Další způsoby vyjádření budoucnosti – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme k budoucímu času ještě další lekce:
I'm about to call a cab. My train is due to leave at 3 pm.
Mluvíme o budoucnosti: |
I'm about to call a cab.
The train is due to leave at 3 pm.
The train is bound to be delayed.
Budoucnost můžeme vyjádřit pomocí vazby se slovesem BE:
I'm about to leave.
I'm on the verge of leaving.
I'm on the point of leaving.
I'm on the brink of leaving.
I'm due to arrive at 7:30.
I'm sure to arrive soon.
I'm bound to arrive soon.
I'm set to leave now.
Budoucí plán nebo úmysl vyjadřujeme také pomocí sloves WANT, INTEND, PLAN, AGREE...:
I want to leave soon.
I intend to leave soon.
BE ABOUT TO + infinitiv:
We're about to head to the festival.
Zrovna budeme vyrážet na festival. |
Get your parachutes ready. You're about to jump out of the plane.
Připravte si padáky. Za chvilku budete skákat z letadla. |
Hurry up! The coach is about to leave!
Pospěšte si! Autobus bude za chvíli odjíždět! |
BE ABOUT TO lze často nahradit vazbou BE GOING TO. Vazby se liší především v tom, že BE ABOUT TO zdůrazňuje více bezprostřednost děje.
Please fasten your seatbelts. We're about to start landing.
Blízká budoucnost: |
We're about to start landing.
We're going to start landing shortly.
BE ON THE VERGE OF + ING nebo podstatné jméno:
Their economy is on the verge of collapsing.
Jejich ekonomika je na pokraji zhroucení. |
Their economy is on the verge of a collapse.
I'm on the verge of signing the contract.
Jsem těsně před podpisem smlouvy. |
He looks like he's on the verge of bursting into tears.
Vypadá, jako by se měl každou chvíli rozplakat. |
Nikoliv: on the verge to collapse, on the verge to sign
Erin's liver is on the verge of shutting down completely. She has no other choice but do the surgery.
Velmi blízká budoucnost: |
It's on the verge of shutting down.
It's about to shut down.
BE ON THE POINT OF + ING/podstatné jméno:
The fish is on the point of dying out.
Ryba je na pokraji vyhynutí. |
The fish is on the point of extinction.
The police are on the point of solving the case.
Policie je těsně před vyřešením případu. |
Ben's getting desperate. He's on the point of taking the computer to the experts to sort it out.
He's on the point to take of taking it to the experts.
BE ON THE BRINK OF + ING/podstatné jméno:
He's on the brink of making a discovery.
Je velmi blízko objevu. |
He's on the point of a discovery.
They're on the brink of a disaster.
Jsou na pokraji katastrofy. |
BE ON THE BRINK OF se často použije pro něco důležitého (a discovery) nebo špatného (a disaster).
I'm finally on the brink of a scientific breakthrough. I might change the course of history.
I'm on the brink of a breakthrough.
We're on the brink of bankruptcy.
They're on the brink of a crisis.
Do you happen to know what time the visitors are due to arrive?
Nevíte náhodou, v kolik hodin mají návštěvníci přijet? |
The train is due to be in Berlin at 11:15, but it'll be most likely delayed.
Vlak má do Berlína přijet v 11:15, nejspíš ale bude mít zpoždění. |
Are you due to hand in this homework on Monday?
Plánované v určitém čase: |
Are you due to hand it in on Monday?
Are you due to send it tomorrow?
It's bound to happen sooner or later, everybody is expecting it.
Dříve nebo později na to dojde, všichni s tím počítají. |
Our team is bound to win. I have no doubt at all.
Náš tým určitě vyhraje. Vůbec o tom nepochybuji. |
If I work hard, I'm sure to be rewarded.
Když budu tvrdě pracovat, jistě budu odměněn. |
We're sure to remember that.
Určitě si to budeme pamatovat. |
No matter how careful you are, mistakes are bound to happen.
Velmi pravděpodobně se stane: |
They're bound to happen.
They're sure to happen.
The painting is set to be auctioned in New York.
Obraz půjde na dražbu v New Yorku. |
All these historic buildings are set to be demolished.
Všechny tyto historické budovy mají být zbourány. |
The trial is set to start on Friday. However, the judge may postpone it thanks to the renewed investigation.
It's set to start on Friday.
It's ready to start on Friday.
Pokud chceme vyjádřit budoucí úmysl nebo plán, používáme následující slovesa:
mít v úmyslu; chtít |
souhlasit |
slíbit |
zaručit |
pevně se rozhodnout; odhodlat se |
pustit se do; zavázat se |
MEAN, AGREE, PROMISE... používáme s TO infinitivem a obvykle v prostém čase:
What do you mean to do next?
We agree to play from noon.
I promise not to be late.
He resolves to shave his beard.
She undertakes to prepare me for the exams.
Další slovesa vyjadřující úmysl nebo plán:
zamýšlet; plánovat |
chtít |
zamýšlet; chtít |
očekávat; předpokládat |
doufat |
snažit se; usilovat |
navrhnout |
The government plans to create new jobs.
Do you want me to take you shopping?
We don't intend to fly to Asia this year.
The captain expects to be landing soon.
They hope to visit us in the summer.
Sam aims to get married by 35.
He proposes to reduce the income tax.
U těchto sloves lze také někdy použít průběhovou formu (I'm planning to, I'm aiming to...).
I don't want to argue anymore. Let's just agree to disagree.
Let's agree disagree to disagree.
How exactly do you propose to complete the project in such a short time? The deadline is in three days!
propose competing to complete it
intend doing to do it
plan accomplishing to accomplish it
We're expecting to be landing at London Heathrow in an hour's time.
We're expecting to be landing... |
We expect to be landing... |
They're not only looking to (= planning to) make money.
Judith is looking to (= wants to/intends to) invest in our company.
The couple are looking to move into the new home as early as June.
They're looking to move in.
They're planning to move in.
They're intending to move in.
BE ABOUT TO, BE DUE, WANT... můžeme použít, i když vyjadřujeme budoucnost v minulosti:
I was about to back out of the driveway when I noticed the kitten.
Už jsem chtěla vycouvat z příjezdové cesty, když jsem si všimla toho kotěte. |
They were due to deliver the package earlier today.
Balíček měli doručit ještě dnes. |
Amy wanted to go for a swim, but the pool was closed.
Amy si chtěla jít zaplavat, ale bazén byl zavřený. |
Použití BE ABOUT TO, BE DUE, WANT... v minulém čase obvykle znamená, že se děj nakonec neodehrál (I was about to back out. = I didn't back out.).
Více o budoucnosti v minulosti v samostatné lekci.
Christine was on the verge of calling a doctor when George suddenly got better.
Nestalo se: |
She was on the verge of calling him.
She was about to call him.
I intended to get up at seven, but I forgot to set my alarm and woke up late.
Nestalo se: |
I intended to get up early.
I meant to get up early.
I planned to get up early.
Další způsoby vyjádření budoucnosti – nejdůležitější body:
I'm about to leave.
I'm on the verge of leaving.
I'm on the point of leaving.
I'm on the brink of leaving.
I'm due to arrive at 7:30.
I'm sure to arrive soon.
I'm bound to arrive soon.
I'm set to leave now.
I want to leave soon.
I intend to leave soon.
Doporučujeme si procvičit další způsoby vyjádření budoucnosti (other ways to express future) v našich cvičeních.
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