Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na nejpoužívanější ustálená spojení předložek s podstatnými jmény, např. LOVE FOR (láska k), ANSWER TO (odpověď na) nebo FEAR OF (strach z).
Předložky s podstatnými jmény – procvičování:
Další podobné lekce:
I grew up on a farm. I've always had a great love for horses.
Láska k: |
love for horses
Strach z: |
fear of horses
Podstatná jména se často používají s předložkami:
Po podstatném jménu s předložkou LOVE FOR, ANSWER TO, FEAR OF... můžeme použít podstatné jméno/zájmeno:
I have love for horses.
I have love for them.
Po podstatném jménu s předložkou můžeme také někdy použít sloveso s ING:
I have love for riding horses.
He has fear of falling.
Nikoliv: love for ride, love for to ride
The advantage of buying tickets in advance is that you can save a lot of money.
The advantage of buy buying tickets... |
Vazby s FOR:
a demand for phones | poptávka po telefonech |
a need for more profit | potřeba většího zisku |
a cause for celebrating | důvod k oslavě |
a reason for spending (money) | důvod k utrácení (peněz) |
responsibility for delivering | zodpovědnost za dodání |
You'll have responsibility for all foreign orders.
Odpovědnost za: |
You'll have responsibility for them all.
The demand for e-bikes continues to grow.
Poptávka po: |
The demand of for them grows.
It looks like you're in real need for winter clothes!
Potřeba (něčeho): |
You're in need for clothes!
I'm sure Patrick had a good reason for not coming. Maybe his car broke down.
Důvod k (něčemu): |
He had a reason for not coming.
Další vazby s FOR:
an ad/a commercial for a product | inzerát/reklama na výrobek |
a cure/medicine/treatment for an illness | lék na nemoc/léčba nemoci |
a voucher/cheque for 100 pounds | poukaz/šek na 100 liber |
a talent for acting | talent pro herectví |
love/hatred/admiration for a man | láska/nenávist/obdiv k muži |
desire for adventure | touha po dobrodružství |
a present for birthday/Christmas | dárek k narozeninám/Vánocům |
Fortunately, there's a new cure for this disease.
Lék na (nemoc): |
There's a cure for it.
Grandpa gave me a voucher for 300 dollars for my birthday.
Finanční částka: |
a voucher for 300 dollars
(Dárek) k něčemu: |
for my birthday
Simon has love for dogs, but he's never liked cats too much.
love for dogs
hatred for cats
admiration for a friend
Vazby s OF:
a habit of getting up early | zvyk vstávat brzy |
a photo/picture/map/drawing of a place | fotka/obrázek/mapa/kresba místa |
an impression of a city | dojem z města |
knowledge of Spanish | znalost španělštiny |
fear of snakes | strach z hadů |
an example of a mistake | příklad chyby |
a method of research | metoda výzkumu |
My husband has a bad habit of losing keys.
Mít ve zvyku (něco): |
He has a habit of losing them.
What's your first impression of New York?
What's your impression from of it?
John could help us. He has a decent knowledge of Japanese.
Mít znalost (něčeho): |
He has knowledge of it.
Další vazby s OF:
an advantage of flying | výhoda/nevýhoda létání |
a disadvantage of flying | |
need of money | nedostatek peněz |
a cause of fire | příčina ohně |
Porovnejte použití různých předložek:
have an advantage of flying | mít výhodu z létání |
there's an advantage in/to flying | je výhoda v létání |
need of money | nedostatek peněz |
need for money | potřeba peněz |
a cause of fire | příčina ohně |
a cause for a party | důvod k oslavě |
The police don't know what the cause of the explosion was.
Příčina (něčeho): |
They don't know the cause of it.
Peter's promotion is a great cause for celebration tonight.
Důvod pro (něco): |
It's a cause for celebration.
There are many advantages to living in Sydney, such as amazing weather and nice beaches.
There are advantages to living there.
There are advantages in living there.
We have an advantage of living there.
Vazby s TO:
an answer to a question | odpověď na otázku |
a reply to an invitation | odpověď na pozvání |
a solution to a problem | řešení problému |
an attitude to/towards working | přístup k práci |
a reaction to medications | reakce na léky |
a key/access/an entrance to a room | klíč/přístup/vstup k pokoji |
an invitation to a wedding | pozvání na svatbu |
an addiction to drugs | závislost na drogách |
damage to the car | škoda na autě; poškození auta |
We've received an invitation to Ellen's wedding. Have you seen it?
We've received an invitation for to it.
The hotel offers unlimited access to the gym and a large swimming pool.
access to the gym
a key to the room
an entrance to the hotel
I can't give you an answer to that question yet.
an answer to a question
an answer of |
an answer for |
You have such an addiction to chocolate!
an addiction to chocolate
an addiction to smoking
an addiction to drugs
Sun can cause real damage to our skin, so we should protect it from it.
It causes damage on to it.
Se vztahovými slovíčky (connection, contact...) používáme běžně WITH. Pokud se ale jedná o vztah mezi dvěma věcmi/osobami, použijeme BETWEEN:
connection with reality | spojení s realitou |
contact with the locals | kontakt s místním lidmi |
friendship between you and I | přátelství mezi mnou a tebou |
a relationship between two actors | vztah dvou herců/mezi dvěma herci |
the difference between two sisters | rozdíl mezi dvěma sestrami |
My friendship with Frank goes back over fifty years.
Vztah s někým: |
the friendship to with Frank
What are the main differences between American and British English?
Vztah mezi dvěma: |
the differences of between American and British English
Doporučujeme si procvičit předložky s podstatnými jmény (prepositions with nouns) v našich cvičeních.
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