There is, there are – procvičování:
Tato lekce se zabývá úplnými základy. Další informace najdete v pokročilejší lekci: There is, there are (A1)
Look, there is a cat on the tree! = Podívej, na stromě je kočka!
There is a cat on the tree!
There is a bike in the garage.
There is a house.
Pomocí vazby THERE IS/THERE ARE vyjadřujeme, že se něco nachází někde nebo existuje.
THERE IS je jednotné číslo:
There is a dog in the garden.
Na zahradě je pes. |
There is a new hotel in our city.
V našem městě je nový hotel. |
THERE ARE je množné číslo:
There are two dogs in the garden.
Na zahradě jsou dva psi. |
There are two new hotels in our city.
V našem městě jsou dva nové hotely. |
Všimněte si, že místo je na konci věty:
There is a dog in the garden.
There is a new hotel in our city.
There is an ATM on this street. = Na této ulici je bankomat.
There is an ATM on this street.
On this street is an ATM. |
There is a mosquito on your leg! = Na noze máš komára!
There is a mosquito on your leg!
Is a mosquito on your leg! |
There are many nice places in Sydney. = V Sydney je mnoho pěkných míst.
There are nice places.
There is a nice place.
V minulém čase používáme THERE WAS, THERE WERE:
There was a concert in the square.
Na náměstí byl koncert. |
There were many people at the concert.
Na koncertě bylo hodně lidí. |
There was a problem with the key in our room. = V našem pokoji byl problém s klíčem.
Přítomný: |
There is a problem.
Minulý: |
There was a problem.
There were empty seats on our flight. = Na našem letu byla volná místa.
Přítomný: |
There are empty seats.
Minulý: |
There were empty seats.
V budoucím čase používáme THERE WILL BE:
There will be a concert in the square.
Na náměstí bude koncert. |
There will be many people at the concert.
Na koncertě bude hodně lidí. |
There will be a big storm tomorrow. = Zítra bude velká bouřka.
Přítomný: |
There is a storm.
Budoucí: |
There will be a storm.
There will be a birthday party on Friday. = V pátek bude narozeninová oslava.
There will be a party.
Will be a party. |
V otázce je sloveso (is, are, was...) na začátku věty:
There is... | Is there...? |
There are... | Are there...? |
There was... | Was there...? |
There will be... | Will there be...? |
Is there milk in the fridge? = Je v lednici mléko?
There is milk.
Is there milk?
Excuse me, are there toilets here? = Promiňte, jsou tady záchody?
There are toilets.
Are there toilets?
Zápor tvoříme přidáním NOT nebo N'T ke slovesu:
There is not... | There isn't... |
There are not... | There aren't... |
There was not... | There wasn't... |
There will not be... | There won't be... |
There isn't a supermarket in this village. = V této vesnici není supermarket.
Je: |
There is a supermarket.
Není: |
There isn't a supermarket.
There won't be many tourists on this island. = Na tomto ostrově nebude moc turistů.
Budou: |
There will be tourists.
Nebudou: |
There won't be tourists.
There is a plane in the sky. = Na nebi je letadlo.
There is a plane in the sky.
In the sky is a plane. |
Are there restaurants near the hotel? = Jsou poblíž hotelu restaurace?
Are there restaurants...? |
Are restaurants...? |
There is a small table in my room. = V mém pokoji mám malý stůl.
There is a table in my room.
In my room is a table. |
There are apples on the table. = Na stole jsou jablka.
There are apples.
There is an apple.
There is a woman at the station. = Na nádraží je žena.
There is a woman at the station.
At the station is a woman. |
Is there a hospital in this town? = Je v tomto městě nemocnice?
Is there a hospital?
Is a hospital? |
THERE IS, THERE ARE – shrnutí a tip na závěr:
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