Between, among, in the middle of (B1)

Prepositions (380)


Hlavní přehled

Between, among, in the middle of – procvičování:

Prague remains very popular among tourists.

Mezi více než dvěma:
among tourists
Praha je mezi turisty stále velmi oblíbená.
Prague remains very popular among tourists.

Pokud chceme vyjádřit mezi nebo uprostřed, použijeme předložky (prepositions) BETWEEN, AMONG a IN THE MIDDLE OF:

I can't choose between steak and pasta.
Nemůžu si vybrat mezi steakem a těstovinami.
They talked about it among themselves.
Mluvili o tom mezi sebou.
The cat woke me up in the middle of the night.
Kočka mě vzbudila uprostřed noci.

Obecně platí:

mezi dvěma kamarády
between two friends
houpací síť mezi dvěma stromy
a hammock between two trees
mezi mnoha kamarády
among many friends
ostrov uprostřed moře
an island in the middle of the sea
BETWEEN = mezi dvěma

BETWEEN použijeme s dvěma věcmi, osobami, časovými body apod.:

What are the main differences between American and British English?
Let's sit between Erica and John.
We'll arrive between 9 and 10 o'clock.

There's a kitten between two branches. Can you see it?

Mezi dvěma:
between two branches
Mezi dvěma větvemi je kotě. Vidíte ho?
There's a kitten between two branches. Can you see it?

Check-in is possible between 1 pm and 5 pm.

Mezi dvěma:
among between 1 pm and 5 pm
Ubytování je možné mezi jednou a pátou hodinou odpoledne.
Check-in is possible between 1 pm and 5 pm.

BETWEEN použijeme také s dvěma nebo více věcmi, pokud je jednotlivě jmenujeme:

You can choose between beef, lamb, and veggie burgers.
The Czech Republic lies between Austria, Germany, Poland, and Slovakia.

Are you deciding between the blue, the green, and the pink bikinis?

Věci jednotlivě jmenujeme:
among between the blue, the green, and the pink bikinis
Rozhoduješ se mezi modrými, zelenými a růžovými bikinami?
Are you deciding between the blue, the green, and the pink bikinis?

The race was between Jenny, Lucy, and me.

Osoby jednotlivě jmenujeme:
among between Jenny, Lucy, and me
Závodily jsme Jenny, Lucy a já.
The race was between Jenny, Lucy, and me.
AMONG = mezi více než dvěma

AMONG použijeme, pokud mluvíme o alespoň třech věcech/osobách a jednotlivě je nejmenujeme:

Little Peter was hiding among the trees.
Do you see Hannah among all the girls?
This is a very common mistake among beginners.

Jonathan can't pick one among these dogs. They're all beautiful!

Více než dva jednotlivě nejmenujeme:
among these dogs
Více než dva jednotlivě jmenujeme:
between the brown, black, and white dogs
Jonathan si nemůže vybrat jednoho mezi těmito psy. Všichni jsou nádherní!
Jonathan can't pick one among these dogs. They're all beautiful!

AMONG použijeme, když mluvíme o nějaké skupině lidí nebo členech nějaké skupiny (family, staff, neighbours...):

v mé třídě angličtiny
among my English class
ve fotbalovém týmu
among the football team
v davu
among the crowd
mezi novými zaměstnanci
among the new staff

We're very close among our extended family.

among our family
V naší širší rodině máme k sobě velmi blízko.
We're very close among our extended family.

AMONG použijeme ve vazbě AMONG OTHER THINGS:

Among other things, I should go to the embassy tomorrow.
Mimo jiné bych měl zítra zajít na velvyslanectví.

Among other things, you still have to pack for your trip.

Among other things, you have to...
As well as other things, you have to...
Mimo jiné si musíš ještě zabalit na výlet.
Among other things, you still have to pack for your trip.

Místo AMONG můžeme použít formálnější AMONGST:

James lived amongst artists from an early age.
IN THE MIDDLE OF = uprostřed jedné věci
Did you fall asleep in the middle of the movie?
The car broke down in the middle of the road.
There's a statue in the middle of the square.

When I called Chris, he was in the middle of making dinner.

Uprostřed jedné věci:
in the middle of making dinner
Když jsem Chrisovi volala, byl zrovna uprostřed přípravy večeře.
When I called Chris, he was in the middle of making dinner.

The children love that campsite. It's set in the middle of the forest.

Uprostřed jedné věci:
between in the middle of the forest
Děti to tábořiště mají moc rády. Je uprostřed lesa.
The children love that campsite. It's set in the middle of the forest.

Between, among, in the middle of – nejdůležitější body:

Doporučujeme si procvičit BETWEEN, AMONG a IN THE MIDDLE OF v našich cvičeních.