You do look amazing in that new bikini!
You do look amazing!
You really look amazing!
Pokud chceme zdůraznit děj, můžeme často použít DO/DOES/DID + infinitiv (own, work, get...):
I didn't believe that he had a Porsche, but he does own it (= it's true that he owns it).
He did work (= He actually worked) as a professional football player.
Do get to know him (= You really should get to know him), he's a nice guy.
Zdůraznění pomocí DO/DOES/DID se týká:
Mluvená angličtina a překlad zdůrazněných vět:
I do think we should go by train. It's much more comfortable.
I do think... |
I really think... |
I truly think... |
You didn't buy me a coffee, did you? – We did buy it, there you go!
We did buy it.
Actually, we bought it.
Klasické nezdůrazněné věty:
Přítomný čas | Minulý čas |
He plays soccer.
He played soccer.
Does he play soccer?
Did he play soccer?
He doesn't play soccer.
He didn't play soccer.
Pomocí DO v kladných oznamovacích větách vyjadřujeme, že něco opravdu platí (= silné přesvědčení). Porovnejte:
Nezdůrazněná věta | Zdůrazněná věta |
He plays.
He does play.
He played.
He did play.
Nikoliv: He does PLAYS.; He did PLAYED.
Harry never takes Dexter for a walk. – That's not true, he does take him out!
He does take him out!
On the contrary, he actually takes him out!
Although it may not always be obvious, they do love each other very much.
They do love each other.
They truly love each other.
Děj v přítomném prostém čase zdůrazníme přidáním DO/DOES před infinitiv:
We do enjoy travelling together. (= We really enjoy...)
If you do follow your heart, I don't think you can go wrong. (= If you truly follow...)
Look at Arnold's muscles, he does work out a lot. (= He indeed works out...)
I thought Erica was just making it up, but she does have a Ph.D.
She does have it.
She really has it.
You don't eat meat, do you? – I do eat meat! I can't even imagine being a vegetarian.
I do eat it.
Actually, I eat it.
Děj v minulém prostém čase zdůrazníme přidáním DID před infinitiv:
I did study for the exam. However, it was harder than I expected. (= I truly studied...)
When Robert was your age, he did chase girls as much as you do now. (= He indeed chased...)
Why didn't you reply to my email? – I did reply. Look, it's in your spam box.
I did reply.
In fact, I replied.
Actually, I replied.
We did tell them to take a taxi to the airport, but they didn't listen and missed the plane.
We did tell them... |
We really told them... |
Věty s významovým slovesem DO (dělat) mají tvary DO DO/DOES DO/DID DO:
Do do it before the end of the week.
Rozhodně to udělejte do konce týdne. |
It seems like my boyfriend does do well with kids.
Zdá se, že můj přítel to s dětmi opravdu umí. |
Ashley did do a great job, but unfortunately after the deadline.
Ashley opravdu odvedla skvělou práci, ale bohužel až po uzávěrce. |
Do you really drink this tea every morning? – Yes, I do do that.
I do do that.
I really do that.
Pomocí DO můžeme zdůraznit rozkazovací věty (rozkazy, žádosti apod.):
Do be careful when you climb up the mountain.
Při výstupu na horu si dávejte velký pozor. |
Do hurry up, otherwise you will miss the bus.
Pospěš si, nebo zmeškáš autobus. |
Do help yourselves to another dessert.
Dejte si další zákusek. |
Do sing for us, Peter! Everybody's waiting for it.
Zazpívej nám, Petře! Všichni na to čekají. |
Toto použití DO je v současné angličtině poměrně formální a zastaralé.
Zdůraznění pomocí DO/DOES/DID nelze použít se slovesy typu BE, CAN, MUST. U těchto sloves přidáme důraz jejich silným vyslovením:
I AM looking forward to it. (= I am really...)
He HAS been trying hard. (= He truly has been...)
We CAN help you. (= We definitely can...)
You MUST let me know soon.
You SHOULD buy these jeans.
Well done! I can see your English has improved a lot.
It has improved.
It does have improved. |
Zdůraznění pomocí slovesa DO (emphatic DO) – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr:
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