řeč a časová souslednost – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit nepřímou řeč a časová souslednost (reported speech and sequence of tenses) v našich cvičeních.