Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na pokročilejší gramatiku slovíček vyjadřujících množství – MUCH, MANY, A LOT, LITTLE a FEW.
Much, many, a lot – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
Many of the tourists come to see the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
many of the tourists
many tourists
Nejdříve si připomeňme základní použití MANY, MUCH, A LOT... s počitatelnými podstatnými jmény (apples, people...) a nepočitatelnými (money, water...):
Počitatelné | Nepočitatelné |
many | much |
a lot of | a lot of |
few | little |
Základní použití ve větách:
Kladná | Záporná/otázka |
(many) | many |
a lot of | (a lot of) |
much | much |
V závorkách jsou výrazy, které jsou v daném typu věty o něco méně běžné.
Základní použití podle kontextu:
Pozitivní | Negativní |
a few | few |
a little | little |
Lee is quite fit now. He spends a lot of time at the gym.
Kladná věta: |
a lot of time
much time |
Pokročilejší gramatika:
It's too much.
It isn't too much.
Is it too much?
many of the apples
much of this water
Thank you very much.
He's much better.
He runs a lot faster.
Unfortunately, only a few apples are left.
Když je něčeho příliš, použijeme TOO MANY a TOO MUCH. TOO MANY/TOO MUCH můžeme dát do všech typů vět (= i do kladné oznamovací):
Don't you know eating too many bonbons (= an excessive amount of bonbons) is unhealthy?
Lucy needs a bigger closet. She has too many sweaters (= more sweaters than she could fit into the closet).
I don't like to carry too much cash on me.
This spaghetti has too much salt in it.
Pokud chceme zdůraznit, že je něčeho velké množství, použijeme SO MANY a SO MUCH. TOO MANY/TOO MUCH můžeme dát do všech typů vět:
I'm so sorry. I'm making so many mistakes (= a very large number of mistakes).
Why did you contact her after so many years (= a very large number of years)?
It's incredible. Nick has lost so much weight (= a very large amount of weight)!
How is it possible she still has so much energy?
Lze také použít AS MANY... AS, AS MUCH... AS (tolik... jako):
You're making as many mistakes as me.
Nick has lost almost as much weight as you.
There's too much sugar in the coffee. Why did you put so much in it?
Všechny typy vět: |
too much sugar
so much sugar
You can eat as many doughnuts as you want!
Všechny typy vět: |
Eat as many doughnuts as you want!
Drink as much coke as you want!
Pokud je MANY/MUCH před THE, THIS, THEM, THEIR..., musíme přidat OF:
Many of the apples were rotten.
These phones are very expensive, many of them are over 1000 dollars.
How much of this sugar will you need for the cake?
Much of their advice wasn't helpful.
Many of the flights have been cancelled because of bad weather.
many of the flights
many flights
many the flights |
I don't want to spend much of my money on a new car.
much of my money
much money
much my money |
Ke slovesu (thank, eat, love...) se vztahují MUCH, VERY MUCH, SO MUCH a hovorovější A LOT:
VERY MUCH, SO MUCH a A LOT lze použít v jakémkoliv typu vět (= i v kladné oznamovací):
Simon cares very much about his family.
They don't like fruit very much.
Why do you hate running so much?
Thank you very much! I appreciate your help so much.
Have you seen Erika a lot this year? – Yes, quite a lot.
MUCH použijeme obvykle pouze v záporné větě nebo otázce:
I didn't catch much of his speech.
Did you catch much of his speech?
Nikoliv: I caught much...
I'd like to thank you so much for all your comments.
Kladná věta: |
I'd like to thank you so much.
I'd like to thank you very much.
I'd like to thank you much. |
When Daniel finished university, he started travelling a lot.
Kladná věta: |
He travelled a lot.
He travelled much. |
V neformální angličtině se MUCH někdy používá s významem VERY OFTEN/FREQUENTLY:
Do you see Caleb much? (= very often)
We don't see each other much. (= very frequently)
Since I moved away from my parents, I haven't seen my dog much.
I haven't seen him much.
I haven't seen him very often.
K přídavnému jménu/příslovci ve druhém stupni (better, more, younger...) se vztahuje MUCH, SO MUCH a A LOT:
I feel a lot better now that I rested a bit.
The second movie was so much worse than the first one.
Patrick reckons your job isn't much more difficult than mine.
Are you much younger than your brother?
Všimněte si, že takové použití je možné ve všech typech vět.
Did you have to wait much longer than you expected? – Yes, so much longer.
Všechny typy vět: |
much longer
so much longer
a lot longer
Obecně platí, že FEW/LITTLE (málo) má negativní význam, zatímco A FEW/A LITTLE (pár; několik; trochu) má pozitivní význam:
Negativní | Pozitivní |
I have bad news. There are few apples. (= not as many as we would need)
I have good news. There are a few apples. (= some apples)
The shop isn't doing well. We've made little money.
The shop is doing well. We've made a little money.
ONLY A FEW a ONLY A LITTLE používáme spíše v negativním kontextu:
There are only a few apples on the tree. That won't be enough for the pie.
We'll have to close the shop down. We've made only a little money.
Unfortunately, only a few girls could play, so we had to postpone the match.
Negativní: |
only a few girls
few girls
Much, many, a lot – nejdůležitější body:
many of the apples
Thank you very much.
He's much better.
Unfortunately, only a few apples are left.
Doporučujeme si procvičit MUCH, MANY, A LOT... v našich cvičeních.
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