Na Landigo si dnes vysvětlíme rozdíly mezi AT THE END a IN THE END a také mezi jejich protiklady AT THE BEGINNING a AT FIRST.
At the end, in the end – procvičování:
I will come at the end of June.
Přijedu na konci června. |
In the end, I won't come.
Nakonec nepřijedu. |
In the end, we will leave at the end of this week. = Nakonec odjedeme koncem tohoto týdne.
Nakonec: |
in the end
Na konci (něčeho): |
at the end of this week
AT THE END znamená na konci (něčeho), často se používá s OF:
at the end of the month
na konci měsíce |
at the end of the year
na konci roku |
at the end of the story
na konci příběhu |
at the end of the festival
na konci festivalu |
Nikoliv: in the end of...
Are you going to Bali at the end of January? = Pojedeš koncem ledna na Bali?
Na konci něčeho: |
in at the end of January
We're moving out at the end of the year. = Na konci roku se stěhujeme.
Na konci něčeho: |
in at the end of the year
The reception is at the end of the hallway. = Recepce je na konci chodby.
at the end of the hallway
Opakem AT THE END (na konci) je obvykle AT THE BEGINNING (na začátku):
Julia started working out at the beginning of the summer. = Julie začala cvičit na začátku léta.
Na začátku něčeho: |
at the beginning of the summer
Na konci něčeho: |
at the end of the summer
IN THE END znamená nakonec (= ve výsledku nebo důsledku):
In the end, I had a good time.
Nakonec jsem se dobře bavil. |
Nikoliv: At the end, I...
IN THE END má podobný význam jako FINALLY, AT LAST nebo EVENTUALLY.
IN THE END je běžně na začátku nebo na konci věty:
In the end, he took a bus.
Nakonec jel autobusem. |
He took a bus in the end.
I had a lot of problems with the car. In the end, I sold it. = S autem jsem měla spoustu problémů. Nakonec jsem ho prodala.
Nakonec: |
In the end, I sold it.
Finally, I sold it.
Eventually, I sold it.
Nick picked a black tie in the end. = Nick si nakonec vybral černou kravatu.
He picked a black tie in the end.
In the end, he picked a black tie.
In the end, we decided not to rent it. = Nakonec jsme se rozhodli, že si ho nepronajmeme.
Nakonec: | At In the end, we decided... |
Opakem IN THE END (nakonec) je obvykle AT FIRST (zpočátku; ze začátku):
In the end, I enjoyed it.
Nakonec mě to bavilo. |
At first, I didn't enjoy it.
Zpočátku mě to nebavilo. |
At first Ellen didn't like Jeremy, but in the end she fell in love with him. = Ellen zpočátku Jeremyho neměla ráda, ale nakonec se do něj zamilovala.
Zpočátku: |
At first she didn't like him.
Nakonec: |
In the end she fell in love with him.
The job was difficult at first, but in the end I got used to it. = Práce byla zpočátku obtížná, ale nakonec jsem si na ni zvykla.
Zpočátku: |
At first it was difficult.
Nakonec: |
In the end I got used to it.
AT THE END, IN THE END – shrnutí a tip na závěr:
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