Have something done (B1)

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Have something done – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další podobnou lekci: Have someone do, have something done... (B2)

My hair is getting too long. I'll have it cut.

Nechat si něco udělat:
I'll have my hair cut.
He'll have his beard shaved.
She'll have her scar removed.
Moje vlasy začínají být příliš dlouhé. Nechám si je ostříhat.
My hair is getting too long. I'll have it cut.

Vazbu HAVE SOMETHING DONE používáme s dvěma významy:

Nechali jsme si posekat trávník.
We had the lawn mowed.
Krtci nám zničili trávník.
We had the lawn ruined by moles.
Have something done = nechat si něco udělat

Pokud si necháváme něco udělat (= někdo to udělá za nás), použijeme HAVE + předmět + třetí tvar slovesa:

If you're tired, you don't need to cook. You can have the meal delivered.
Our roof is leaking. We should have it repaired this month.
I'll have the contract translated because I can't translate it myself.

When we're abroad, we should have our dog walked.

Nechat si udělat:
We should have our dog walked.
Až budeme v zahraničí, měli bychom si nechat našeho psa venčit.
When we're abroad, we should have our dog walked.

Your spray tan looks amazing! Where do you have it done?

Nechat si udělat:
Where do you have it done?
Tvoje opálení vypadá úžasně! Kde si ho necháváš dělat?
Your spray tan looks amazing! Where do you have it done?

Jackie wasn't able to remove the stain on her own. She'll have the dress cleaned.

Nechat si udělat:
She'll have the dress clean cleaned.
Jackie nemohla tu skvrnu odstranit sama. Nechá si šaty vyčistit.
Jackie wasn't able to remove the stain on her own. She'll have the dress cleaned.

V hovorovější angličtině můžeme namísto HAVE použít GET:

Do you have your hair dyed?
Do you get your hair dyed?
We had the walls painted.
We got the walls painted.

I'd love to get another tattoo done.

I'll have another tattoo done.
I'll get another tattoo done.
Rád bych si nechal udělat další tetování.
I'd love to get another tattoo done.

You have lots of freckles on your back. Have you had them checked?

Have you had them checked?
Have you gotten them checked?
Na zádech máš spoustu pih. Nechala sis je zkontrolovat?
You have lots of freckles on your back. Have you had them checked?
Have something done = přihodit se (obvykle negativní)

HAVE + předmět + třetí tvar slovesa používáme s významem – přihodit se/stát se, obzvlášť když jde o něco negativního:

They had their homes destroyed by the earthquake.
Ella didn't put on sunscreen and had her skin badly burned.
The knight had his head cut off in battle.

We had our house severely damaged by the hurricane.

Přihodit se (negativní):
We had it damaged.
Hurikán nám vážně poškodil dům.
We had our house severely damaged by the hurricane.

You've had your heart broken so many times!

Přihodit se:
You've had your heart break broken.
Tolikrát jsi měla zlomené srdce!
You've had your heart broken so many times!

Don't leave the bike in this part of town. Several people had their bikes stolen here last week.

Přihodit se:
Several people had them to steal stolen.
Nenechávej kolo v této části města. Minulý týden zde několika lidem kolo ukradli.
Don't leave the bike in this part of town. Several people had their bikes stolen here last week.
Have something done = nechat si udělat
Have done something = předpřítomný čas


Nechat si udělat Předpřítomný čas
Will Adam have the motorbike fixed? (= Will somebody do it for him?)
Adam has fixed the motorbike himself.


Přihodit se Předpřítomný čas
We had our flat burgled.
The thieves have burgled our flat.

Monica didn't need to have the tyre changed. She has changed it herself.

Nenechala si udělat:
She didn't need to have it changed.
Vyměnila si sama:
She has changed it herself.
Monika si nepotřebovala nechat vyměnit pneumatiku. Vyměnila si ji sama.
Monica didn't need to have the tyre changed. She has changed it herself.

Have you had your teeth whitened? – No, I have whitened them myself.

Nechat si udělat:
Have you had whitened them them whitened?
Nechal sis bělit zuby? – Ne, vybělil jsem si je sám.
Have you had your teeth whitened? – No, I have whitened them myself.
Have something done = nechat si udělat
Have (got) something = mít

Při použití vazby HAVE SOMETHING DONE pracujeme s HAVE jako s běžným slovesem. Otázky i zápor tvoříme tedy pomocí DO/DOES/DID:

Sometimes, Jane has her nails done.
How often does she have her nails done?
She doesn't have her nails done very often.

GOT nelze přidat: Jane has GOT her nails done.; How often has she GOT her nails done?


Mít; vlastnit Nechat si udělat
Do you have a car?
Do you have your car washed often?
Have you got a car?
I don't have a car.
I don't have my car washed often.
I haven't got a car.

As soon as we have money, we'll finally have the pool built.

have money
have got money
Nechat si udělat:
have the pool built
get the pool built
Hned jak budeme mít peníze, tak si necháme konečně postavit bazén.
As soon as we have money, we'll finally have the pool built.

Have something done – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit HAVE SOMETHING DONE v našich cvičeních.