There is, there are (A0)

Hlavní přehled

There is, there are – procvičování:

Tato lekce se zabývá úplnými základy. Další informace najdete v pokročilejší lekci: There is, there are (A1)

Look, there is a cat on the tree! = Podívej, na stromě je kočka!

There is a cat on the tree!
There is a bike in the garage.
There is a house.
Podívej, na stromě je kočka!
Look, there is a cat on the tree!

Pomocí vazby THERE IS/THERE ARE vyjadřujeme, že se něco nachází někde nebo existuje.

THERE IS je jednotné číslo:

There is a dog in the garden.
Na zahradě je pes.
There is a new hotel in our city.
V našem městě je nový hotel.

THERE ARE je množné číslo:

There are two dogs in the garden.
Na zahradě jsou dva psi.
There are two new hotels in our city.
V našem městě jsou dva nové hotely.

Všimněte si, že místo je na konci věty:

There is a dog in the garden.
There is a new hotel in our city.

There is an ATM on this street. = Na této ulici je bankomat.

There is an ATM on this street.
On this street is an ATM.
Na této ulici je bankomat.
There is an ATM on this street.

There is a mosquito on your leg! = Na noze máš komára!

There is a mosquito on your leg!
Is a mosquito on your leg!
Na noze máš komára!
There is a mosquito on your leg!

There are many nice places in Sydney. = V Sydney je mnoho pěkných míst.

There are nice places.
There is a nice place.
V Sydney je mnoho pěkných míst.
There are many nice places in Sydney.

V minulém čase používáme THERE WAS, THERE WERE:

There was a concert in the square.
Na náměstí byl koncert.
There were many people at the concert.
Na koncertě bylo hodně lidí.

There was a problem with the key in our room. = V našem pokoji byl problém s klíčem.

There is a problem.
There was a problem.
V našem pokoji byl problém s klíčem.
There was a problem with the key in our room.

There were empty seats on our flight. = Na našem letu byla volná místa.

There are empty seats.
There were empty seats.
Na našem letu byla volná místa.
There were empty seats on our flight.

V budoucím čase používáme THERE WILL BE:

There will be a concert in the square.
Na náměstí bude koncert.
There will be many people at the concert.
Na koncertě bude hodně lidí.

There will be a big storm tomorrow. = Zítra bude velká bouřka.

There is a storm.
There will be a storm.
Zítra bude velká bouřka.
There will be a big storm tomorrow.

There will be a birthday party on Friday. = V pátek bude narozeninová oslava.

There will be a party.
Will be a party.
V pátek bude narozeninová oslava.
There will be a birthday party on Friday.

V otázce je sloveso (is, are, was...) na začátku věty:

There is... Is there...?
There are... Are there...?
There was... Was there...?
There will be... Will there be...?

Is there milk in the fridge? = Je v lednici mléko?

There is milk.
Is there milk?
Je v lednici mléko?
Is there milk in the fridge?

Excuse me, are there toilets here? = Promiňte, jsou tady záchody?

There are toilets.
Are there toilets?
Promiňte, jsou tady záchody?
Excuse me, are there toilets here?

Zápor tvoříme přidáním NOT nebo N'T ke slovesu:

There is not... There isn't...
There are not... There aren't...
There was not... There wasn't...
There will not be... There won't be...

There isn't a supermarket in this village. = V této vesnici není supermarket.

There is a supermarket.
There isn't a supermarket.
V této vesnici není supermarket.
There isn't a supermarket in this village.

There won't be many tourists on this island. = Na tomto ostrově nebude moc turistů.

There will be tourists.
There won't be tourists.
Na tomto ostrově nebude moc turistů.
There won't be many tourists on this island.
THERE IS, THERE ARE v praktických situacích:

There is a plane in the sky. = Na nebi je letadlo.

There is a plane in the sky.
In the sky is a plane.
Na nebi je letadlo.
There is a plane in the sky.

Are there restaurants near the hotel? = Jsou poblíž hotelu restaurace?

Are there restaurants...?
Are restaurants...?
Jsou poblíž hotelu restaurace?
Are there restaurants near the hotel?

There is a small table in my room. = V mém pokoji mám malý stůl.

There is a table in my room.
In my room is a table.
V mém pokoji mám malý stůl.
There is a small table in my room.

There are apples on the table. = Na stole jsou jablka.

There are apples.
There is an apple.
Na stole jsou jablka.
There are apples on the table.

There is a woman at the station. = Na nádraží je žena.

There is a woman at the station.
At the station is a woman.
Na nádraží je žena.
There is a woman at the station.

Is there a hospital in this town? = Je v tomto městě nemocnice?

Is there a hospital?
Is a hospital?
Je v tomto městě nemocnice?
Is there a hospital in this town?

THERE IS, THERE ARE – shrnutí a tip na závěr: